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III Questions on the text

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III Questions on the text:

1) Why did the author come to the Franklins'?

John Franklin, with whom he had studied at Oxford, invited him to stay in Markhampton for the Markshire Hunting Ball.
2) Describe Deborah.
3) Why didn't the author expect Deborah to be a clever girl?
Deborah Franklin was beautiful in big
classic look. She didn't look like a movie star or a model at all. But looking
you forgot everything with her. It was the sheer beauty of her face
your breath caught.
With such a view, it would be too much to expect something amazing.
on the way of the brains, and Deborah seemed a little boring to me. She was of course
knew very well about her unusually beautiful appearance and was perfectly prepared for discussion them, as a man seven feet tall, can talk about the advantages and disadvantages be high.
4) What did Aubrey Melcombe say about Deborah's face?
Aubrey Melcombe, who recently took over
local museum. As soon as he saw Deborah, he said:
"We've never met before, but your face is of course perfect
5) Where did he invite the girl?
No one ever told you that you are a lively image of Vabbek Titsian2? "" I never heard about Babec Titsian, "said Deborah," you will judge for yourself, "said Obelli." I will send you a ticket to open an exhibition. "
6) Why did the author say that Aubrey and his fiancée knew their job
when he came to the opening of the exhibition?
He didn't really care about Aubrey or his young woman, but he had to know their stuff when he arrived at the opening of the exhibition in
a few months later. They collected all kinds of treasures from all over
districts and arranged them perfectly. The gem of the show, of course, was the great Titian.
7) Why did everybody crowd round the picture?
The similarities were fantastic. Lord Warbeck never had his paintings
refined so that Titian's flesh tones are golden carmine
8) Describe Deborah's behaviour at the exhibition.
Deborah's pink and white dress. But the face behind the glass could have been hers
mirror image. Luckily she chose a very plain black
a dress that went well with the dark clothing of the portrait. She stood motionless
and is silent, looking at its centuries-old likeness. I wonder how she felt.
9) What surprised the author in the way Deborah left the exhibition?
She kept peering into picture, a long time ago. Then she turned and quickly walked out
building. As she passed me, I saw her crying - an amazing sight.
emotions in one so calm.
10) What was discovered some time later?
After about ten minutes, Aubrey discovered that a pair of Degas figurines
was absent from the stand opposite Titian. They were small objects and very
valuable. They sent for the police, there was a serious fuss, but nothing
was found.
11) How did the author guess that the theft had been carefully planned?
He explained. "It distracted attention from everything else in the room.
until the theft occurred. "
“Yeah,” Deborah said, “Aubrey set things up very cleverly, didn't he?
thought about everything.
12) Why was Deborah indignant?

13) Who had stolen the statuettes?

14) How had Aubrey make Deborah act as a cover girl?
15) How had Deborah found out what was going on?

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