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Lisicina Grammatika angl azika
Lisicina Grammatika angl azika

Participle II: 

1. Как часто вам натирают 
(to polish) 
полы? 2. Где вам сшили это платье? 3. «Мне 
еще надо сходить сделать маникюр 
(to manicure one’s nails)
 и уложить волосы», - 
сказала она. 4. Закажите это лекарство немедленно. 5. Я встретила их, когда они 
шли фотографироваться. 6. Где вам шили этот костюм? 7. Мне нужно заплом-
(to have one’s tooth filled)
 два зуба. 8. Мне покрасили эту дверь
только на 
прошлой неделе. Вам нравится цвет? 
Exercise 113. Read the text. Analyse all the Participial Phrases and Constructions. 
State the difference between them. Retell the text. 
He travelled to the airport on Sunday night. He had to wait a little in the assembly 
hall. Then, his name being called out on a list, he had to walk a few steps to the mo-
 which took him straight to the aeroplane. When ushered into the 
cabin of the aircraft 
, he was received by one of the two stewardesses serving 
the passengers upon their flight. She showed him to his seat, pulled out the safety-
belt from behind the seat, and showed how to clasp it round his body when the time 
of taking off came. 
He settled down comfortably in his reclining chair 
(откидывающееся кресло)
 and then 
screwed round in his seat to look down the wide cabin. There were not too many pas-
sengers. The chief steward was seen passing by to the flight deck 
(кабина экипажа)
ing a black briefcase 
 and with a sheaf 
(большое количество)
 of papers flapping in 
his hand. The forward door having closed behind him, the engines started one by one, 
with deep rumbles 
 heard as though from a great distance. Presently he felt the 
cabin stirring beneath him. He looked out of the window and saw the lights of the 
airport buildings passing by as the aircraft moved towards the runway’s 
посадочная полоса)
 end. Then before he realized what was happening, the runway lights 
were seen sliding past his window in acceleration and the airport was below and be-
hind. He never felt the machine leaving the ground. 
He leaned back and sat relaxed in his reclining chair. The stewardess walked down 
the aisle 
(проход между рядами)
, with the second pilot following behind her. They came 
up to him and said that the captain invited him to see the pilot’s cabin. 
When he returned to the long saloon, the lights were dimmed for  sleeping. He 
made himself comfortable in his seat and tried to go to sleep. He woke up when the 
aircraft started on a slow descent 
, losing height at about two hundred feet a 
minute. He sat looking out of the window as they circled the airport. Then he saw the 
ground coming closer and closer. 
In the saloon the stewardesses were busy waking the passengers and making them 
do up their safety-belts for the landing. 
Soon the surface of the runway was quite close beneath them. They sped over it, 
and suddenly a forward tilt 
 of the fuselage 
(корпус самолета) 
told them they were 
It was quite early. The stewardess disembarked 
 the passengers and took 
them to the restaurant for breakfast. 

Formation of Participle I (Spelling Rules) 
Participle I of both regular and irregular verbs is formed by adding the suffix -ing 
to the stem of the verb. In writing the following spelling rules are observed: 
 (1) the -ing form is added to the base form of the verb: 
to do - doing  
to go - going 
to expect - expecting  
to be – being 
to push - pushing  
to read - reading 
to sleep - sleeping 
to video
 (2) if a verb ends in a mute -e, the -e is dropped before adding -ing: 
to live - living 
to skate - skating 
to smoke - smoking 
to come - coming 
to hope - hoping 
to write - writing 
to have - having 
to use - using 
to argue - arguing 
to continue - continuing 
to rescue
- rescuing 
to pursue
– pursuing 
(преследовать; бежать за к-л.)
to queue – queuing 
•  but verbs that end in -ee, -ye, -oe, -ge don’t lose the -e: 
to agree - agreeing 
to see - seeing 
to flee - fleeing 
to free - freeing 
to guarantee - guaranteeing 
to dye - dyeing 
to distinguish from:
 to die - dying) 
to hoe - hoeing 
(мотыжить, разрыхлять [землю]; копать)
to canoe - canoeing 
(плыть на байдарке, на каноэ) 
to shoe - shoeing 
(обувать; подковывать)
to toe - toeing 
(ударять носком)
to singe - singeing 
(опалять; палить, подпаливать) 
to distinguish from:
 to sing - singing) 
to swinge - swingeing 
(избить, поколотить)
to distinguish from:
 to swing - swinging) 
•  but: to age - ageing 
(стареть; изменяться во времени)
•  verbs ending in -ie drop the final -e and change i into y before taking -ing 
to lie - lying 
to die - dying 
to tie - tying 
to vie - vying 
(конкурировать, соревноваться)
 (3) if a verb of one syllable ends in a single consonant preceded by only one short 
stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled: 
to stop - stopping 
to beg - begging 
to drag - dragging 
to drop - dropping 
to put - putting 
to wrap - wrapping 
to run - running 
to sit - sitting 
•  Verbs of more than one syllable behave in the same way if the verb is stressed on 
the last syllable with one short vowel. 
to begin – beginning 
to forget – forgetting 
to commit - committing 
to permit- permitting 
to regret - regretting 
to omit - omitting 
but: to want - wanting 
(the final consonant ‘t’ is not doubled because the verb ‘want’ ends in 
two consonants) 
•  to wait - waiting 
(the final consonant ‘t’ is not doubled
it is preceded by two vowels)
•  to ′visit - visiting 
(the final ‘t’ is not doubled because
the stress is not on the last syllable)

to eat - eating
to beat - beating
to tread - treading
to boat - boating
to benefit - benefiting
to profit - profiting
to focus - focusing
 (4) The final ‘r’ is doubled if it is preceded by a stressed vowel: 
to occur - occurring 
to prefer - preferring 
to transfer - transferring 
to refer - referring 
to stir - stirring 
to bar - barring
(запирать на 
засов, забаррикадировать, набивать 
решётки [на окна])
to defer - deferring 
вать; уступать (ч-л. желаниям); пола-
гаться (на к-л.)
to incur - incurring 
[расходы, убытки]; навлекать на себя ч-
л.; подвергаться чему-л.) 
•  but: to offer - offering 
to clear - clearing 
to appear - appearing 
to differ - differing 
to murmur - murmuring 
to enter - entering 
  (5) verbs ending in -y add -ing: 
to study - studying to 
worry - worrying to 
play - playing to 
enjoy - enjoying 
to reply - replying to 
deny - denying to 
stay - staying to 
obey - obeying 
  (6) In British English, but not American English, the final ‘l’ is doubled if it is pre-
ceded by a short vowel, stressed or unstressed: 
to travel - travelling 
to quarrel - quarrelling 
to signal - signalling  
to compel - compelling 
(заставлять, принуждать)
to cancel - cancelling 
лировать, отменять)
to label - labelling 
размечать; обозначать)
to libel - libelling 
(клеветать, пи-
сать пасквили; дискредитировать)
to instil 
or Am. E. instill) 
- instilling
(внушать; вселять (надежду, страх); вливать по капле)
to instal 
(Br. E.; Am. E.) 
- installing 
(вставлять; устанавливать)
to appal 
or Am. E. appall)
- appalling 
(ужасать; потрясать; приводить в смятение)
to fulfil 
or Am. E. fulfill)
- fulfilling 
to enrol 
or Am. E. enroll) - enrolling 
(вносить в список; регистрировать) 
to distil 
or Am. E. distill)
- distilling
(дистиллировать, очищать; опреснять (воду)
• but: the final ‘l’ is not doubled if it is not preceded by a short vowel: 
to reveal - revealing  appeal - appealing 
to steal - stealing 
to squeal - squealing 
(визжать, пронзительно кричать)
to conceal - concealing  
 (7) In British English, but not  American English, the final ‘p’ is doubled in the fol-
lowing verbs: 
to handicap - handicapping
 (препятствовать, мешать; затруднять) 
to worship - worshipping 
(поклоняться, преклоняться, почитать, обожать, боготворить)
to kidnap - kidnapping 
(похищать людей, особенно детей (с целью получить выкуп)
•  Most verbs ending in -p, however, have the regular spelling in both Br.E. and 
Am.E. The final ‘p’ is not doubled before -ing in: 
to develop - developing 
to gossip - gossiping 
to gallop - galloping
 (скакать галопом)
to envelop - enveloping 
(обёртывать; завёртывать)

 (8) -ic at the end of a verb changes to -ick when we add -ing: 
to panic - panicking 
to traffic - trafficking
to picnic
(участвовать в пикнике, устраивать пикник) 
to frolic - frolicking 
(проказничать, веселиться
 (9) The final consonants -g and -m are doubled after single unstressed vowels: 
to humbug - humbugging 
(обманывать, надувать; вводить в заблуждение)
to program(me) - programming (Br. E.) 
to program - programming (Am. E.) 
◄ Exercises ►
Exercise 114. Write Participle I of the following verbs. 
o  to want; to weigh; to borrow; to follow; to touch; to work  
o  to change; to invite; to ride; to make 
o  to hit; to let; to nod; to plan; to rob; to shut; to get 
o  to admit; to upset; to submit  
o  to count; to insist; to print; to collect; to help; to attempt; to clean; to remain; to 
limit; to expect; to vomit; to fidget; to shout; to dread  
o  to remember; to utter; to suffer 
o  to annoy; to destroy; to employ; to qualify; to satisfy; to hurry; to marry; to spy; to 
dry; to pay; to say; to lay; to slay; to occupy; to cry; to carry; to fry; to delay; to 
certify; to identify; to simplify 
o  to control; to marvel 
(изумляться, восхищаться)
; to excel 
(отличаться, выделяться; превосходить; 
быть лучше)
; to rival 
(соперничать; конкурировать, соревноваться)
; to repel 
сопротивление, противостоять (противнику)
; to expel 
(исключать (из к-л. организации), выгонять (из до-
ма), высылать (из страны)
; to level; to revel 
(пировать; кутить; наслаждаться (ч-л.); получать удоволь-
ствие от (ч-л.)
; to patrol 
(патрулировать; охранять)
o  to reveal; appeal; to steal; to conceal; squeal 
(визжать, пронзительно кричать)
o  to handicap;
to worship; to kidnap 
o  to develop; to gossip; to gallop; to envelop  
o  to panic; to traffic; to picnic; to frolic 

•  The Participle 
Exercise 4 
2 a. exhausting 
b. exhausted 
3 a. depressing 
b. depressed 
c. depressed 
4 a. exciting 
b. exciting 
c. excited 
Exercise 5 
1. disappointed 
2. interested 
3. exciting 
4. embarrassing 
5. embarrassed 
6. amazed 
7. astonishing 
8. terrifying ... 
9. amused 
10. bored ... boring 
11. boring... interesting 
Exercise 6 
1 surprising 
2 bored 
3 confusing 
4 disgusting 
5 interested 
6 annoyed 
7 boring 
8 interested 
9 exhausted 
10 excited 
11 amusing 
12 interesting 
Exercise 7 
1a 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b 7a 
Exercise 8 
1. a. bored b. boring 
2. a. interesting b. interested 
3. a. terrifying b. terrified 
4. a. worrying b. worried 
5. a. annoying b. annoyed 
6. a. shocked b. shocking 
7. a. exciting b. excited 
8. a. surprising b. surprised 
9. a. disappointing b. disappointed 
10. a. amusing b. amused 
Exercise 10 
1. confused 
2. frightening 
3. interested 
4. annoying / irritating 
5. surprised 
6. depressed 
7. relaxing 
8. bored 
9. irritated / annoyed 
10. embarrassed 
Exercise 11 
(1) encouraging 
(2) depressing 
(3) disappointed 
(4) worrying 
(5) exhausting 
(6) disturbing 
( 7 )   surprised 
(8) worried 
(9) shocking 
(10) uninteresting 
(11) boring 
(12) embarrassing 
Exercise 18 
1. Reading English books in the original, he usually uses a dictionary. 2. Reading 
Furmanov’s story “Chapaev”, I remembered the years of the civil war. 3. Reading 

this book, I will write out new words and expression. 4. Having read a book, I return 
it to the library at once. 5. Having read your book, I will give it to your friend at once. 
6. Seeing a bus, I decided not
to wait for a tram. 7. Hearing the whistle, the dog 
pricked up its ears. 
Exercise 19 
1. Looking 2.Going 3. Having been informed 4. putting 5. Knowing 6. Having 
done 7. Returning 8. being 9. Having finished 10. Getting 11. closing 12. Turn-
ing, … returning 13. Having returned
Exercise 20 
3. I hailed the first taxi passing by… 4. One morning, looking out of the window, 
Johnny saw in his neighbour’s orchard a great number of fine red apples falling from 
the trees. 5. “Villain!
(злодей, негодяй)
” cried he, running down to him. 6. “Oh, sir,” said 
the poor boy trembling with fear, “it isn’t my fault.” 7. “May I come in?” she said 
pushing the door a little wider open. 8. “I’m late,” she remarked, sitting down and 
drawing off her gloves. 9. Not knowing the way to the station very well, he often 
stopped to ask people passing by. 10. The path leading through the coppice 
soon got lost in the high grass. 11. The old woman told me with pride that the 
healthy-looking child playing beside us was her grandson. 12. She returned presently 
bringing a tray with a jug of milk. 
Exercise 22 
2 I didn’t talk much to the man sitting next to me on the plane. 
3 The taxi taking us to the airport broke down. 
4 At the end of the street there is a path leading to the river. 
5 A new factory employing 500 people has just opened in the town. 
6 The company sent me a brochure containing all the information I needed. 
Exercise 23 
1. Be careful (when) crossing the street. 2. Having written the composition, she began 
to do another task. 3. Students not paying attention to grammar will never master 
English. 4. We sat in the garden talking about out trip along the Volga. 5. Running 
down the stairs, she stopped for s moment as if hesitating in what direction to go. 6. 
Having explained everything in detail, he calmly sat down on his place. 7. Having 
found herself out of doors, she felt sorry for what had happened. 8. Seizing her son in 
her arms, Eliza took to her heels. 9. A young man standing at the window looked at 
me attentively, 10. Having seen their sun off, they were returning slowly from the 
station. 11. The theatres in the East End often show the plays touching upon different 
of modern problems. 12. A drowning man will catch at a straw. 13. Noticing me, she 
stopped. 14. Strictly speaking, it is not just what I wanted to say. 15. Arriving home, 
he found them waiting for him. 16. Hearing the steps in a deserted street, she pricked 
up her ears.  

Exercise 26 
1. Looking through old newspapers,
he found an interesting article about English Uni-
versities. 2. When a child, he used to play football. 3. Having read a book, he returned it 
to the library. 4. Coming home, she found the door open. 5. Having listened to his ex-
planation, we decided that he was right. 6. When in St. Petersburg, we visited the Her-
mitage Museum. 7. Saying good-bye to his friends, he went to the station. 8. Be careful 
crossing the street. 9. Arriving in London, we went sightseeing at once. 10. While dis-
cussing this question, don’t forget to touch upon these facts. 
Exercise 27 
1. Not knowing what to say, she blushed. 2. Having lived in the city for twenty years, 
he knew every street here. 3. They couldn’t get into the house, having lost the key. 4. 
I couldn’t visit him, not knowing her address. 5. Not knowing the language, he 
couldn’t understand the conversation. 6. Having much free time before the beginning 
of the performance, we decided to walk to the theatre. 7. Seeing his mistake, he 
stopped arguing. 8. Being sure that he was right, he felt calm and undisturbed. 
Exercise 28 
1. He walked slowly, stopping from time to time and asking passersbys about some-
thing. 2. She stood thinking what to answer. 3. He looked at the door waiting for it to 
open. 4. She spent the morning tidying up the flat. 5. He looked at her smiling. 6. She 
closed her eyes trying to remember where she had seen the girl. 7. I spent the whole 
evening re-reading the letters. 8. They walked in the garden admiring the flowers. 9. 
At last we all gathered waiting for dinner to be served. 10. She answered all my ques-
tions calmly trying to look indifferent. 
Exercise 29 
1. She looked at me thoughtfully as if taking seriously what I had said. 2. He 
moved about very slowly as if swimming. 3. He sat alone with his head propped 
in his hands as if listening to music. 4. The girl went on reading as if not hear-
ing the telephone ring. 5. She stopped speaking as if waiting for me to speak. 6. 
She looked at me in a strange way as if seeing me for the first time. 7. The girl 
hesitated as though not quite knowing what to do. 8. They spoke very loudly as 
though trying to shout one another down. 9. She didn’t answer as if not under-
standing my question. 
Exercise 30 
3 There’s somebody coming. 
4 There were a lot of people travelling. 
5 There was nobody else staying there. 
6 There was nothing written on it. 
7 There’s a course beginning next Mon-
Exercise 31 
Most likely answers: 
2. + c. → The teachers attending the meeting decided to go on strike. 

3. + a. → The people driving past waved to us. 
4. + b. → The man operating the equipment was dressed in protective clothing. 
5. + f. → The girl waiting for the bus is Jack's daughter. 
6. + d. → The steps leading down to the river are dangerous. 
Exercise 32 
2. ‘It was here a moment ago,’ said Sandra (
 Sandra said), pointing to the empty 
3. ‘I’ll get up in an hour or so,’ groaned Helen (
 Helen groaned), turning over in 
4. ‘Well, I’m back,’ exclaimed Mark (
  Mark exclaimed), smiling cheerfully at 
Exercise 33 
1. Having climbed or Climbing 
2. Having worked (not Working) 
3. Having spent (not Spending) 
4. Having arrived or Arriving 
Exercise 34 
 + c. Not expecting anyone to be in the house, I walked straight in. 
 + f. Having been painted in dark colours, the room needed some bright lights. (‘Be-
ing painted in dark colours...’ is also possible.) 
 + e. Being unemployed, Dave had time to consider what job he really wanted. 
 + b. Not speaking Italian, I found life in Sicily difficult. 
 + a. Having been a teacher for 14 years, Barbara knew how to keep children inter-
(Note:  The -ing, being + past participle (-ed), etc. phrases could also come after 
the main clause in these sentences, and in spoken English it is more natural for them 
to come in this position.) 
Exercise 41 
2 The window broken in the storm last night has now been repaired. 
3 Most of the suggestions made at the meeting were not very practical. 
4 The paintings stolen from the museum haven’t been found yet. 
5 What was the name of the man arrested by the police? 
Exercise 43 
1. Mary sat down on a fallen tree trunk. 2. In the drawing-room the music of Mozart 
was being played by an orchestra seen on the TV screen 3. There were six boxes 
there,  wrapped tight in old newspapers. 4. She came up to the writing desk and 
brought out a sealed envelope. 5. The woman went out of the store and went to a car 
parked down the street. 6. The fallen leaves lay quiet on the pool. 7. Left alone I 
looked around me. 8. Taken by surprise they had nothing to say. 10. In the box there 
were some negatives rolled up in a tight coil. 

Exercise 45 
1. if 
2. until 
3. when 
4. if 
5. when 
6. as though 
7. unless 
8. if 
9. when 
10. as if 
11. though 
12. when 
13. even if 
Exercise 46 
Other verbs may be sometimes possible. 
2. made/taken at today’s meeting 
3. damaged in the storm 
4. chosen/selected to represent Britain 
5. given to the players 
6. stolen/taken from the jeweller 
7. printed/given on the label 
Exercise 49 
1. The people being asked to take 
2. X 
3. equipment allowing far more 
4. children being moved 
5. X 
6. forests being cut down 
7. people hurrying to 
8. X 
9. The trees blown down 
10. X 
Exercise 50 
1. In this shop you can buy things made in different Russian cities. 2. I always read 
books describing the life of outstanding people with great interest. 3. I live in the 
house built ten years ago. 4. Who found the key lost by you? 5. The engineer who 
waited for you yesterday has just called. Can you see him? 6. We must talk to all the 
people who sent us all these letters. 7. The author who wrote this novel travelled a lot. 
8. The guests sitting at table talked loudly and laughed. 
Exercise 51 
3. living 
4. offering 
5. called 
6. blown 
7. sitting ... reading 
8. working ... studying 
Exercise 53 
1. The house facing the street was old. 2. We all looked at the laughing boy. 3. Ap-
proaching the station, we heard the noise of engines. 4. Having posted a letter, I hur-
ried home. 5. Being tired, I went to bed early. 6. Though tired, my friend couldn’t 
help smiling. 7. When tired, I used to switch off the light and go to bed. 8. Having re-
ceived a message, my sister left for Moscow immediately. 9. There were a few lines 
on a sheet of paper written in pencil. 10. The boy who lost his parents was sent to a 
children’s home. 11. When explained once again, the rule turned out to be easy. 12. 
You must learn the words given on page 20. 13. Having written out all the mistakes 
made by the students in the last test, the teacher wrote several exercises to practice 
grammar rules forgotten by the students. 14. Arriving at the station, Peter bought a 
ticket and seeing that he had plenty of time at his disposal went to look at the new 
theatre built not far from the station. 15. I couldn’t change my clothes having left my 
things at the station. 

Exercise 54 
2. While waiting 
3. as if agreeing 
4. as though trying 
5. Though deeply moved 
6. Being late for the  
7. when speculating 
8. while looking for 
9. if asked 
Exercise 55 
1. lying 
2. washed 
4. given 
6. said 
7. going 
8. pushed 
Exercise 56 
2. Impressed by Jo’s work, the manager extended her contract for a year. 
3. Having acquired the money through hard work, he was reluctant to give it away. 
4. Having started the course, Alan was determined to complete it. 
5. Not wanting to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings. 
6. Not having seen all the evidence, I am reluctant to make a judgement. 
(Note: Rewriting these sentences with -ing or past participle (-ed) clauses makes 
them more formal and more natural in formal written contexts than in informal 
writing or speech.) 
Exercise 57 
1. sitting in the armchair 2. Being able to speak Finnish 3. Having split up with his 
wife 4. discovered under the floorboards 5. Having moved out 6. The people living 
closest to the river bank 7. making me feel sick 8. Not being very good at figures 9. 
built to last forever 10. If washed at a cool temperature 11. People playing loud music 
late at night 12. Having been unemployed for so long 13. If given enough time 
Exercise 59 
1. b 
2. b 
3. b 
4. a 
5. b, c 
6. a 
7. b 
8. a, c 
9. a, d  
10. b 
11. a 
13. a 
14. a 
15. b 
16. a 
17. b 
18. a 
19. a 
20. b 
21. b 
22. b 
23. b, d  24. b 
25. a 
Exercise 60 
1. a  2. a  3. b  4. a 
Exercise 61 
Born in Holland in 1853, Vincent Van Gogh is one of the world’s most famous 
painters.  Although unrecognized throughout his life, his talent was much appre-
ciated after his death. 
Having failed in every career he had attempted, Van Gogh first turned to art to 
express his strong religious feelings. Having decided to become a painter, in about 
1880, he started to paint studies of peasants and miners. During the next few years, 
known as his ‘Dutch period’, he produced paintings with rather dark greenish-brown 

In 1886, having gone to Paris to visit his brother Theo, he was immediately at-
tracted to the Impressionist work he saw there. Encouraged by Pissaro to use more 
colour in his pictures, his subsequent paintings were bright and immensely colourful. 
After moving/having moved to Aries in the south of France, in 1888, he worked 
frantically. This frenzied activity, interrupted by bouts of deep depression and des-
pair, produced the majority of his most famous paintings. One of these, called Self 
Portrait with Bandaged Ear, shows Van Gogh wearing a bandage after having cut 
off his own ear. A year later, in 1890, he committed suicide. 
A lot is known about Van Gogh’s life and his feelings because of the hundreds 
of letters written by him to his brother Theo and others. Believing in Van Gogh’s 
genius, his brother always encouraged him in his work. He was the closest person to 
Van Gogh. 
Exercise 63 
2. We hired a Singapore-based design team. 
3. It was a record-breaking performance (at the Olympic Games). 
4. The public square was tree-lined. 
5. Tom is a self-employed builder.
 (to be self-employed - 
быть самозанятым, заниматься само-
стоятельной деятельностью;
 self-employed - 
мелкий предприниматель; Лицо, которое занимается мелким 
бизнесом, без найма других работников
6. The new ‘Aircap’ is a labour-saving device. 
7. It was a long-running/ lasting dispute. 
8. The consequences of the proposals are far-reaching. 
 - далеко идущий; влеку-
щий серьёзные последствия; имеющий большие перспективы)
Exercise 65 
 Being thoroughly dissatisfied with the picture, Mary 
(or any other name)
 hid it in 
the closet. 
 Seeing the advancing army, the family 
(or any noun)
 hid all valuables under the 
(лестничный колодец).
(valuables -
ценные вещи; ценности, драгоценности)
 Plunging into the water, the lifeguard 
(or any noun)
 rescued the drowning child. 
 Criticizing the defendant 
 for his cruel behavior, the judge handed down 
(официально объявлять)
 the sentence. 
 After painting the car, the man gave it to his wife. 
 Being an early riser, Edna adjusted easily to her company’s new summer schedule. 
 After winning the tennis match, Nancy jumped for joy. 
 Having wandered through the mountain passes for days, the hikers discovered an 
abandoned shack 
(хижина, хибара)
 where they could take shelter 
(приют, убежище).
 Being very protective of its young, the mother eagle attacks all those who ap-
proach the nest.
 Before playing ball, the baseball players observed a two-minute period of si-
lence for their recently deceased 
 Before singing the school song, the students recited a poem.
 Moaning with pain, the victim was examined by a young doctor.
 When using the device, you must remember that it may be dangerous.

 Getting up at five, we got an early start.
 Having been told to do it, she couldn’t lose a moment.
 Starting out as an army officer, Karen’s father was frequently transferred.
 Facing college standards, the students realized that they hadn’t worked hard 
enough in high school.
 Being asked for her opinion, she blushed.
 Coming along the street, I had an idea.
Exercise 67 
 It was a black day when London heard the enemy bombarding Chatham. 
 In the evenings I used to hear him playing passages of his own compositions. 
 He saw drinks being served an hour after the permitted hours. 
 They noticed the two small children playing in the yard. 
 The flight attendant watched the passengers climbing the ramp. 
 They heard the public-address system announcing it was necessary to fasten the 
 He felt the plane losing altitude on the approach to the aerodrome. 
 I noticed you looking at the drawings upstairs. 
 He was allowed to watch the instruments being prepared for the operation. 
Exercise 69 
 …his wife and children waving him goodbye. 
 …the plane
gathering speed. 
 …these problems being discussed in your magazine. 
 …the letter being read for the second time. 
 …him entering the room cautiously. 
Exercise 71 
1. He watched people hurrying to the trains. 2. He heard the water flowing. 3. He saw 
me looking at the photograph. 4. He found Fox talking in the kitchen. 5. I saw John 
playing tennis. 6. She opened the window and watched her children playing in the 
garden. 7. In my childhood I often heard my mother singing this song.8. Did anybody 
see him leaving?/Has anybody seen him leaving? 9. I found him crying. 10. I left her 
sleeping. 11. We saw him looking for something on the ground. 12. He noticed 
somebody watching him and understanding it decided to change his way. 13. I have 
never heard him speaking English. 14. I have never seen you dancing. 15. Do you 
hear me addressing you? 16. I didn’t hear him asking me a question. 17. I didn’t no-
tice the train starting. 18. They watched the boys jumping into the water. 19. Don’t 
worry. I will have her doing everything properly. 20. I can’t imagine her cooking and 
sewing. 21. John didn’t want to find himself playing the role of a teacher. 22. He saw 
Arthur pouring a cup of coffee for himself. 23. He felt his hands trembling. 24. When 
George saw Tom crossing the street, he waved his hand to him. 25. Polly was work-
ing in the garden and didn’t hear the telephone ringing. 26. Have you ever seen them 

playing chess? 27 I started when I felt somebody touching my shoulder. 28.The wall 
of our house are very thin, and I can hear my neighbour playing the piano. 
Exercise 76 
1. the team beaten 
2. her paintings displayed 
3. my bike repaired 
4. the play performed 
5. your bedroom tidied 
6. herself lifted up
Exercise 77 
  I had my suit cleaned last month. 
  Mary will have her nails manicured before the concert. 
  Nora had the carpets beaten before the birthday party. 
  Mr. West had his article translated into French. 
  Mr. Brown had his advertisement printed in the newspaper. 
  They had their luggage brought to their room. 
  Peter must have his hair cut 
  Roger must have his bicycle repaired. 
  He must have his bad tooth pulled out. 
  Mr. Green must have his house painted. 
  I should like to have my suit pressed. 
  I should like to have the ticket delivered to the hotel. 
  Mr. West had a new fence made around his garden. 
  When did you have your car painted? 
  Would you like to have your parcel wrapped? 
  Would you like to have this parcel sent to your house? 
  Where can I have my suit cleaned? 
  Where can I have my car repaired? 
  Where can I have my shoes polished? 
  Have you had your refrigerator repaired? 
  When will you have a telephone installed in your flat? 
Exercise 80 
 Mr. Jackson decided to have a garage built. 
 The boy took his exercise to the teacher to have it corrected. 
 Can’t you take this tea-pot back to the shop and have it changed? 
 This is a good story. You ought to have it printed. / You ought to have somebody 
print it. 
 Her winter coat looks very shabby. She must have it altered. / She must have 
somebody alter it. 
 My sweater is quite dirty. Could you have it washed? / Could you have somebody 
wash it? 
 Jane’s watch gains. She ought to go to the watchmaker’s and have the watch 
cleaned. /… and have them clean the watch. 
Exercise 82 

1. he had/got it serviced 
2. he had/got it delivered 
3. she had/got it framed
(заключенный в рамку) 
4. we had/got it rebuilt 
5. she had/got it dry-cleaned 
6. I had/got it photocopied 
7. he had/got it mended 
8. we had/got it redecorated 
Exercise 83 
1. have 
2. get 
3. get/have 
4. had 
5. have 
6. got/had 
7. got 
8. have 
Exercise 84 
1. I had to wait two hours in the hospital to have a tooth filled. 2. I heard his name 
mentioned in this connection. 3. She slammed the drawer shut. 4. I left my wife well 
provided for. 5. I have kept their letters locked all these years. 6. He was determined 
to make himself respected. 7. I couldn’t have my only son expelled from the college. 
8. When they came up to the house, they saw the Buick parked in front. 9. You could 
get him sacked. 10. He was annoyed to hear his wife’s name mentioned to a stranger. 
11. It was hard to see him defeated. 12. I suppose that your mother had her chickens 
counted every night. 13. “What do you want to warn me of?” “That you will find 
yourself talked about.” 14. He told her that it was impossible to have a form filled in 
without a previous application. 15. If he did it, he could find himself cut off from his 
family. 16. I knew I could only help him if I kept my mouth shut. 17. One can’t get 
anything done in our house. 18. They wanted the committee convened on Monday. 
19. We want to get something fixed up. 20. He saw the scientists divided socially into 
two unequal groups. 
Exercise 87 
1. hurt 
2. glancing  3. said 
4. laid 
5. known 
6. killed 
7. being played  8. put 
9. given 
10. sent 
11. feeling 
12. said 
13. thinking 
14. sitting 
15. cashed 16. losing   
Exercise 90 
  The visitor could be seen walking restlessly backwards and forwards. 
  His name was often heard mentioned. 
  His sister has often been heard singing some popular tune. 
  They were observed walking down the street. 
  One summer morning he was found painting the door of his house green. 
  I hope I haven’t been noticed leaving the house so late. 
  He was watched going slowly and cautiously up the stairs. 
  The ship was found drifting in the North Sea. 
  The picture was considered stolen. 
  She is considered cured. 
  She was found dressed for the party. 
  Dogs have often been seen killed on the road. 
  The door was found locked. 

Exercise 91 
(A) 1. He was seen going along Red Square. 2. A car was seen waiting for somebody 
at the entrance. 3. She was seen going upstairs.
4. These elderly people live downstairs 
and sometimes they are heard talking about something. 5. Jane was heard opening the 
door. 6. She was heard singing in the
next room. 7. I was kept waiting. 8. He was last 
seen reading a book in the reading hall. 9.
Through the window the driver could be 
seen waiting near the car.10. They were left talking in the living room. 11. Fox was 
found waiting for us on the terrace. 12. People were seen hurrying to the trains. 13 
The water could be heard running.14. John was seen pouring himself a cup of coffee. 
(B) 1. The vase was found broken. 2. The safe was found locked. 3. All the documents 
were found torn to scraps. 4. The suitcase was considered stolen. 5. The dog was 
found tied to a tree. 6. The book was considered sold out. 7. He was found greatly 
changed. 8. The door was found locked. 9. The house was found deserted. 10. The 
problem was considered solved. 11. The tea was left untouched. 12. He has never been 
seen so excited. 13. Now our research can be considered completed. 
Exercise 96 
  …, there being a strong wind. 
  It being very early, … . 
  The train approaching the station, … . 
  …, its wheels still turning round. 
  The train arriving, … 
  … , the orators being constantly interrupted by questions. 
  The duration of his engagement coming to an end, … 
  …, the sun shining very brightly. 
  He having registered his luggage, … . 
Exercise 97 
1. D 
2. G 
3. A 
4. F 
5. E 
6. B 
Extra unnecessary phrase is C) 
Exercise 106 
Exercise 107
  growing; ba-

Exercise 108 
1. a 
2. a 
3. b 
4. b 
5. b 
6. b 
7. a 
8. b 
9. a, d   10. b 
Exercise 109 
(A) 1. b 
2. d  3. a  4. c 
(B) 1. a 
2. d  3. b 
(C) 1. b 
2. a  3. d 
Exercise 110 
(A)  1. c 
2. a 
3. f 
4. a 
5. e 
6. b/d/e 
7. c 
8. e 
(B)  1. a 
2. c 
3. b/d 
4. e   
5. b 
Exercise 114 
o  to want – wanting; to weigh - weighing; to borrow - borrowing; to follow - follow-
ing; to touch - touching; to work - working 
o  to change - changing; to invite - inviting; to ride - riding; to make – making 
o  to hit - hitting; to let - letting; to nod - nodding; to plan - planning; to rob - robbing; 
to shut - shutting; to get – getting 
o  to admit – admitting; to upset – upsetting; to submit – submitting 
o  to count - counting; to insist - insisting; to print - printing; to collect - collecting; to 
help - helping; to attempt - attempting; to clean - cleaning; to remain - remaining; 
to limit - limiting; to expect - expecting; to vomit - vomiting; to fidget - fidgeting; 
to shout - shouting; to dread - dreading  
o  to remember - remembering; to utter - uttering; to suffer – suffering 
o  to annoy - annoying; to destroy - destroying; to employ - employing; to qualify - 
qualifying; to satisfy - satisfying; to hurry - hurrying; to marry - marrying; to spy - 
spying; to dry - drying; to pay - paying; to say - saying; to lay - laying; to slay - 
slaying; to occupy - occupying; to cry - crying; to carry - carrying; to fry - frying; 
to delay - delaying; to certify - certifying; to identify - identifying; to simplify – 
o  to control - controlling; to marvel – marveling 
(изумляться, восхищаться)
; to excel - ex-
(отличаться, выделяться; превосходить; быть лучше)
; to rival – rivaling 
(соперничать; кон-
курировать, соревноваться)
; to repel – repelling 
оказывать сопротивление, противосто-
ять (противнику)
; to expel - expelling 
(исключать (из к-л. организации), выгонять (из дома), высылать 
(из страны)
; to level - levelling; to revel – reveling 
(пировать; кутить; наслаждаться (ч-л.); полу-
чать удовольствие от (ч-л.)
; to patrol – patrolling 
(патрулировать; охранять)
o  to reveal – revealing; appeal – appealing; to steal – stealing; to conceal – conceal-
ing; squeal – squealing 
(визжать, пронзительно кричать)
o  to handicap – handicapping;
to worship – worshipping; to kidnap – kidnapping 
o  to develop – developing; to gossip – gossiping; to gallop – galloping; to envelop – 
o  to panic – panicking; to traffic – trafficking; to picnic
picnicking; to frolic – fro-

  Каушанская, В. Л. Грамматика английского языка : пособие для студентов 
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  Кобрина, Н. А. Грамматика английского языка. Морфология : учеб. 
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Просвещение, 1985. – 288 с. 
  Крылова, И. П. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка : 
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И. П. Крылова. – М. : Высш. школа, 1978. – 239 с. 
  Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс : учеб. для пед. вузов /  
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  Evans, Virginia. Enterprise 4 : Grammar / Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. – 
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  Gordon, E.M. A Grammar of Present-Day English (Parts of Speech) /  
E. M. Gordon, I. P. Krylova. – Moscow, Higher School Publishing House, 1974. – 
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  Hashemi, L. English Grammar in Use : Supplementary Exercises / Louise 
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  Hewings, M. Advanced Grammar in Use : A self-study reference and practice 
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  Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use : A self-study reference and practice book 
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