Өтебек Бекзат Финансы- 19. 651 Christmas at Red Butte- II

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Өтебек Бекзат
Финансы- 19.651

Christmas at Red Butte- II

Before going to bed, the children hung Sunday stockings. Theodora looked at them and worried: “What if my aunt fails to sell the foal?” What if she gets too little for it? ”

Theodora 5 years ago came to live with Uncle George and Elizabeth in a small house. Her mother had just died, and her brother, who had a fever, joined the intelligence service. The Martin family was poor, but they had a place for Theodora. They were happy until Jimmy's father died. Elizabeth held on to the last, and Theodora supported her to the last.
At 7 o'clock Miss Martins arrived. Theodora excitedly “Go to the fireplace, warm yourself. And I will take the horse and untie it. " As soon as Theodora arrived home, she saw her aunt sobbing. Her so broken was rarely seen. “I'm afraid tomorrow the children will not have a holiday,” Elizabeth said ruefully. “There was enough money for food and I could only buy a turkey. They gave me $ 40 for a foal. I stood and did not reduce the price. I was probably lucky that I was able to buy things that should be with us. "

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