Қарсыбаева жұлдыз алпысқызы 1941-1945 жылдардағы Ұлы Отан соғысы кезеңіндегі Қазақстан тарихының тарихнамасы

SUMMARY Karsybayeva Zhuldyz Alpyskyzy Historiography of history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945 (1941 - 2010)

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Karsybayeva Zhuldyz Alpyskyzy
Historiography of history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945 (1941 - 2010)

A thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences, specialty 07.00.09 - Historiography, sources and methods of historical research

Relevance of the research topic. Studying the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 has not only enormous social, political and cultural significance, but also the relevance of this problem is determined by the need for proper accumulation of scientific knowledge. All-Union and Kazakhstany research centers created an extensive range of research on the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. Therefore, in our view, it is very necessary to prepare a historiographical framework for the establishment in the near future, the new military history and general historical research, continuing domestic traditions in study of Kazakhstany history during the Great Patriotic War. We believe that only the continuation of local traditions in historiography will ensure continuity in the study of the history of Kazakhstan in the severe years of World War II.

Investigation at the level of this historiographical problem would be, in our opinion, an attempt to make a modest contribution to the search for new models and approaches to studying the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War, as well as the history of historical science in Kazakhstan.

Object of the research are monographs, dissertations, research papers, reviews of historical works, fictions and publicism articles, published by Soviet and modern researchers on the study of the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War.

Subject of this research is the history of study of political, social economic and cultural development of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War, as well as the participation of Kazakhstan at the war fronts.

Objective of this thesis is to analyze the history of Soviet and Kazakh historiography that explores the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Achievement the objective includes the following tasks:

- to identify the main stages of development of historical research on the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War and to identify their main problems;

- to analyze the main results of Soviet historical research on the history of the Great Patriotic War, the history of the participation of Kazakhstan at the front, to determine the main results;

- to determine the range of unexplored problems in the history of studying the contribution of Kazakhstan at the front and rear of the Great Patriotic War;

- to examine contemporary works of modern Kazakh authos, special works, materials, periodicals, and memoirs of participants and men serving in rear in Kazakhstany history during the Great Patriotic War;

- based on the requirements of modern historical science to assess released in the period of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan historical works that examine various aspects of the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War;

- to develop conclusions and recommendations for the Study of World History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Methodological basis of the thesis is as common scientific (dialectical, logical, problematic), and special - the principle of historicism, historical, comparative, problem, chronological, method of periodization, etc.

Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that in Soviet and contemporary Kazakh historiography is the first special historiographical study of the whole complex of historical literature and sources on the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Chronological framework of the study covered the period of history of historical science since the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 to the present.

Territorial scope of the thesis covers the entire territory of Kazakhstan.

Provisions for the defense:

- present investigation is the first historiographical investigation on analysis of historical works and sources on the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in the national historiography;

- comprehensive analysis of the accumulated historical knowledge on the history of economic, social, political and cultural development of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War is conducted;

- firstly in the Kazakh historiography the works on the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War, published in the period of independence are examined;

- the attempt of scientifically periodization of studying the history of Kazakhstan in GPWII is undertaken;

- newly-introduced historical sources on the history of the republic into the scientific turn during GPWII are analized;

- the ways to further research and development of the problems in the history of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War at the national and regional levels are outlined.

Scientific and practical significance of the thesis lies in the fact that the conclusions and generalizations made in the work can be used to produce generalizing works on the history of historical knowledge of the Republic of Kazakhstan, World History, the study of modern and contemporary history of Kazakhstan, making recommendations to the patriotic education of youth.

Approbation of investigation results. Key provisions of the investigation were outlined in 8 articles of the author, 3 of them - in magazines, recommended CCSES MES RK for publication of scientific research results, and 5 - in statements at scientific conferences of international and national levels.

Structure of the thesis consists of definitions, abbreviations and designations, introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references and applications.

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