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Онлайн тестирование по английскому языку на магистратуру и докторантуру

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Тест. задание

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Аудирование (Слушание)



Лексико-грамматический тест









Подробный результат

Аудирование (Слушание)

Задание 1

Вопрос № 1: When did the Dutch Trade Company buy Manhattan?

Ответ: Sixteen twenty six.

Вопрос № 2: What do they usually mean when people say “Manhattan”?

Ответ: New-York City

Вопрос № 3: How many people live in Manhattan?

Ответ: 15000000.

Верный ответ: 1500 000.

Вопрос № 4: How many “boroughs” are there in New York?

Ответ: 5.

Вопрос № 5: Which of them is not an island?

Ответ: Queens.

Верный ответ: Bronx.

Задание 2

Вопрос № 1: Why is the Orchestra called “Vegetable”?

Ответ: all instruments are made from vegetables

Вопрос № 2: What is the main concept of this orchestra?

Ответ: all the variants are wrong

Верный ответ: you can make sounds with anything

Вопрос № 3: Where do people make instruments out of old cars?

Ответ: Africa

Вопрос № 4: This Festival is held for funs of...

Ответ: folk music

Верный ответ: experimental music

Вопрос № 5: In this orchestra a flute is made of...

Ответ: a carrot

Задание 3

Вопрос № 1: Edwards Marks works ... days a week.

Ответ: 5

Верный ответ: 3

Вопрос № 2: Margaret Lloyd’s main duty is ... .

Ответ: to oversee training

Вопрос № 3: Booking for the Club equipment is made by . .

Ответ: James Todd

Вопрос № 4: The notice-board contains ....

Ответ: photographs

Верный ответ: contact details

Вопрос № 5: Sean Bond supervises ....

Ответ: computers and electrical equipment

Задание 4

Вопрос № 1: What have we lost in our modern world?

Ответ: kindness

Вопрос № 2: There is a debate in Britain...

Ответ: how to organize treatment for old people

Верный ответ: how to call old people

Вопрос № 3: In modem society people seem to be judged on the basis of....

Ответ: their occupation

Верный ответ: their economic productivity

Вопрос № 4: How many old people are in Britain?

Ответ: 2 million

Верный ответ: more than 10 million

Вопрос № 5: What was she carrying?

Ответ: two shopping bags

Лексико-грамматический тест

Задание 1

Вопрос № 1: Choose the appropriate form: ... with great force the stone reached the opposite bank.

Ответ: Threw

Верный ответ: Being thrown

Вопрос № 2: Fill in the correct preposition or adverb: I see you are angry ___ me.

Ответ: at

Верный ответ: with

Вопрос № 3: I can’t run very fast. I smoke ...

Ответ: too much

Вопрос № 4: Choose the appropriate form: Those ... hats are on the table.

Ответ: mens’

Верный ответ: men’s

Вопрос № 5: Choose the appropriate form: We were interested in ... other people, no matter where we met them.

Ответ: knowing

Вопрос № 6: Choose the appropriate form: There is ... to eat.

Ответ: nothing

Вопрос № 7: He ... many companions.

Ответ: has

Вопрос № 8: St. Basil’s Cathedral was built ... 1561 ... the memory ... the Victory ... Kazan.

Ответ: in / in / of / over

Вопрос № 9: We speak about ... work every evening.

Ответ: our

Вопрос № 10: Choose the appropriate form: There is ... at the door.

Ответ: someone

Вопрос № 11: Choose the appropriate form: I can’t understand ... children like that.

Ответ: being neglected

Верный ответ: neglecting

Вопрос № 12: Choose the necessary form: I tried ... why I was so late, but she didn’t listen.

Ответ: to explain

Вопрос № 13: There’s only ... milk left. Please don’t use it all.

Ответ: much

Верный ответ: a little

Вопрос № 14: Choose the best answer. I have _____ been late for school.

Ответ: never

Вопрос № 15: Choose the correct answer. ... do you go on Sunday? To the library.

Ответ: Where

Вопрос № 16: ... has forgotten their umbrella.

Ответ: Someone

Вопрос № 17: Give me two ... pencils.

Ответ: some

Верный ответ: more

Вопрос № 18: Choose the right form of plural: genius (fabulous spirits)

Ответ: geniusies

Верный ответ: genii

Вопрос № 19: Choose the right preposition: The button has come ... my coat.

Ответ: into

Верный ответ: off

Вопрос № 20: I don’t like... mineral... water, I prefer... cup of tea.

Ответ: - /- / a

Вопрос № 21: Choose the necessary form: He ... your address and that’s why he doesn’t write to you.

Ответ: may have lost

Вопрос № 22: When the lights went ... and the curtain rose there was a storm ... applause.

Ответ: up / from

Верный ответ: down / of

Вопрос № 23: When Henry arrived home after a hard day at work ...

Ответ: his wife was sleeping

Вопрос № 24: Jill and Ann are good friends. They know ... well.

Ответ: each other

Вопрос № 25: ... I do it now? - No, you ..., it is not necessary.

Ответ: Might, can’t

Верный ответ: Must, needn't

Вопрос № 26: Choose the appropriate form: He wanted the arrangements ... early in the month.

Ответ: complete

Верный ответ: to be completed

Вопрос № 27: Please, add ... more tea in my cup.

Ответ: some

Вопрос № 28: On ... Monday we open at 9 o'clock.

Ответ: -

Вопрос № 29: Choose the appropriate form: He is in the habit of. ... before breakfast.

Ответ: smoking

Вопрос № 30: Choose the appropriate form: I don’t remember ... him before.

Ответ: having seen

Вопрос № 31: Choose the necessary form: I... with her words and couldn’t say “no”.

Ответ: have flattered

Верный ответ: was flattered

Вопрос № 32: Robert and Grandpa sometimes spent their time ... the beach.

Ответ: on

Вопрос № 33: Robert and Tom got everything arranged ... the excursion.

Ответ: in

Верный ответ: for

Вопрос № 34: Fill in: Do you like to lie ____ the sun.

Ответ: under

Верный ответ: in

Вопрос № 35: Двухмесячная зарплата

Ответ: two month’s salary

Вопрос № 36: He took care ... the flowers ... the garden.

Ответ: after / in

Вопрос № 37: Choose the necessary form: Are you going to the bank? - No, I’ve already ... to the bank.

Ответ: been

Вопрос № 38: Choose the appropriate form: I remembered ... the door when I left but I forgot to shut the windows.

Ответ: locked

Верный ответ: having locked

Вопрос № 39: Choose the correct answer. He ... read at the age of four.

Ответ: could

Вопрос № 40: Choose the appropriate form: She does not want ... in the rain.

Ответ: to catch

Верный ответ: to be caught

Вопрос № 41: Their meal consists ____ two courses

Ответ: of

Вопрос № 42: Choose the correct answer. Who ... Jane meet?

Ответ: did

Вопрос № 43: He prefers coffee ... cocoa.

Ответ: to

Вопрос № 44: Choose the necessary form: We haven’t ... each other ... a long time.

Ответ: seen, for

Вопрос № 45: I (to know) her all my life and we (to be) friends since childhood.

Ответ: have known / have been

Вопрос № 46: When you’ve got flu you shouldn’t eat ...

Ответ: much

Вопрос № 47: Choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best: It was so late that I ... take a taxi.

Ответ: had to

Вопрос № 48: Choose the right variant: He prefers coffee ... cocoa.

Ответ: to

Вопрос № 49: Choose the appropriate form: Some people do not like plays ... from novels.

Ответ: having took

Верный ответ: taken

Вопрос № 50: Choose the correct answer. They have ... butter.

Ответ: some


Задание 1

Вопрос № 1: Why do rivers and ports often attract people?

Ответ: easy to get to and suited to communications and trade

Вопрос № 2: How many people out of the first 20.000 became rich?

Ответ: 4000

Вопрос № 3: What sort of town was Dawson during the period of Canadian gold Rush?

Ответ: city of tents and cabins

Вопрос № 4: What kind of necessities were very expensive in Dawson?

Ответ: food and wood

Вопрос № 5: Why did people leave Dawson City?

Ответ: all gold had been found

Вопрос № 6: Where was the new gold discovered?

Ответ: in Alaska

Вопрос № 7: What is the chief industry of Dawson City now?

Ответ: tourism

Вопрос № 8: What is the current population of Dawson?

Ответ: 762

Задание 2

Вопрос № 1: Who was Mr. Brown?

Ответ: A traveller.

Вопрос № 2: What did he ask at the hotel?

Ответ: A vacant room.

Вопрос № 3: What did the receptionist tell the men about sharing one room?

Ответ: “It will be less expensive for you”.

Вопрос № 4: What did the receptionist offer?

Ответ: A double room.

Вопрос № 5: What happened to the men at night?

Ответ: Mr. Brown’s neighbour felt unwell.

Вопрос № 6: What did Mr. Brown think he broke at night?

Ответ: A window.

Вопрос № 7: Where did Mr. Brown live?

Ответ: In the USA.

Задание 3

Вопрос № 1: According to the text why is money important?

Ответ: In order to live.

Вопрос № 2: Who was Abraham Lincoln?

Ответ: The president of the USA.

Вопрос № 3: Person’s reputation...

Ответ: Is not worth than money.

Верный ответ: Is worth more than money.

Вопрос № 4: A cheapskate is ...

Ответ: A man who likes to spend money.

Верный ответ: A man who spends little money.

Вопрос № 5: How do honest people get their money?

Ответ: Work hard for their money.

Вопрос № 6: How do we call money of another country?

Ответ: Cash.

Верный ответ: Currency.

Вопрос № 7: Lincoln became known as ...

Ответ: Honest Abe.

Задание 4

Вопрос № 1: What price do bum pay?

Ответ: Live in poor conditions.

Вопрос № 2: A person who works a lot is ...

Ответ: Working hardly.

Верный ответ: Hard-working.

Вопрос № 3: What do busy people usually say?

Ответ: Business before pleasure.

Вопрос № 4: What is a “workaholic”?

Ответ: Addicted to his work.

Вопрос № 5: What do people get for work?

Ответ: Prizes.

Верный ответ: Wages.

Вопрос № 6: Your work in some way ....society.

Ответ: Benefits.

Вопрос № 7: When the working age ends people get....

Ответ: Salary.

Верный ответ: Retired.

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