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Summery Raiymkulova Ainash Dastanovna

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Raiymkulova Ainash Dastanovna
Formation of technological culture of school children by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts

13.00.01 – the General pedagogics, pedagogics and formation history, ethnopedagogics

The urgency of research. The basic tendency of development of modern school is transition to the personally-focused formation. As its distinctive characteristics act: the humane relation to the child, support of its individuality, its satisfaction educational, spiritual, cultural, vital needs and inquiries; various ways of self-realisation of the person in cultural-educational space. The purpose of the personally-focused formation – comprehensively cultural developments of the person.

In system of the personally-focused formation the important place belongs to the technological. Educational party «Technology« urged to bring up the person not only knowing, but also able. Each person in the practical activities constantly solves various problem problems. Attempts to systematise the materials of Kazakh national decoratively - applied art and a management of it from outside teachers now become. It has found reflexion that in the program of a subject "Technology" for comprehensive schools. A number a direction of the Kazakh national arts and crafts is entered.

Questions of formation of technological culture of pupils of 5-9 classes by means of the Kazakh arts and crafts have not found reflexion in special researches, however have been considered in connection with the analysis of problems of labour, economic, moral, aesthetic education of school pupils.

The urgency of a problem of research is caused by the contradiction between comprehension of necessity of formation of technological culture of pupils by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts and an insufficient readiness of scientific-theoretical bases and methodical equipment.

The object of research: teaching and educational process of a comprehensive school.

The object of research: process of formation of technological culture of pupils of 5-9 classes by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts.

The aim of research: theoretically to prove and experimentally to check up model of formation of technological culture of school pupils by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts in educational process and pedagogical conditions of its effective realisation.

The problems of research:

- to carry out a theoretical substantiation of necessity of formation technological culture of school pupils;

- to define possibilities of the Kazakh national arts and crafts in formation of technological culture of school pupils;

- to develop model of formation of technological culture of school pupils by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts and to reveal their pedagogical conditions of its realisation;

- to develop a technique of formation of technological culture of school pupils by of the Kazakh national arts and crafts and to carry out skilled-experimental check of its efficiency.

Scientific novelty of research:

- the essence and structurally-substantial components of technological culture of schoolboys, logic of its formation and levels of development are concretised;

- possibilities of the Kazakh national arts and crafts in formation of technological culture of school pupils are defined;

- the model of formation of technological culture of school pupils is developed by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts and pedagogical conditions of their effective introduction are defined;

- The technique of formation of technological culture of school pupils is developed by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts.

The practical importance of research consists that ways, forms and methods of use of arts and crafts of the Kazakh people educational and in nonlearning activity with a view of formation of technological culture of schoolboys are developed; methodical recommendations, additions to the program of a subject "Technology", the hobby group program the works providing formation of technological culture of school pupils by means of arts and crafts of the Kazakh people are made.

Results of research can be used in comprehensive schools, grammar schools, lycees, and also in system of preparation and retraining of pedagogical shots.

The substantive provisions which are taken out on protection:

1. Technological culture of the person of the pupil are individually - psychological features of the pupil being subjective conditions of successful realisation of converting activity. It is characterised by presence of system of motives and values of system of scientific and technological knowledge, the skills necessary for realisation of converting activity, and also experience on inclusion in this activity.

2. Classification and selection of the maintenance Kazakh national it is decorative - applied art prove about high pedagogical possibilities in formation of technological culture of pupils.

3. The model of formation of technological culture of pupils means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts represents set emotsoinalno-motivational, substantial, active components and is characterised by certain criteria, indicators and levels. Process of its realisation is provided taking into account such pedagogical conditions as: selection of the maintenance of the Kazakh national arts and crafts according to interests and possibilities of the pupil; uses of active forms, methods and the tutorials promoting realised performance of activity; the organisation of interaction of participants of activity (the teacher, pupils, parents), the cooperation based on principles, mutual aid.

4. The technique of formation of technological culture of pupils by means Kazakh national arts and crafts of art focuses pupils on creative use the mastered knowledge, skills in practical activities.

Scientific results of research:

1. The essence of concepts "culture", "technology", «technological culture of the person» as theoretical base of research is specified.

2. The essence of concepts "craft", «decorative art», "arts and crafts" taking into account an object of research is specified, the definition is made.

3. Classification and selection of the maintenance of the Kazakh national arts and crafts is carried out.

4. Pedagogical possibilities of the Kazakh national arts and crafts in formation of technological culture of pupils are specified.

5. The model of formation of technological culture of pupils is developed by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts.

6. The pedagogical conditions promoting realisation of model of formation of technological culture of pupils by means of the Kazakh national arts and crafts are revealed.

7. The technique the organisation of development by pupils of the Kazakh national arts and crafts based on realisation practical – focused and personally -activity approaches is developed.

8. Ways of preparation of the teachers are defined, capable is qualified to organise training of the Kazakh national arts and crafts for the purpose of formation of technological culture of school pupils.

9. Programs are developed, additions to programs, the methodical recommendations providing controllability by formation of technological culture in the course of training Kazakh national is decorative - to an applied art.

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