Compulsory- обязательный As long as-пока, поскольку

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1)Compulsory- обязательный
2)As long as-пока, поскольку
3)Take something along- Взять что то с собой
6) persistent – настойчивый, стойкий
7) at last – наконец то So, here you are in New York at last.
8)anticipate – предугадывать, ожидать, прогнозировать
you said that you were anticipating buying another home in the near future. Are you intending to get a house?
9)on the outskirts of the city-на окраине города
10) suit-подойдет
The smaller houses are about 180 square metres , which suits you perfectly.
11) restriction-ограничение
12) prohibition-запрет
13) spouse-супруг, супруга
14) enrolled on-зачислен на
If you are enrolled on a course lasting more than six months and you do not have this stamp, speak to an adviser at your institution immediately.
15) authorities-власти, начальство
16) adjust-регулировать настраивать, подгонять
17) implement- осуществлять
оne of the ways we have achieved our high status is through implementing certain rules that you may not necessarily find in other centres of care.
18) susceptible-восприимчивый, чувствительный
Did you know that the majority of lethal viruses and bacteria are actually brought in by visitors? And sick people, of course, are very susceptible to such bugs.
19) patently-явно
One of London Zoo’s recent advertisements caused me some irritation, so patently did it distort reality.
21) get your stuff-собирай свои вещи
22) impending-предстоящий syn. Upcoming
To celebrate our impending win at Nationals, I got us all 13 tickets to Broadway’s longest-running show ever!
23) distinct –отчетливый
24) protruding-торчащий
25) tramp-бродяжничать
Workmen tramping through a field found a narrow steel chimney protruding through the grass.
26) inspection-осмотр
27) revealed-выявленный, обнаруженный
28) a pine-сосна
29) set smth into smth-установить что - то на свое место.
30) detect-обнаружить undetected-необнаруженный, незамеченный
31) burrow-нора, зарыться
32) tranquillity-cпокойствие
33) chic-шикарный, элегантный
34) respectively-соответственно
35) burden-ноша
It is obvious that 40% of the cost should become the burden of the respective person themselves.
36)amass-means to save or accumulate money
She has amassed a huge fortune from her books
37)To bum around-to spend time relaxing in a place instead of working

38)verge of-на грани

Now we are on the verge of losing the house

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