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In this Situation the low culture of the future nurse,the lack of elementary rules of medical ethics

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In this Situation the low culture of the future nurse,the lack of elementary rules of medical ethics

20An experienced, young surgeon operated on the boy and he regained consciousness, but the injury turned out to be incompatible with life and a few days later the patient died. At that moment, the nurse on duty said to the “heartbroken” mother: “a young doctor operated on, so if the professor, your son would still be alive.”What is the problem with this?

What consequences may arise as a result of this deontological error?
«What the nurse did was wrong. A nurse must keep medical information confidential A surgeon's license may be revoked for this matter.»
21 After the injection, the patient developed a large hematoma in the area of ​​the elbow bend. She turned to the head sister of the department with a demand to have a conversation with her subordinates, explaining her demand by the fact that the procedural nurse was inattentive and dishonest in her duties. The head nurse was outraged by the patient's complaint and offered to go to a private clinic, since all the nurses are overloaded and cannot be attentive to each patient. What is the problem?
Did the head nurse do the right thing?
«The head nurse was wrong. Talk to the patient as politely as possible. And what happened should be explained as gently as possible»

22 The patient was being examined in the pulmonology department, he was referred for bronchoscopy. He asked the nurse on duty to explain why he was assigned to this type of study. The nurse replied rudely, “Don't bother! You have cancer." In the morning the patient was found dead. An autopsy showed that he had poisoned himself.What is the problem?
Did the head nurse do the right thing?
How ethical are the nurse's actions?
«The nurse did something wrong. It is necessary to follow the deontological aspect when talking to the patient. And it is necessary to keep medical information confidential.»

23 In the oncologist's office, during the next medical examination, the following dialogue took place between patient A and the doctor:
- How old are you?
- Fifty.
- Do you have tumors?
- Apparently not.
- Weird! At your age, it could be something.What is the problem?

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