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Исмагулов Темирлан
СРС РК1 Физика 1 каз, glossarii, Отчет Шалкар, CCиМ 19-11 Толегеова Мадина Реферат Футбол, тап.5 Орынбаева А.Б, МТПРП-206 Байбосын Құндыз, Әлеуметтану, ЛЕКЦИЯ №1, ДӘРІС №2, Управление риском в социально-экономических системах by Богоявленский С.Б. (z-lib.org), marcet, Учебное пособие Мызрова К.А. ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННА КУЛЬТУРА, Отчет, ОТЗЫВ, Introduction to Hospitality

2.1 Analysis of the development of the international tourism market

One of the most popular types of tourism is sports tourism. On the basis of this type of tourism, many countries are developing infrastructure and material and technical base.
The fundamental opinion about any country is associated with the architectural monuments located in this region. As an example, we can imagine Egypt and the pyramids of Cheops, the statue of the Sphinx, the Blue Mosque-Turkey and more. A great influence on the attractiveness of the country is also played by spiritual elements: politics, economics, science, history, art and religion.
Foreign experience shows that thanks to the positive image of the country, new jobs are created, the country's infrastructure and its material and technical base are improved, the government and other organizations form the conditions for the further development of the entire state [18].
The great importance on the positive image of the country is also reflected in the population of the given country. Stereotypes about the ethnic group give a certain idea of the region. For example, the British are strict, the Germans are neat, the Italians are emotional and more. As the analysis shows, the specificity of the ethnic group plays a huge role in the formation of the idea of the country.
I would like to note that a positive tourist image of the country abroad is also created on the basis of the national brand of the country. National branding is a sphere of a certain activity of the state, on the basis of which a positive and effective reputation of the country is built and created. The national brand, it not only broadcasts information about the country, but also forms a certain public opinion. In the past, the national brand was important only for the government, but now it plays a huge role for tourists, because it is the national brand that characterizes the color, customs, traditions, and image of the country in the international market [19].
The brightness of the national brand affects the creation of interest among tourists. It is not easy to convince tourists to visit a country they did not previously know, but through effective branding of the country and the use of unsustainable ways, the country will stand out in the international market. To do this, it is necessary to look for the advantages of the country, that is, to focus on the location, attractions, natural and recreational resources, cultural and ethnic components of the country, to highlight what may be of interest. For example, the Arctic is far away, has cold temperatures all year round, but tourists visit the Arctic because it is interesting for its natural and recreational resources. There is a group called "Polar Passport" that recruits a certain number of people and sends them to the North Pole. The main goal of this group is to preserve the environment and create a balance between tourism and the integrity of natural resources. The main objective of this project is to create an attractive tourist image for this region, but at the same time maintain respect for the customs and traditions of the population of the northern region, allow tourists to visit this region, but at the same time create a set of rules that cannot be violated, capable of forming such conditions for tourism in the Arctic that could preserve the national crafts in this region. Tourism in the Arctic is aimed at using new technologies and innovations for tourists, helping to more deeply and widely explore the natural and recreational resources, culture, and geographical location of this region. Through the use of new innovations, it creates national branding at the international level, the attractiveness of the region.
The importance of national branding lies in the fact that it attracts foreign investment in the tourism sector, that is, due to the positive attractiveness of the country, international cooperation between countries is created and new investment investments are used. These investments make it possible to sponsor the country's tourism sector, form a new material and technical base, keep abreast of new innovative technologies and, if possible, use them in the development of the country's tourism activities. Based on foreign experience, it is necessary that a developing country pay attention to this fact of investment. After all, investments are not only financing a certain area of the country, but also the creation of long-term beneficial relationships between foreign companies [20].
As an example of foreign experience, I would like to note tourism in Norway, the most popular destination for all tourists in the world. Norway is a country with large ski resorts, which has an extraordinary range of natural phenomena: northern lights, midnight sun and much more. Also, in Norway there is a large number of animals and migratory birds. Jailo is a ski resort in Norway, famous for the fact that every year competitions in various sports are held on the territory of this resort. The resort has a very good and attractive material and technical base. Analyzing, we can conclude that thanks to the good equipment of the territory and the annual holding of sports competitions, Norway is gaining a good tourist image in the international tourism market. In addition, Norway has a large state corporation Innovation Norway , thanks to which the tourism activities of the whole country are supported, the necessary facilities are financed, attention is paid to digital technologies and their implementation in the tourism sector of the country. I would like to note that this corporation helps to conduct major negotiations with other countries, cooperation is underway to maintain the country's tourism sector and promote the country in the tourism market.
Tourism is one of the profitable and saturated sectors of the economy, which is effectively developing in the international market. It can be noted that over the period of 2019-2020, international tourism has reduced its efficiency, this was strongly affected by Covid -19, which led to negative consequences in the world, in all sectors of the economy. Analyzing, we can conclude that the pandemic has shown how important the tourism sector is for society and economic development. According to the results and analyzes for the period of coronavirus infection, the tourism economy has decreased by 85% [21].
In Africa, the increase in international arrivals in 2021 was 12% compared to 2020. In the Middle East, it fell by 24% compared to 2020 and by 74% compared to 2019. In the Asia-Pacific region, the gap from 2020 is 65%, and from 2019 - 94%, as many destinations remain in this region completely closed [22].

Figure 2 - Number of cases per week ( coronavirus infections) Note: compiled by the author based on the source [23]

The massive negative effects brought about by Covid -19 have reduced a large number of jobs, a decrease in foreign exchange receipts and taxes, which has led to the fact that it is impossible to maintain tourism activities at a certain stable level. It is important to take into account that the tourism industry adapts to any changes in the world, so if the international economy is not stable, this will lead to a continuous change in the tourism industry.

International tourism is a sector of the economy that brings huge income to many countries, but based on the pandemic, I would like to note that this particular sector has suffered a large number of losses and changes. Countries such as Italy, Spain, France, it can be noted that most of the European countries have suffered from a pandemic in the tourism sector. Since it is these countries that receive a large income from the influx of tourists and build a stable economy based on the tourism industry. In particular, I would like to mention Italy, this country suffered huge losses and losses during the pandemic. It was in Italy that about 50,000 people died from the pandemic. In this country, the pandemic spread rapidly, and therefore the Italian government took more severe measures for its country and closed the country completely for quarantine, all flights were stopped. Italy was in second place in terms of the rapid spread of coronavirus infection. Analyzing this situation, to date, Italy has regained its former popularity in the tourism sector, observing strict measures for the arrival of tourists in the country, precautionary measures have been strengthened not only for tourists, but also for residents of the country.
International tourism did not expect such a sharp and strong push from the pandemic. Almost all countries of the world suffered damage, huge losses among the population, changes. This is a terrible realization that the pandemic has changed the entire tourism activity of all countries on Earth. The pandemic has shown how much the tourism industry plays a big role in developing countries, since it is for many developing countries that this area is the foundation of development, for this reason it is necessary to be prepared for various changes in the world and know the way out of various situations so that the losses are not large quantities.
In the fight against coronavirus infection, a vaccine was introduced, which has become an important part for the stable life of society in any country. As for tourism activities, the vaccine also has a place to be, it plays an important role when visiting countries of rest or traveling abroad for other reasons, the vaccination passport is checked for availability. If there is a vaccine passport, then in some countries there is no need to take a test for a coronavirus infection, if not, then passing the test and its result is the main element when traveling abroad .
Scientists and experts noted the countries most affected by the pandemic:
1. Macau (South China Sea coast). It used to be very popular with tourists. Before the pandemic, the tourist flow to this region was about 4 million, now this tourist flow has fallen to 500 thousand people.
2. Cyprus. Tourist flow to this region decreased by 85% compared to 2019.
3. Thailand . Analysts describe that the tourist flow has decreased from 4 million to 1 million.
This list also includes such countries as Greece, New Zealand, Malaysia, Portugal.
The pandemic, as mentioned above, has led to changes in the rules for the entry of tourists into any country. I would like to note that the rules are of a serious nature, if they are not followed, you can get big problems. Every tourist arriving in any country must take a coronavirus test or have a vaccine that is accepted in the country of arrival. At the airport, in public places, you must always be present in masks. It is necessary to avoid crowded places, in public places to be at a distance from each other. Such rules are strict, but are effective against contracting a coronavirus infection. After the tourist wants to leave the host country, he needs to take a test for coronavirus and after the result he can fly out, in case of a positive result, the tourist needs to stay in the country for 14 days in quarantine without leaving the hotel or place of residence for the period of rest. After that, the tourist takes the test again and after that can fly out of the country. By adhering to these rules, tourism activities can be brought to a stable level, and as a result of any changes, the tourism sector and tourists will be more prepared, and there will be no big losses and aggravation of situations.
It can be noted that the pandemic has helped some countries to reach a new level and explore new trends in the field of tourism. The pandemic, so to speak, was a corresponding strong push after a lull for many countries. There is a complete reboot of states, countries are looking for new directions, using digital technologies to develop tourism activities. During the period of coronavirus infection, online conferences, events, and meetings on tourism activities have become a popular method. There are a number of advantages to the fact that events are held online - it does not harm health, there is no crowding of people and does not take a lot of time. Thanks to such online events, tourism issues and its way out of the crisis were discussed daily, common international outlets were found and new methods and implementations for this area were found out. Also, many events switched to online work or work from home, mainly during the pandemic, when it was impossible to leave the house, it was possible to support work activities via the Internet. Currently, many travel companies continue to work in this mode and give their employees the right to choose their place of work. It is convenient to work online, since you can resolve work issues around the clock, during the pandemic this was especially important and significant: there were many delays on flights, flights were canceled, questions about refunds of tickets and money were resolved. Also, according to the analysis, many travel companies are ready to invest in digital technologies, artificial intelligence for further work in the field of tourism, since during the pandemic, many companies have identified for themselves the advantage of working online and using digital technology.
For many countries, the pandemic has become a challenge to reconsider their tourism activities and create such conditions for the tourism sector that could withstand many global crises in the future. Online events were created in order to support tourism activities, thereby creating new Internet platforms, programs for curating tourism and creating new travel formats. Before the pandemic, many tourists switched to the format of individual trips, but after the pandemic, the format of independent trips and travel bookings became more popular and preferred among tourists, this was due to the fact that many travel companies ceased their activities and tourists were forced to book themselves to travel abroad hotel and air tickets. For this reason, it is important to develop and support new innovations in the field of tourism in order for the tourism sector to flourish and develop as a popular sector of the economy.
The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) suggested following the recommendations in order to restore the tourism industry [24]:
1. Creation of special conditions for health safety, issue certain guarantees to tourists when entering the country.
2. The close relationship of society with tourism enterprises to maintain a stable activity in the tourism sector in the country.
3. Tracking the health of tourists entering the country for more than 7 days.
4. State support and regulation of the country's tourism activities.
Experts believe that more time is needed to restore inbound tourism, so it is very important to pay attention to the country's domestic tourism and its destinations, active tourism, individual and group travel, eco-tourism is currently popular. You can also pay attention to weekend tours for the local population, creating a cozy atmosphere - this method will cause great demand among couples.
Currently, eco-tourism is enjoying a big trend. The value of eco-tourism includes visiting by tourists places that were previously untouched or had a minimum number of visits by tourists. Ecotourism includes not only visiting places that include natural elements, but also the study of the cultural and ethnic components of the country of visit. It is interesting that the local population can take part in the activities of this sphere in the region, as well as receive income.
Countries with national parks, recreational areas, nature reserves and forest parks are very popular from the side of ecological tourism. The most popular countries are Russia, Armenia. China. On the territory of these countries there are a large number of reserves and parks under special supervision. At the same time, specially protected territories are classified as objects of national heritage. Ecotourism is developing on the basis of such natural assets. It is important to pay due attention to the infrastructure of these regions in order to ensure that it does not harm natural resources. If you correctly create the location of the material and technical base, pay attention to logistics in regions that need security, then you can succeed in ecological tourism in the region.
In addition, it is important that the guides are properly trained, have professional skills in the field of ecology, so that when visiting places that need careful safety, certain rules for tourists are highlighted so as not to harm the environment. So that the guides know the correct movement along the routes, the appropriate use of transport for the regions, respect for the environment, describing the beauty of nature to tourists and the necessary rules when visiting places previously unknown to tourists. After all, the better the place with beautiful natural resources is preserved, the longer you can visit this place and develop ecological tourism.
The main international problem in the development of ecological tourism is that almost all countries have low awareness of the natural resources located in their country and what the inhabitants of this region are losing. Therefore, many countries are trying to instill the study of local history among young people, because if the younger generation pays attention to this, then it is likely that eco-tourism will soon become one of the most popular types of tourism activities around the world.
Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing activities today, it is noted that the demand for ecotourism is growing by 20-30% annually. Prior to the 2019-2020 pandemic, this industry brought in about $1 billion a day, about one-third of all tourists in the world are ecotourists .
Over time, upon achieving positive results and increasing its importance in the tourism market, Kazakhstan intends to strengthen relationships with various foreign tourism companies that could quickly and efficiently meet the needs of tourists. Working at the international level will ensure the importance and recognition among foreign companies and organizations, increase the flow and demand from tourists and help provide better services. Then, travel companies in Kazakhstan will be able to ensure the safety of tourists on vacation, the information will comply with all sanitary and technological standards when compiling a tourist product, and will duly comply with all requirements when compiling documents on the safety of services.

2.2 Analysis of the development of domestic tourism in Kazakhstan

The main problem that has affected domestic tourism in Kazakhstan in recent years is the coronavirus. Unfortunately, Covid -19 is still affecting domestic tourism in Kazakhstan, but despite this, tourism in Kazakhstan is developing.
During the period 2019-2020, the tourism industry suffered the most. Tour operator and travel agency activities have reduced their productivity by 70%, which has greatly affected the entire country. But, at the same time, this did not affect the domestic tourism of Kazakhstan, but rather served as a sharp jump in popularity for the tourism activities of Kazakhstan.
For domestic tourism entrepreneurs, there is now a great opportunity to increase the demand for domestic travel and take advantage of the crisis in the international market. The study of the country has begun, tour operators open new locations for tourists to visit, the state allocates investments for advertising about domestic tourism in Kazakhstan and new locations.
During the quarantine period, the domestic market of Kazakhstan weeded out weak tour operators and left more competitive entrepreneurs on the market. The most popular regions of Kazakhstan are still Almaty and Almaty region, one can also note the northern regions: Bayanaul . East Kazakhstan and West Kazakhstan are gaining popularity, but these regions are mostly of seasonal interest.
Alakol is a large lake, translated from the Kazakh language as “motley lake”, located on the territory of Kazakhstan. This resort has been very popular in recent years, as one of the positive and interesting facts is that the water here is curative.
Bayanaul is a resort area in Kazakhstan that is of great interest to tourists. On the territory of this area there is Bayanaul Park, which includes 4 lakes: Sabyndykol , Zhasybai , Toraigyr and Birzhankol . On the territory of Bayanaul Park there is a good material and technical base and infrastructure, including many houses and recreation areas.
Turkestan is the oldest city located in the south of Kazakhstan, which includes a large number of religious sites and is one of the most popular cities for tourists coming to Kazakhstan. The main attraction is the mausoleum of Akhmet Yasawi (15th century). On the territory of Turkestan there is a large complex, which includes oriental bazaars, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, family entertainment centers.
Chimbulak is one of the most popular places in Kazakhstan, a ski resort located in the city of Almaty. Pleasant conditions for comfortable snowboarding, skiing or cable car rides. The territory is equipped with a good infrastructure base, which includes many restaurants and recreational facilities.
As mentioned above, in recent years, the interest and demand for domestic tourism products in Kazakhstan has increased. New travel locations are being opened, new infrastructures are being built, and all this helps to develop domestic tourism. For example, in the Ile-Alatau National Park in the Almaty region, a new plan was approved to strengthen the position and improve the infrastructure of this region, which states that in the next 4-5 years, 7 tourist visit centers should be formed in the most visited gorges of the park [27] .
In addition, to this day, a plan for the development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan until 2025 is being developed and finalized. The National Chamber " Atameken " discusses and finalizes proposals from business partners - the creation of a material and technical base, the development of handicrafts and various design projects, the establishment of a sustainable and competitive infrastructure in the country.
According to the results and analysis for the last six months of 2021, tourism figures were almost similar to the pre- pandemic level. According to the Turistik Foundation Kamkor ”, for the last six months of 2021, 323,470 Kazakhstanis traveled abroad. As a comparison, in 2019, the figures were 387,175 people. The fund clarifies that the results of 2022 were six times higher than last year's figures.
The results for domestic tourism, alas, are not encouraging. During the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of inbound tourists in Kazakhstan decreased by 91%. Most of the visitors were from Russia - 47%, Uzbekistan - 21%, Kyrgyzstan - 19%, Turkey - 10%, Georgia - 3%.
Kazakhstan every year pays more and more attention to the tourism sector, on this occasion the country has the opportunity to develop external and internal tourism. The country is young and rapidly developing in many directions, as well as, recently, in the field of tourism and already has a certain place in the tourism market. Kazakhstan should take into account the nuances and disadvantages that the tourism sector has and the opportunity to improve them. Thus, it will affect the sharp influx of tourists into the country. The most important component of the development of international tourism in Kazakhstan is the outflow of tourists abroad, this is the main component for attracting investments and international partnerships in Kazakhstan.
In modern conditions, competition is developing at a fast pace, for young and already experienced tourism enterprises of Kazakhstan it gives great motivation to strengthen their positions in the tourism market, but at the same time, the situation for forming a positive image of the country becomes difficult and difficult to achieve in the formation of the organization's popularity.

Figure 5 - The number of tourists coming from other countries to Kazakhstan Note: compiled by the author based on the source [28]

Based on the internal situation of the tourism market in Kazakhstan, a decision is made to create a fund " Kazakh Tourism ". This fund will be engaged in compiling the main tasks of tourism development in Kazakhstan, creating partnerships with foreign companies that could invest in the development of this industry. The program is aimed at supporting the entire area of tourism activities in the country, for new and young entrepreneurs who want to develop in this area and gain new knowledge in building a business. Also, the main task of this fund is to create an online platform where entrepreneurs, figures of tourism activities could share their knowledge with those who would like to study in the field of tourism. The listeners of this platform can be absolutely any person: tour operators, travel agents, students, translators, guides, tour guides. The online format will allow expanding the circle of listeners, gaining knowledge safely, and uniting the tourism business from all over the world into one whole [29].

The main impetus that served to create this platform was the pandemic. Under the conditions of strict control, prohibitions, the development of tourism activities has fallen sharply, therefore, in order not to lose demand for tourism activities, it was decided to create an online platform that could provide information about tourism trends, many will be able to share their experiences, offer new trends and creative ideas that could be implemented and formed in several countries at the same time and get results that could be compared and refined.
The Kazakh Tourism Association spoke about the online platform, assessed this idea as a necessary and successful creation that will allow us to be competitive in the market. This platform will help develop not only domestic tourism, but will also contribute to partnership and cooperation with many large foreign companies, which will be very valuable for Kazakhstan. Listeners participating in online meetings or conferences will be able to fulfill their desire to study, in addition to tourism, the restaurant and hospitality business, as listeners will be able to share their knowledge in the field of hotels, the operation of restaurants, the structural concept of the hospitality business, creating their own business from scratch, students will have the opportunity to become a qualified professional in the field of tourism and restaurant and hotel business.
Now I would like to note the internal state of travel agencies and tour operators. In order to succeed in any field, it is important to pay attention to the marketing plan and the structural composition of any enterprise.
It is important that the state provides support for tourism activities throughout the country. The functioning and creation of a material and technical base will allow many companies to always be at a high level and know the trends in the tourism sector. It is necessary that attention be paid to the safety of the state for tourists upon their arrival in the host country. This will highlight the country on the international market as a more prepared country and will arouse the interest of other tourists. Especially during the pandemic, it is important to be prepared for the inhabitants of the country and tourists vacationing in this country [30].
A promising aspect in the development of domestic tourism in Kazakhstan is the service provided by travel agents and tour operators. Here it is important to include in the marketing plan a clarification about the service and its improvement throughout the country. Since the service in Kazakhstan is not at a high level, this service is below average. For this reason, domestic tourism does not develop, since the service is not provided, as in the countries of tourist activity: Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt. Of course, in these countries, tourism is the main promising area. But, if Kazakhstan tries to build an appropriate service during the functioning of travel agencies , hotels, transportation, then this will increase interest and attendance in the country.
For the development of domestic tourism in Kazakhstan, a new world-class hotel was created, which operates on the All Inclusive system, the well-known Rixos hotel chain . The five-star Rixos hotel is located in Aktau. The hotel has a developed infrastructural structure, material and technical base, which attracts attention with its diversity. Thanks to this hotel, there is a great opportunity to increase the demand from foreign citizens to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This hotel is also distinguished by its concept of family holidays, there are a large number of areas for children where they can play, and parents can safely continue their vacation, as they are looked after by professional educators. It is of interest that the entire network of this hotel has one structural base and this is very beneficial for Kazakhstan, because when foreign tourists visit the country and stay in this hotel, they will be able to use the same high service that they are provided abroad [31] .
According to the analysis for today, a big minus in the development of domestic tourism is provided by non-professional service provided by enterprises in Kazakhstan. The travel company must have good communication with its customers and provide services, tourism product and various services in such a way that the client wants to return to this company every time. This concept should concern not only enterprises, but the whole country as a whole. But, in order for the whole country to be interconnected with this concept, it is necessary that every enterprise or at least 70% of enterprises adhere to this concept, then small steps can achieve positive results.
It is important, while maintaining a positive tourism image of Kazakhstan, that a systematically built tourism policy be formed, which would gradually develop different areas of tourism activities, create strong international relations with other countries, form new foreign cooperation with promising changes in the tourism activities of Kazakhstan, study new trends in international tourism market, as well as the use of creative digital technologies in facilitating work in the tourism market. Thus, these actions will help not only develop the image of Kazakhstan, but also provide great support to the existing level of the tourism image of Kazakhstan in the international and domestic tourism market.
Kazakhstan has major established associations in Europe and Asia. These include: the steppe, Islam, a large territory, the former USSR. Also, this country is known for its minerals, oil, Baikonur.
The word service itself includes a large number of meanings, but when we talk about a non-professional service, it is [33]:
1. The work of unskilled personnel. The selection of a tour by tourism managers in many tourism enterprises is at a low level, since managers do not have much information about the object of visit. It still depends on the fact that Kazakhstan has a small number of tourist spots that have a status of popularity. Many local residents, reading information about a tourist site located in Kazakhstan, coming to a tourist organization, begin to learn and clarify about this place. But, the manager may not have information about the object previously unknown to him, and this is not the fault of the manager, but the tourist may not like it, and he will retain a negative impression of the manager's work in this enterprise. The human factor and understanding on the part of the tourist are important here, if the tourist is more courteous to tourism managers, then the manager will be able to resolve the issue of the object and give full information about it, if it is possible to visit this object, and it is an accessible tourist object.
2. Transport. Firstly, many vehicles do not have comfortable conditions when visiting tourist sites. Secondly, the roads in most cases have a critical situational situation. Thirdly, drivers, most often, do not have a clear route for visiting tourist places, and this leads to a waste of time, as well as to claims from tourists.
3. Material and technical equipment. Many enterprises of tourist activity, hotels, restaurants do not have new technology, digital equipment that would be interesting for tourists as part of the enterprise. Also, many businesses have low sanitary and hygienic conditions, which are also paid attention to by locals and tourists when booking.
4. Service from hotel staff. In Kazakhstan, there are not a large number of large hotels and hotels; basically, all international-level hotels are located in the cities of Almaty, Nur -Sultan and Aktau. If we talk about international hotels, then these hotels have their own general concept that they provide to tourists, that is, the service in such hotels is at a high level, but when it comes to local hotels, then the service in them is low, so local residents avoid visiting them.
5. Price. The prices for the service provided in the country are almost comparable to those in foreign countries, and at the same time the service is very lame. Therefore, domestic tourism in Kazakhstan is not in great demand from local residents, because it is easier for them to go abroad, where they provide high-level service, than to visit hotels in Kazakhstan, where there is no proper level of service provided by staff.
If the state creates a sustainable, competitive marketing plan for the entire country, which will have clearly defined goals and objectives for the entire state and local residents, then domestic tourism in Kazakhstan will develop in certain stages and will bring positive results for the whole country and society. Then patriotism will develop on the part of local residents.
At the moment, the development trend of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan is playing until 2025. Development of the soft infrastructure of the country, development of handicrafts, improvement of the quality of education in order to work closely with foreign students and professors. Kazakhstan faced a big task of developing the country's national brand. Russia and Uzbekistan have long gone ahead of these terms and are developing the national brand of their countries on a larger scale, using new advanced technologies that would facilitate the tourism activities of countries in the market. These countries not only use advanced technologies, but also use design codes, make sure that every tourism business, and not only tourism, is designed in the same style and uniform standards.
According to the Bureau of National Statistics for 2021, about 3,000,000 people were served in Kazakhstan. This figure shows that the pandemic has hit domestic tourism and Kazakhstan will not be able to fully realize the goals that should have been achieved [34].
Recently, the development of ecological tourism has been noticed on the territory of Kazakhstan. Volunteers come to national parks and clean them up. For example, only in one Ile-Alatau park in September 2021, about 37 thousand tons of garbage were removed[ 35].
It is noted that when tourists travel, the services of tour operators and travel agents are not used, since tourists or the population of Kazakhstan independently book excursions, accommodation, air tickets and additional services. This has a negative impact on the country's tourism activities, as the services of tourism enterprises are used to a lesser extent and, accordingly, there is no great demand for tourism activities.
In general, domestic tourism in Kazakhstan is gaining momentum, in order to increase the demand for the provided tourist product, to develop and explore new tourist destinations in Kazakhstan, improve the state of infrastructure provision of the regions, introduce new technologies in the country's tourism activities, invest in transport provision of Kazakhstan and improvement of the condition of roads to hard-to-reach places with natural and recreational resources of Kazakhstan.
The nature of Kazakhstan fascinates and surprises with its beauty tourists coming to the country. It is noted that on the territory of Kazakhstan there are a large number of national parks, natural parks, a good infrastructure base is developed, a stable and modern material and technical base is being improved and formed in the country.
It is noted that the people of Kazakhstan are a friendly nation for tourists coming and traveling in the country. It is important that tourism in the country develops and improves conditions for people developing in this area. The most important thing is that the importance of the tourism sector has appeared and every year there is more interest in this area on the part of young people, more modern technologies and new innovations are used. Due to the fact that the tourism sector is improving, the interest from foreign countries and the development of international partnerships are increasing.
Currently, the competition for young tourist enterprises in Kazakhstan is increasing and the situation is becoming more difficult to achieve popularity. The situation with coronavirus has greatly affected the global economy, especially in the tourism sector. Therefore, in order to achieve the popularity of the country and the formation of a positive image, it is necessary to build a marketing plan that will slowly but effectively build a strong position of the enterprise in the international tourism market.
The analysis carried out allows us to conclude that the tourist activity of Kazakhstan offers most of the tours abroad for family holidays. That is, starting from this, it can be noted that this direction should promote this type of tourism in Kazakhstan, take a more in-depth look at advertising in certain areas for family holidays, as well as develop other types of tourism and promote them.
The analysis shows that the image of Kazakhstan in the market will work when the right directions are built, clear goals and objectives are set, the necessary conditions are created for promoting the product and conducting effective advertising activities. Having concluded, it can be noted that the positive image of Kazakhstan in the tourism market is a multifaceted concept that interacts with many elements of the tourism market.

2.3 Analysis of the development of external tourism in Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan has very good prerequisites for the development of tourism in the country: an advantageous geographical position (located between Europe and Asia), a large territory with rich
natural resources, diverse and interesting traditions, the main feature that distinguishes Kazakhstan is hospitality. International tourism in Kazakhstan is gradually becoming one of the most important areas in the country. Currently, international tourism is such a field of activity that has an impact on the economic, political and cultural situation of the whole country. Therefore, the development of external tourism in Kazakhstan is an important element for promoting the entire country in the international market.
The main features of the marketing mix that Kazakhstan should pay attention to in tourism are:
1.Product. This is the most important part of the entire marketing field.
On the basis of the product, a further development plan for the entire tourism activity of the country is being built. It is necessary to provide such advertising for the product so that the client, seeing the marketing activity, wants to come and buy this tourism product.
2.Price. The second important part in marketing is the price. The tourist most often bases his attention. When consulting a client, the manager asks what is the budget per person and then draws up a tour for the client. Therefore, when creating advertising, the agency pays attention to promotions and discounts for customers in order to attract attention with a profitable offer. Thus, the flow of customers and their requests is increasing.
3. Promotion. The implementation of the promotion of services and goods on the market occurs through advertising. Modern advertising takes place on Internet sites. More and more, entrepreneurs are paying attention to Internet marketing, as it is easy, simple and you can achieve great and good results in a short time. This advertisement is aimed at stimulating the work of all managers, sellers and intermediaries. That is, the main tasks are to increase sales, create the image of a tourist company, promote and strengthen the position of a tourist company in the market.
4. Location. Also, to promote the country and consolidate it in the market, you need to choose a specific place for your advertising. As mentioned above, more modern platforms for promotion are Internet sites. They help to purposefully promote the country in the direction in which you would like, to select the contingent of customers who would be interested in the country and the tourism product it offers.
As mentioned above, the pandemic has hit the world very hard. In Kazakhstan, the number of people visiting the country from abroad fell to 2 million against 6 million people. The number of tourists leaving the country was only 2 million, which is 3 times less than last year.
The number of tourists who were served in hotels, restaurants and other places of tourist activity was only 2 million, according to the analysis, the number of foreign tourists was only 7%. The number of tourist facilities during the pandemic decreased by 4%. The occupancy of hotels, hotels and other places was only 15 %, compared to almost 25% in the pre- pandemic period.

Figure 7 - Number of tourists served in Kazakhstan, thousand
Note: compiled by the author based on the source [36]

The pandemic had a strong impact on the tourism sector in the country, for this reason, the resource center Qazakhstan was created Travel and Tourism council . This center has the main tasks:

The use of new digital technologies in the field of tourism. This will allow you to always be in the center of all events related to the tourism activities of states, to have close ties with international companies that can further invest in tourism enterprises, share the experience of their agencies, and also recommend methods of working with clients;
2. This center should support the work of all enterprises of tourist activity in the territory of Kazakhstan until the state of the international market is normalized. That is, this is assistance from the state, to those enterprises that have an unstable position to serve tourists, and this center should also provide all kinds of investments that sponsors can make to maintain the tourism sector at the level that it was before the pandemic. These investments should be created through cooperation with international companies and companies in the Kazakhstan market that are ready to support the country's tourism market.
Although the pandemic has hit the country's economic situation hard, today Kazakhstan is trying to quickly get out of the unstable situation and break into the international tourism market with new ideas, innovations and methods for developing the country. Such a rapid and rapid pace of development has developed in the country thanks to the pandemic, as it has shown that the tourism sector in the country is important and of great importance for the economic and political sphere of Kazakhstan. According to the analysis, it can be concluded that the national brand and its competitiveness are an effective tool for developing the country's image and allow you to break into the international market to a high level.
On April 30, 2021, the Law on the functioning of tourism activities in the territory of Kazakhstan was adopted. This Law provides state support for the tourism activities of the country. Thanks to the State Program, the list of visa-free countries up to 70 was canceled, and the registration of foreign tourists for the period of the pandemic was canceled. To date, this situation has changed, but the visa-free regime is now valid for 19 countries [37].
It is the tourism business that will help develop the external tourism activities of Kazakhstan in order to effectively obtain results and quickly respond to changes in the world. Based on the analysis, Kazakhstan has every chance in the development of external and internal tourism. The country is developing and already has a special place in the international tourism market. Tourist registers of enterprises, hotels, restaurants have been created for businessmen who come to meetings, meetings and business events.
During the pandemic, much attention is also paid to investments. In order to improve the efficiency of investment investment investment threshold from 2 million MCI to 200 thousand MCI. The main purpose of such changes was to attract new investment in tourist facilities that need to be promoted. Thanks to this change, for the period 2020-2021, the inflow of investments amounted to about 700 billion tenge. Also, for 2020-2021, the number of investment projects amounted to 128 [38].
In forming a positive image of the country, language information and materials are also used (based on the use of words). Language is a powerful tool for solving problems and presenting information in a way that will be interesting to listeners and leave a certain impression. Language information forms and forms a positive and effective image of the country, which contributes to the creation and development of a popular and versatile image of the country in the international market, strengthens and forms strong ties with other countries, orients the opportunity to receive large foreign investments in the economic and political advancement of the country. Kazakhstan is a country that every year pays more and more attention to communication technologies in international tourism.

Table 1 - Rating of the countries of the world in terms of global competitiveness [39]








United States of America



Hong Kong















United Arab Emirates



Saudi Arabia








Based on the information collected and summing up, concrete steps are identified in developing a positive image of the country and positioning Kazakhstan in the international market. The main marketing tool for

promotion is social networking. Social networks, the Internet, media and versatile advertising have become indispensable and essential elements for the whole society.
It is important to rely and pay attention and interest to advertising and marketing activities on the Internet, where you can describe in detail all the sights of Kazakhstan, natural and recreational resources, provide information on the political and economic situation of the country, and contribute materials that will be interesting when tourists study this country. The materials will allow tourists to get more useful information, to be always up to date with the news, to study the news that tell about the international market in the global space.
Kazakhstan pays great attention to the development of domestic and foreign tourism, and this can be seen from the events that are held in the country.
External tourism is gaining momentum in order to make this area more efficient and fruitful for the whole country. During the pandemic period, the www.kazakhstan.travel website was created , which can be used by everyone who stays in Kazakhstan. This site provides complete information about Kazakhstan and the tourism sector on its territory, this information is provided in 8 languages (Kazakh, Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Korean). This site has a large number of sections that tell about the country, about international relations and cooperation. In the section for tourists, you can study information about routes, sights, culture, traditions and customs of a particular region [40].

Table 2 - SWOT analysis of tourism industry in Kazakhstan [41]

1. A country with a favorable geographical position;
2. Hospitality of the Kazakh people;
3. Rich tourist and recreational resources;
4. Support from the state;
5. Investments from international companies

1. Underdeveloped tourism infrastructure for inbound tourism;
2. Low level of service;
3. High cost for the services provided;
4. Lack of use of new digital technologies

1. Support for the development of the tourism sector by the state and many foreign investments;
2. The use of new digital technologies for the effective operation of the tourism sector in Kazakhstan;
3. Exploring new methods in developing a more efficient and competitive market position

1. Pandemic and its consequences;
2. The threat of increased competition in the international and domestic markets;
3. Inability to face competitors in the international market due to the large amount of competition;
4. Unstable economic and political situation in the world

Gradually, the development of external tourism comes to the period of the pandemic. Local residents of Kazakhstan travel to countries such as Turkey, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. The main reason for traveling to these countries is that these countries offer All Inclusive holidays, which is very convenient for couples with children. According to the analysis, these countries also suffered heavy losses during the pandemic period, since the tourism sector is the main activity of the entire country and the economy as a whole. Kazakhstan and these countries have close cooperation and good international relations, for this reason, Kazakhstan strives to be on a par with these countries and achieve the level of domestic tourism like these countries that they offer to the people of Kazakhstan. After all, if it is possible to reach such a level, then cooperation will be strengthened and Kazakhstan will become a more popular state in the tourist market.
It is important that Kazakhstan take into account the nuances that exist in the tourism sector and be able to improve them. Thus, it will affect the sharp influx of tourists into the country. The most important component of the development of international tourism in Kazakhstan is the outflow of tourists abroad, this is the main component for attracting investments and international partnerships in Kazakhstan.
The main features of investments [42]:
1. Efficiency. Due to investment investments, the costs of the company are minimized, which makes it possible to improve the efficiency of the company's performance and introduce interest into another direction of the enterprise (staff training, study of international information, etc.).
2. Investments help in expanding production. Investor support improves the effective implementation of new methods of creating a tourism product that may be of interest to tourists or that has not been created before.

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