Оемы, моря, реки, леса, чтобы сохранить жи

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дз Серик Ернар
өзін-өзі тану, Жұмыссыздарға арналған жастар, Акбарова С БОӨЖ 6 Қ ТАРИХ, Документ (1, Электростатика

People have always thought a lot about what awaits us there, among the stars: many films and books are devoted to space exploration, but even more of those who ask - are we alone in the universe? In fact, this is one of the most important questions in the world - is there someone else in space who looks like us, humans, or are we the only race of intelligent beings in the entire universe. Even scientists, the smartest people on our planet, cannot come to one simple answer - there are many different opinions. The universe is very large, its exact size is not known to anyone, and due to our not very developed technologies, we can only use the methods of studying it available to us. One of them is radio signals. If we receive such a signal and decipher it, it will definitely mean that we are not alone in the universe. And scientists really heard such a signal - with the help of the Big Ear radio telescope. This signal is called "Wow" because Dr. Ayman, who registered it, circled it with a red pen and wrote the word "Wow" in the margin. He was very surprised - and for good reason. This signal was most likely sent by some other civilization, which also did not master space very well, but already knows how radio works. The signal came from the constellation Sagittarius - maybe our future friends live there.

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Мы заботимся о своем здоровье и здоровье других, следим за правильным питанием, за тем, чтобы воздух и вода оставались чистыми, незагрезнеными. Загризнение среды делает человека больным, угражает его жизни, грозит гибелью всему человечеству. Всем известны те гигантские усилия, которые придпринимаются нашим государством, отдельными странами, учеными, обществеными деятелями, чтобы спасти от загрязнения воздух, водоемы, моря, реки, леса, чтобы сохранить животный мир нашей планеты, спасти становища перелетных птиц, ле_бища морских животных. Человечество тратит миллиарды и миллиарды не только на то, чтобы не задохнуться, не погибнуть, но чтобы сохранять также ту окружающую нас природу, которая дает человеку возможность эстетического и нравственного отдыха. Целительная сила окружающей природы хорошо известна. (Д.Лихачёв.)

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