Урок проект «Біздің cүйікті мерекелер» «Our favourite Holidays»

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Nauryz, the modern Kazakh word for New Year, comes from Persian nau- year. Before that New Year was called – Ulys kuni meaning tribe or clan day. The tradition of reconciliation between relatives around a festive table, exchange of presents and good wishes was set for this day. The beginning of the year is announced by the appearance of greenery. The patient resistance to the winter hardships has come to an end, now, with the coming of spring it is time to participate in the life-giving festival.

The main ritual dish of this festival is nauryz-kozheh. Nauryz kozheh always includes seven ingredients, signifying the seven life Beginnings-water, meat, salt, fat, flour, cereal (rice, corn, wheat) and milk. They symbolize joy, luck, wisdom, health, wealth, speed growth and Heavenly protection. If milk symbolizes the new year, the old unwanted tings, repair clothes, the house, water canals and wells, ask for forgiveness for past wrongs, reconcile with neighbours, invite quests and present relatives with gifts. Every-one has to visit seven houses and invite seven guests to his home.

“koktem tudy” (spring is born) say Kazakhs today and meet Nauryz in the streets, squares, parks and stadiums. Thousands of people witness sharp verbal competitions of akyns, contests in national sports-kazakhsha kyres, togyz kumalak, horse competitions like kyz-kuu, national culture and native land, promote approchement and mutual understanding of different nations.

Kazakhstan has many different customs and traditions. Answer questions:

What are the yurts made of?

What are the Kazakh peoples traditional dishes?

How are the yurts decorated?

What musical instruments do Kazakh people play?

What other important features of Nauryz do you know?

When is Nauryz celebrated?

Where do families get together?

Kazakh tradition

Современное казахское название Нового года - Наурыз пришло из персидского языка: нау-новый, руз-день. В прежние времена казахи называли началом Нового года улыс куны-днем всего племени. Отсюда традиция примирения между родственниками за праздничным столом, обмен подарками и пожеланиями благ. Начало года знаменовалось появлением зелени. Закончилось терпеливое противостояние тяготами земли и теперь с приходом весны важно принять участие в празднике зарождения жизни.

Главное ритуальное блюдо древнего праздника Наурыз - коже. Наурыз- коже включает в себя семь обязательных элементов, олицетворяющих семь жизненных начал: вода, мясо, соль, масло, пшено, мука и молоко. Они символизировали счастье, удачу, мудрость, здоровье, богатство, быстроту роста и покровительство неба.

Если молоко вступает символом Нового года, то старый олицетворяет мясо, причем обязательно копчености, составляющие прошлогодние запасы. Весной люди стараются обновиться физически и духовно, чинят одежду, жилье, арыки, колодцы, просят прощение у близких за прошлые грехи, мирятся с соседями, приглашают гостей, одаривают родных. В семи домах должен побывать каждый, и семь гостей принять у себя в доме.

Коктем туды (весна пришла)- говорят казахи сегодня и встречают Наурыз на улицах, площадях, парках, стадионах. Тысяча людей становятся свидетелями острых, устных, песенных состязаний акынов, соревнований в национальных видах спорта - казакша курес, тогыз кумалак.

Скачках и играх на конях - кыз куу, байга. Различные драматические представления и театрализованные шествия,

представляющие национальные традиции и ритуалы, которые привлекают людей и учат их уважать национальную культуру и родную землю, способствуют сближению и взаимопониманию людей разных наций.

Национальные блюда

Halloween is a festival that takes on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. Many of them carve jack-or-lantens out of pumpkins. Fortunetelling and storytelling about ghosts and witches are popular activities.

Halloween developed from New year festivals and festivals of the dead. Christian church established a festival on November 1 called All saint’s Day so that people could Continue to celebrate their festivals. The Mass Said on All Saint’s Day was called Allhalowmass. The day before All Saint’s Day was known all hallow’s Eve or All Halloween.

The main Halloween activity for children is track-or-treating. Children dress in costumes and go from door to door saying “trick or treat”. The neighbours give children such treats as candy, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them. Jack-o-lanterns are hallowed out pumpkins with fake carven into one side. Most jack-o-lanterns are named after the man called Jack. He could not enter because he was a miser, and he could not enter heel because he had played jokes on devil.

As a result, Jack has to walk on the earth with his lanternd until Jungment Day.

Jungment is a important part of Halloween. For example a coin, a ring, and a thimble were baked into a cake. It was believed that the person who found the coin would become wealthy. The one who found the ring would never get married. Today people practice cardrlading pr palmistry.

People once believed that there were many ghosts and witches on the Earth and that they met on October 31 to worship the devil. Today, people do not believe in ghosts but they like to tell stories about them on Halloween.


1.What does the word Halloween mean? 2. What is trick-treating? 3.What is -jack -o –lantern? 4.What are the most popular activities on Halloween?

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