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Инфекциялық емес скарлатинаның асқынуы

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патфиз-2, патфиз-2, пропед внут 100, Иммуногистохимиялық зерттеу әдісі-engime.org, ФАРМА канайнал экз
Инфекциялық емес скарлатинаның асқынуы
+в) жедел гломерулонефрит
г) парапроктит
31. Инфекциялық қабыну ошағындағы некрозға тән
г) саркоидоз
32. Фиброзды қабыну қай инфекциялық ауруда дамиды
а) іш сүзегінде
г) холерада
33.Геморрагиялық бөртпелер дамиды
а) іш сүзегінде
+в)менингококты инфекцияда
г) сифилисте
34. Біріншілік аффект қай ауруда дамиды
г) токсоплазмоз

1. changes in the trachea and esophagus in severe forms of asthma

a) catarrhal inflammation
B) acute inflammation
C) croup inflammation
+d) acetic-hemorrhagic inflammation
e) atrophy of the mucous membrane

2. name the first stage of colitis in dysentery:

a) fibrinous colitis
B) croup colitis
C) diphtheria colitis
+d) catarrhal colitis
e) ulcerative colitis

3. in typhoid fever, intestinal bleeding occurs:

A) in 1 Week
B) in 2 weeks
+C) in 3 weeks
D) in 4 weeks
E) in 5 weeks

4. morphological manifestations in primary tuberculosis

a) caseous pneumonia
+B) Primary complex
C) secondary effect
d) miliary tuberculosis
e) tuberculosis lymphadenitis

5. the most common cause of death in fibrosis-cavernous tuberculosis

a) cardiogenic shock
B) sepsis
+C) bleeding
d) brain edema
e) absorption syndrome disorder

6. what type of sepsis is characterized by heart attacks in organs ?

a) septicopemia
B) septicemia
+C) septic endocarditis
d) lymphotrombosis
e) thromboembolism

7. changes in the lymphatic node in the septic focus in Septicopemia:

a) hypoplasia
+B) hyperplasia
C) metaplasia
d) atrophy
E) multiple sclerosis

8. name of the lungs in congenital syphilis:

+a) white pneumonia
B) croup pneumonia
C) staphylococcal pneumonia
d) bronchopneumonia
e) hemorrhagic pneumonia

9. What do we call the ability of a virus to destroy certain cells and tissues

a) virulence
+B) tropism
C) pathogenic
d) invasive
e) phagocytosis

10. intrauterine complications of dysentery:

+a) bronchopneumonia
B) myocarditis
C) peritonitis
d) liver abscess
e) amyloidosis

11. morphological picture of inflammatory tissue reactions in Tuberculosis

a) caseous necrosis
B) bronchopneumonia
+C) granuloma
d) tuberculosis
e) blood transfusions

12. characteristics of septic foci:

a) hyalinosis
+B) purulent inflammation
C) productive inflammation
d) fibrinous inflammation
e) amyloidosis

13. changes in the upper respiratory tract mucosa in the mild form of influenza

a) formation of deep wounds
+B) complete regeneration of the mucous membrane
C) scar formation
d) chronic bronchitis
e) chronic pneumonia

14. growth of the small intestine mucosa in typhoid fever:

+a) diphtheria enteritis
B) phlegmonous enteritis
C) ulcerative enteritis
d) productive enteritis
e) purulent enteritis

15. frequent location of changes in non-pulmonary lesions of hematogenic tuberculosis

a) heart, brain
+B) in the bone and joint, urinary system
C) in the blood system
D) in the spleen, adrenal glands
E) in the bone marrow,liver

16. types of sepsis, exit from the gate:

a) septicopemia
B) cryptogenic
C) pneumococcal
d) mushroom
+e) lying down

17. intrauterine complications in typhoid fever:

a) myocarditis
B) inflammation of the esophagus
C) peritonitis
+d) waxy necrosis of the vertical abdominal muscles (voskovidny)
e) periostitis

18. list the types of hematogenic tuberculosis

+a) miliary tuberculosis
B) lymphocytic tuberculosis
C) fibrotic-focal tuberculosis
d) infiltrative-pneumonic tuberculosis
e) caseous pneumonia

19. What is Gumma?

a) leproma
B) purulent inflammation
+C) syphilitic granuloma
d) fibrinous inflammation
e) scleroma

20.the woman was 43 years old, had tuberculosis, died of post-hemorrhagic anemia. Possible sources of bleeding:

+a) the cave
B)chest aneurysm of the aorta
C)uterine veins
d) liver veins
e)abdominal aneurysm of the aorta

21.a 63-year-old brave patient underwent surgery after bleeding from the small intestine. The existing complications lasted 3 weeks. As a result of histological studies of the materials obtained during the operation, ulcerative necrosis and granulematous inflammation were detected at the bottom. What disease was detected in the patient.

B) + typhoid fever
C) cholera
d) flu
e)scarlet fever

22.a young woman had numerous foci of purulent inflammation in the lungs, kidneys, and liver due to a superficial burn of the skin. Name the type of disease:

B) septicemia
+C) septicopemia
d) chroniosepsis
e) septic endocarditis

23. less mobile dense, airless lung tissue, what is this trend

A) pulmonary gangrene
B) lung abscess
+ C) cirrhosis of the liver
D) Bronchiectasis
E) emphysema of the lungs

24.during the epidemic, a patient was admitted to the hospital with the following complaints. There was an increase in body temperature, asthma, cough, weakness for 5 days. During the diagnostic study, bilateral pneumonia was detected. Despite the procedures, the patient died of pulmonary heart failure. Name the macroscopic manifestation of the lungs in this pathology.

a) pulmonary hemosiderosis
B) pulmonary croup
+C) large chubby lungs
d) small bulbous lung
e) yellow lung

25.the patient is 35 years old, Kelen complained of the appearance of sores on the genitals without pain. During the examination, a 2 cm diameter wound was found on the head of the penis. The bottom of the wound is dense, copper-red in color, shiny, slightly protruding. The edge of the wound is roller-shaped, compacted. Name the type of syphilis.

a) tertiary
B) visceral
+C) championship
d) secondary
e) congenital origin

26.at the 3rd week of the disease, the patient began to feel a strong pain in the abdomen, during palpation, the patient did not touch the abdomen. The surgeon recommended performing the operation during the examination. Name what complications the patient has developed.

a) paraproctitis
+C) peritonitis
d) peritonitis

27.the sick child had a feeling of pain when swallowing, pronounced swelling of the neck, body temperature of 38 degrees. The opening of the mouth revealed a light gray coating around the amygdala. Name what disease in a sick child.

a)scarlet fever
B)follicular angina
+C) diphtheria
d) lacunar angina
e) paragripp

28.a 10-year-old boy had chills, body temperature -39.severe headache, vomiting, convulsions, difficulty moving. A few days later, a hemorrhagic rash appeared on his body, and there was damage to the blood vessel in his eyes. Meningococcal infection was diagnosed. Name the type of meningococcal infection.

a) nasopharyngitis
B) meningitis
d) encephalitis
e) neck phlegmon

29.a 35-year-old woman was treated for infertility. During the examination, kyphoscoliosis was detected in the thoracic part of the spine. I was diagnosed with tuberculosis spondylitis. Name the type of tuberculosis.

a) primary tuberculosis
B) secondary tuberculosis
+C)hematogenic extrapulmonary tuberculosis
d) hematogenic pulmonary tuberculosis
e) congenital tuberculosis

30. complications of non-infectious scarlet fever

a) meningitis
B) pneumonia
+ C) acute glomerulonephritis
d) paraproctitis

31. characteristic of necrosis in the focus of infectious inflammation

a) silicosis
B) Berlioz
+C) syphilis
d) sarcoidosis
e) anthracosis

32. in which infectious disease does fibrotic inflammation develop

A) in typhoid fever
B) appendicitis
+C) in diphtheria
d) cholera
E) in leprosy

33. hemorrhagic rashes develop

A) in typhoid fever
B) in leptospirosis
+C) meningococcal infection
d) syphilis
e) tuberculosis

34. in what disease does the primary effect develop

+C) tuberculosis
d) toxoplasmosis
e) pneumocystis

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