Бұл мақалада білім берудегі геймификация әдісінің тиімді жақтары қарастырылған. Геймификацияның тарихы және қолдануы сипатталады. Геймификацияны қолданудың артықшылығы мен тиімділі көрсетілген

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11 ктж , Зат алмасу, диплом

УДК 376
Ongarbay Bibikhatsha Aitzhanovna is a student of the group 1505-19A.
Research supervisor: Oralbekova A.K. - PhD, Acting Associate Professor
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Бұл мақалада білім берудегі геймификация әдісінің тиімді жақтары қарастырылған. Геймификацияның тарихы және қолдануы сипатталады. Геймификацияны қолданудың артықшылығы мен тиімділі көрсетілген.

В данной статье рассмотрены эффективные стороны метода геймификации в образовании. Описывается история геймификации и применение. Показаны преимущества и эффективность использования геймификации.

This article discusses the effective aspects of the gamification method in education. Describes the history of gamification and its application. The advantages and efficiency of using gamification are shown.

In some years, a process called "distance learning technology" has emerged in the learning process. At that time, distance learning was studied from several angles, and extensive articles and textbooks were published. The advantages of distance learning have been explored, and it has been argued that there are many benefits and that we are ready for that process. Modern telecommunications and electronic publications have allowed to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional form of education, while retaining all the values.

At a time when the world is in a state of pandemic, this notion has come to the fore. Thanks to the constructive policy in the field of education in the country, despite the obstacles, distance learning has found its way. However, in distance education there are difficulties in attracting and motivating students to study. It is true that scientists and teachers are responsible for filling this gap. Many years of research and pedagogical ideas, reflections, works and researches of various teachers and scientists came together here.
Popular types of teaching are formed in pedagogical practice. The most common of them are: lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tests, exams, etc. [1].
Currently, many types of games are used in the teaching of disciplines and courses. Among them in the modern educational space, the methods of "game" delivery are widely used. Gamification is a popular trend. Gamification is a variety of services and mobile applications that use the mechanics of the gaming industry for the purpose of attracting the public to their products, attraction and other purposes. Broadly speaking, "gamification" is a way for new people in the world to adapt to their new way of life. Engaging a person through play ensures competitiveness, efficiency, fun and attention. And attention has become one of the most expensive "values" today. It seems that the mechanisms of delivery through the game are hidden in various areas. For example, language learning applications on your mobile phone are based on the game.
The use of the method of "gamification" in the process of distance learning is effective and efficient. The use of gadgets in the teaching and development of courses and disciplines in the field of our education has not yet expanded. Today the world attaches great importance to human capital. It is true that today the development and prosperity of the state is measured not by mineral resources, but by the knowledge of people, the pace of science. Thus, motivation is needed to learn. Textbooks, endless exercises do not stimulate the desire to learn the subject, and game-based exercises are used to help.
Since the 1700s, the school has allowed students to collect grades to complete assignments and exams, which is a form of reward points. Since the early 1900s, psychoanalytic theory and reward management programs have been developed and can be seen in schools. For example, many teachers have created reward programs in their classrooms that allow students to find gifts for free time, textbooks, or homework or to follow class rules.
Training machines with gamification features were developed by cyberneticist Gordon Pask in 1956 after the patent for the "device to help the operator to master" [2].
The gameplay of learning is a new dimension for gameplay, new tools and new ways of connecting people, in line with recent developments and technological advances. The term gamification, which appeared in 2002, is not a one-dimensional reward system. On the contrary, it takes into account various complex factors that force a person to decide to do something; it is a multifaceted approach that takes into account psychology, design, strategy and technology [3].
One of the reasons for the popularity of the term "gamification" is that modern advances in technology, in particular mobile technology, have allowed the explosion of various gamification initiatives in many contexts.
It is difficult to determine when gamification in the strict sense of the term began to be used in education, but examples shared online by class teachers began to appear in 2010.
The main problems in modern education are related to the lack of activity and motivation of students to actively participate in the learning process. In this regard, teachers try to use new methods and techniques to stimulate students' activity and motivate them to participate in lessons. One possible solution is to reward through effort and results, which increases motivation for participation and activity. This solution is based on the use of game elements in the learning process.
Gamification is not directly related to knowledge and skills. Gamification affects students' behavior, commitment, and motivation, which can lead to improved knowledge and skills (W. Xin-Yuan Huang, D. Soman, 2013).
Development of an effective strategy for the implementation of gamification in e-learning involves an in-depth analysis of existing conditions and available software. E-learning is suitable for easy and effective integration of gamification. In the process of learning game techniques and mechanisms can be implemented as activities to achieve certain learning objectives, increase students' motivation to complete them and involve students in a friendly competitive environment with other students [4].
Gamification is an effective way to make positive changes in students' behavior and attitudes to learning, to improve their motivation and activity. The results of change are twofold - they can affect students' outcomes and comprehension of educational content and facilitate an effective learning process.


1. Retrieved from https://melimde.com/ashititan-oitu-gejmifikaciya-birer-jildari-ou-procesinde-ashit.html
2. Retrieved from https://en.vvikipedla.com/wiki/Gamification_of_learning
3. Kapp, Carl (2012). Game modification of teaching and instruction: game-based methods and strategies of teaching and education. Pfeiffer. ISBN 978-1118096345
4. Schultz, Rene; Isabwe, Gizlen Maurice; Reichert, Frank (August 2015). "Ethical issues of entertainment ICT tools for higher education." 2015 IEEE Conference on e-learning, e-governance and e-services (IC3e). Melaka, Malaysia: IEEE: 27–31. Doi: 10.1109 / IC3e.2015.7403481. ISBN 978-1-4673-9437-6.

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