3. Сөйлемді ілік септігіндегі зат есіммен толықтырыңыз: My brother is my ucl

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тест, П н А ылшын тілі М алім, П н А ылшын тілі М алім
Нұсқау: «Берілген 21-30 сұрақтарда бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауабы бар».

21. The Possessive case:

A) She’s a housewife.
B) My dad’s a teacher.
C) It’s fine.
D) My brother’s got many gift cards.
E) Sam’s car is nice.
F) Peter’s car is modern.
G) My neighbour’s at home.
H) He’s got a headache.

22. The correct comparatives:
A) more
B) much
C) loudder
D) busyer
E) beautifuller
F) least
G) badder
H) better

23. Letter “e” missing words:
A) reputation
B) percentage
C) motivation
D) hadmaster
E) research
F) kindrgarten
G) immediatly
H) mention

24. The synonyms of “clever”:
A) dull
B) smart
C) stupid
D) intelligent
E) good
F) lively
G) interesting
H) ignorant

25. The correct sentences:
A) Often to school our children go on foot.
B) Our children often on foot to school go.
C) Often our children to school go on foot.
D) Our children go to school often on foot.
E) Our children often go on foot to school.
F) Our children often go to school on foot.
G) Often our children go to school on foot.
H) Our children go to school on foot often.

26. Reported Speech:
A) Daniel said he is going to visit Astana tomorrow.
B) Daniel says he had been in Astana last year.
C) Daniel is saying he were in Astana last year.
D) Daniel said he had visited Astana the previous year.
E) Daniel said he is in Astana last year.
F) Daniel say he was in Astana the next year.
G) Daniel said he was going to visit Astana again.
H) Daniel said he would go to Astana the following year.

27. Find incorrect sentences:
A) Who of you can do it?
B) He couldn’t see anything.
C) We guess you shouldn’t worry about that.
D) Is there anyone in the room?
E) He didn’t see some things.
F) There was nothing to do there.
G) It’s her which helped you.
H) There weren’t some flowers there.

28. Choosing the correct answers.
Some pupils making noise at the lessons have been brought to the director by the teachers. Interrupting a lesson is forbidden in school. The teachers complained to the director.
What problems would you suggest for discussion at the director’s?
A) government policy
B) leading by the nose
C) being polite
D) doing best at lessons
E) breaking grandmother’s vase
F) misunderstanding neighbours
G) following school rules
H) missing disco clubs

29. Completing the sentence:
If Tom knew my address…
A) he will write to me
B) I would write to him
C) I write to him
D) he would write to me
E) I writes to him
F) he will write to him
G) he’d write to me
H) he’ll write to me

30. The appropriate variant with “mind”:
A) Would you … if I close the window?
B) Would you … me some money?
C) … your steps. The floor’s wet.
D) Thank you. I’ll never … it.
E) I would like to … a cup of tea.
F) Be …. The road is icy.
G) It’s OK. Never ….
H) Would you … him to open the window?

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