Учебно-методический комплекс Иностранный язык Направление подготовки

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Total _______ out of 50 points

Коллоквиум к учебному пособию "Guide To Science" Units 6-9 для студентов 2-го курса (продолжающие) 3-й семестр

1. Give the synonyms to the following words (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1) produce 2) making oil purer 3) very small strands 4) suggest 5) have inside 6) machinery 7) make 8) take in 9) breathing in and out 10) pull together

2. Give the word to the following definition (1 point for each correct answer)

1) a chemical element that is lighter than air 2) a part of an atom which has no charge 3) a part of an atom that has a negative charge 4) the condition of something at a particular time 5) matter that can burn

3. Give the definition to the following words (1 point for each correct answer)

1) conservation of mass 2) combustion 3) oil refining 4) fibre 5)quantum mechanics

4. Answer the following questions (1 point for each correct answer)

1) How can chemists help to treat and cure diseases? 2) How can chemists support doctors working in hospitals? 3) What do chemists do to make sure we have good quality food? 4) What part do chemists play in the production of plastics? 5) How are chemists working to reduce pollution?

5. Say a few words about the atom (10 points for the answer)
Use the following headings:
1) history of discovery 2) parts of the atom 3) what do the parts do 4) how many atoms
Use some of these words and phrases:
at first, smallest particles, a number of, electrically charged, bond, molecule, hydrogen

6. Talk about the main differences between the phlogiston theory and the Law of Conservation of Mass (20 points for the answer)

Use these notes to speak:

1) name the two concepts and say when and where they were being discussed 2) the phlogiston theory, its main ideas about mass 3) the Law of Conservation of Mass, the main idea behind it, the people who worked to prove it 4) the progress of science through experimentation
Use the following vocabulary:
During ..., a subject of much discussion..., flammable, release, lighter, quantitative chemistry, mass of the material, combustion, oxygen, experiments brought about...

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