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@@@ Infinitive

$$$ 1A

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) a lot.

A) to read

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to be reading

E) is reading

$$$ 2A

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) now.

A) to be reading

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to read

E) is reading

$$$ 3C

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) since morning

A) to be read

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to read

E) is reading

$$$ 4B

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) all the books in the library

A) to be reading

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to read

E) is reading

$$$ 5E

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

We expect (to be) back in two days.

A) to been

B) is being

C) was been

D) was being

E) to be
$$$ 6E

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He expected (to help) by the teacher.

A) to help

B) to have been helped

C) to have been helping

D) is helping

E) to be helped
$$$ 7A

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

The children seem (to play) since morning.

A) to have been playing

B) is playing

C) has been playing

D) were playing

E) to be playing

$$$ 8E

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I saw him …(enter) the room.

A) to enter

B) entered

C) enters

D) having entered

E) enter
$$$ 9B

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here.

A) to work

B) to have been working

C) was working

D) being worked

E) to have worked
$$$ 10A

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I am sorry (to break) your pen.

A) to have broken

B) to have been broking

C) to break

D) was breaking

E) to be broken

$$$ 11C

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I want (to take) you to the concert.

A) to have been taking

B) to have taken

C) to take

D) was taking

E) to be taken

$$$ 12B

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I want (to take) you to the concert by my father.

A) to has been

B) to be taken

C) to take

D) was being

E) to be
$$$ 13E

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

She hoped (to help) her friends.

A) to be helped

B) to have helped

C) to have been helping

D) to be helping

E) to help
$$$ 14A

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I hope (to see) you soon.

A) to see

B) to have seen

C) to have been seeing

D) was seeing

E) to be seeing

$$$ 16D

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door.

A) to been quarreling

B) to have been quarreling

C) to have quarreled

D) to be quarreling

E) to quarrel

$$$ 17E

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months.

A) to work

B) to have worked

C) to be worked

D) had worked

E) to have been working

$$$ 18C

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom.

A) hearing

B) to have been hearing

C) to be heard

D) to have heard

E) was hearing

$$$ 19A

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

They seemed (to wait) for ages.

A) to have been waiting

B) to wait

C) to have waited

D) waited

E) were waiting

$$$ 20D

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living.

A) to have earned

B) to have been earning

C) to be earned

D) to earn

E) earning

$$$ 21D

Choose the right variant:

It isn’t difficult ___________ this textbook.

A) understand

B) in order to understand

C) for understanding

D) to understand

E) understanding


Choose the right translation:


A) She is pleasant to look for

B) she is pleasant to look at

C) She is pleasant to look about

D) She is pleasant to look up

E) She is pleasant to look

$$$ 23C

Choose the right translation:


A) the child had nobody to play

B) the child has somebody to play with

C) the child has nobody to play with

D) the child has nobody to play to

E) the child has not nobody to play with

$$$ 24E

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

You seem (to look) for trouble.

A) to looked

B) have been looking

C) be looked

D) have looked

E) to be looking

$$$ 25D

Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning.

A) to be snowing

B) to have snowed

C) to be snowed

D) to have been snowing

E) to snow

$$$ 27A

Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю.-Сізге бұл әңгімені айтқаныма қуанып тұрмын.

A) I am glad to have told you this story

B) I am glad to have been told this story

C)I am glad to be told this story.

D) I am glad to have been telling this story

E) I am glad told this story

$$$ 28A

Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Я хочу познакомить вас с этой артисткой.-Мен сізді мына әртіспен таныстырғым келеді.

A) I want to introduce you to this actress.

B) I want to be introduced to this actress.

C) I want to be introduced to you.

D) I want to have been introducing to this actress.

E) I wanted to introduce to this actress.

$$$ 29E

Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Я хочу, чтобы меня познакомили с этой артисткой.- Мені мына әртіспен таныстырғанды қалаймын.

A) I want to be introduced to you.

B) I want to introduce you to this actress.

C) I want to have been introducing to this actress.

D) I wanted to introduce to this actress.

E)I want to be introduced to this actress.

$$$ 30A

Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Мы очень счастливы, что пригласили его на вечер.-Біз оны кешке шақырғанымызға өте қуаныштымыз.

A) We are happy to have invited him to the party

B) We are happy to have been invitedhim

C) We are happy to have been invited to the party.

D) We were happy to invite you to the party

E) We are happy to have been inviting him

@@@ Gerund
$$$ 1A

Choose the sentence in which the Gerund is used:

  1. He admitted stealing.

  2. She was stealing the money from father’s pocket.

  3. I saw her steal the money.

  4. She had been stealing my thoughts.

  5. He is going to steal her this evening.

$$$ 2E

Define the form of the given example:


A) Participle 2

B) Infinitive Perfect

C) Infinitive Passive

D) Infinitive Simple

E) Gerund
$$$ 3C

Choose the right variant:

Ann can’t help (laugh) when she sees you.

A) having laughed

B) to laughed

C) laughing

D) to laughing

E) laugh

Choose the right variant:

This book is worth (read).

A) to read

B) reading

C) to reading

D) read

E) to have read

Choose the correct answer:

She is a very practical woman and good … running things.

  1. of

  2. on

  3. at

  4. for

  5. from

$$$ 6B

Choose the correct answer:

I must be going. I’m afraid … missing my train.

A) for

B) of

C) in

D) into

E) at
$$$ 7A

Choose the correct answer:

They suspect her … telling lies.

A) of

B) in

C) about

D) at

E) on

Choose the correct answer:

I wonder what prevented him … going to the country on Sunday.

A) in

B) of

C) in

D) from

E) for
$$$ 9B

Choose the correct answer:

She is a nice girl and we are looking forward … seeing her again.

A) at

B) to

C) in

D) for

E) on
$$$ 10 E

Choose the correct answer:

After a long time they succeeded … finding a cheap hotel in the suburbs of London.

A) at

B) with

C) without

D) for

E) in
$$$ 11B

Choose the correct answer:

You know he’s always complaining … having problems with her neighbours.

A) in

B) of

C) about

D) into

E) at
$$$ 12A

Choose the correct answer:

Somebody told me that he had taken … drinking after his wife’s death.

A) to

B) in

C) about

D) of

E) for

Choose the correct answer:

My brother has given up (smoke). He thinks it’s a waste of money.

A) to smoking

B) to have smoked

C) smoking

D) smoke

E) to smoke


Choose the correct answer:

My watch wants …

A) to repair

B) to repairing

C) to have repaired

D) repairing

E) repair


Choose the right variant:

All the happiness of my life depends … your loving me.

A) in

B) on

C) from

D) in

E) for

Choose the correct answer:

He has always dreamt … visiting other countries.

A) for

B) to

C) in

D) of

E) from

Choose the correct answer:

The machine needs (clean)

A) to cleaning

B) to clean

C) cleaned

D) to have cleaned

E) cleaning

$$$ 18B

Choose the correct answer:

He persisted … trying to solve that difficult problem:

A) on

B) in

C) for

D) with

E) at
$$$ 19C

Choose the correct answer:

I object … his borrowing money from you.

A) for

B) in

C) to

D) with

E) about
$$$ 20D

Choose the correct answer:

Do you mind him (examine) by a heart specialist?

A) to examine

B) to have examined

C) examining

D) being examined

E) been examined


Choose the correct answer:

He had a strange habit of (interfere) in other people’s business.

A) to interfere

B) interfering

C) interfere

D) interfered

E) being interfered


Choose the correct answer:

The cold weather prevented the girls … going for long walks.

A) for

B) in

C) from

D) of

E) with
$$$ 23A

Choose the correct answer:

The teacher of mathematics did not approve … his pupils dreaming.

A) of

B) in

C) for

D) at

E) on
$$$ 24D

Choose the right answer:

He gave up the idea … ever hearing from her.

A) in

B) for

C) with

D) of

E) at
$$$ 25C

Choose the correct answer:

He is good at (to repair) cars.

A) repair

B) to repair

C) repairing

D) being repaired

E) repaired
$$$ 26B

David was tired of (to scold) all the time.

A) scolded

B) being scolded

C) scold

D) have scold

E) have been scold
$$$ 27D

Choose the correct answer:

The Bronze Horseman is worth (to see)

A) to see

B) saw

C) being seen

D) seeing

E) have seen

$$$ 28B

Choose the correct answer:

They accuse him … having robbed the house.

A) for

B) of

C) in

D) at

E) with
$$$ 29C

Choose the correct answer:

The child insisted on (to send) home at once.

A) sending

B) to send

C) being sent

D) sent

E) with

Choose the correct answer:

Jane thought … leaving Lowood after Miss Temple’s marriage.

A) for

B) of

C) at

D) in

E) with
@@@ Participle

$$$ 1A

Choose the right form of the participle:

The children were really … about opening their presents.

A) excited

B) exciting

C) to excite

D) excites

E) excite

$$$ 2C

Choose the right form of the participle:

I was so hurt when he said I was … .

A) to bore

B) bored

C) boring

D) bore

E) to boring

$$$ 3B

Choose the right form of the participle:

He works very hard. It’s not … that he is always tired.

A) surprised

B) surprising

C) to surprise

D) surprise

E) to surprises

$$$ 4A

Choose the right form of the participle:

We were … when we heard the news.

A) shocked

B) shocking

C) to shocked

D) to shock

E) shock
$$$ 5B

Choose the right form of the participle:

I didn’t find the situation funny. I wasn’t … .

A) to amuse

B) amusing

C) amuses

D) amuse

E) to amused
$$$ 6A

Choose the right form of the participle:

The journey was really … . I enjoyed it.

A) exciting

B) excites

C) to excite

D)to excited

E) excite

$$$ 7D

Choose the right form of the participle:

I’m not keen on golf. When I played it, I was really ….

A) to bore

B) bore

C) to boring

D) bored

E) boring

$$$ 8A

Choose the right form of the participle:

She has really learnt very fast. She has made … progress.

A) astonishing

B) astonished

C) to astonish

D) astonish

E) to astonishing

$$$ 9C

Choose the right form of the participle:

Tom is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very … .

A) to amused

B) to amusing

C) amusing

D) to amuse

E) amuse
$$$ 10B

Choose the right form of the participle:

When we heard the news, we didn’t know what to do. The news was… .

A) to shocked

B) shocking

C) shocked

D) to shocking

E) to shock
$$$ 11A

Choose the right form of the participle:

The weather forecast was …. The … authorities cancelled the match.

A) terrifying, worried

B) terrifying, worrying

C) terrified, worried

D) terrified, worrying

E) to terrified, worrying

$$$ 12B

Choose the right form of the participle:

Do you know the woman … to Tom?

A) a talked

B) talking

C) having talked

D) to talk

E) talk
$$$ 13C

Choose the right form of the participle:

… her work, she went home.

A) finished

B) finishing

C) having finished

D) have finished

E) to finish
$$$ 14B

Choose the right form of the participle:

The road … the two villages is very narrow.

A) joined

B) joining

C) having joined

D) to join

E) join
$$$ 15A

Choose the right form of the participle:

Most of the goods …in this factory are exported.

A) made

B) making

C) having made

D) have made

E) to make
$$$ 16C

Choose the right form of the participle:

… nearly all our money, we couldn’t stay in a hotel.

A) spent

B) spending

C) having spent

D) to spend

E) have spent

$$$ 17B

Choose the right form of the participle:

I was woken up by a bell ….

A) rung

B) ringing

C) having rung

D) have rung

E) to ring

$$$ 18B

Choose the right form of the participle:

There were some children … in the river.

A) swum

B) swimming

C) having swum

D) to swim

E) swim
$$$ 19A

Choose the right form of the participle:

A lot of people … to the party cannot come.

A) invited

B) inviting

C) having invited

D) to invite

E) have invited
$$$ 20C

Choose the right form of the participle:

… our tickets, we went into the theatre.

A) bought

B) buying

C) having bought

D) to buy

E) have bought

$$$ 21B

Choose the right form of the participle:

Everybody looked at the …girl.

A) danced

B) dancing

C) having danced

D) to dancing

E) have danced

$$$ 22A

Choose the right form of the participle:

The window … in the storm last night has been repaired this year.

A) broken

B) breaking

C) having broken

D) have broken

E) to break

$$$ 23B

Choose the right form of the participle:

I saw a woman … in the corner in her own.

A) stood

B) standing

C) having stood

D) to stand

E) have stood

$$$ 24B

Choose the right form of the participle:

She was lying in the middle of the road … for help.

A) cried

B) crying

C) having cried

D) to cry

E) have cried

$$$ 25C

Choose the right form of the participle:

… our meal, we went out.

A) finished

B) finishing

C) having finished

D) to finish

E) have finished

$$$ 26B

Choose the right form of the participle:

He just sit around all day, … nothing.

A) done

B) doing

C) having done

D) have done

E) to do
$$$ 27A

Choose the right form of the participle:

Books … from the library must be returned in two weeks.

A) borrowed

B) borrowing

C) having borrowed

D) have borrow

E) to borrow
$$$ 28B

Choose the right form of the participle:

Not … what to do, she burst out crying.

A) known

B) knowing

C) having known

D) have known

E) has known

$$$ 29B

Choose the right form of the participle:

… hungry, I decided to make myself a sandwich.

A) felt

B) feeling

C) having feeling

D) have felt

E) to feel

$$$ 30C

Choose the right form of the participle:

…dinner, they continued their journey.

A) had

B) having

C) having had

D) to have

E) has
@@@ Direct and Indirect Speech


Choose the right variant:

Masha said to me, “I usually spend my holidays in the south.”

A)Masha tells me that she spent her holidays in the south.

B)Masha told me that she usually spent her holidays in the south.

C)Masha told me that she usually spends her holidays in the south.

D)Masha told me that she will spend her holidays in the south.

E)Masha told me that she was going to spend her holidays in the south.

$$$ 2C

Choose the right answer:

He promised he … phone me at work.


B) shall

C) would

D) should

E) will not

$$$ 3D

Choose the right answer:

When I saw him he … a letter.

A) wrote

B) has written

C) writing

D) was writing

E) will write

$$$ 4A

Choose the right answer:

- Does anyone know where … ?

A) Angela is

B) is Angela

C) Angela be

D) be Angela

E) Angela

$$$ 5E

Choose the right answer:

He asked me if I … open the window.

A) will

B) was

C) would

D) can

E) should

$$$ 6D

Choose the right answer:

When I met him he … there for 10 years.

A) was working

B) has worked

C) has been working

D) had been working

E) is working

$$$ 7B

Choose the right answer:

I thought you said Ann … to the party.

A) went

B) were going

C. has gone

D) will go

E) will be going

$$$ 8D

Choose the right answer:

- Why did you bring your umbrella?

- I thought it … rain.

A) is going to

B) were to

C) should

D) was going to

E) was
$$$ 9C

Choose the right answer:

When I arrived Ann … for me. She was rather angry as I was late.

A) had waited

B) waited

C) had been waiting

D) has waited

E) wait
$$$ 10C

Choose the right answer:

- Is he coming to the meeting?

- Well, I asked him … , but he didn’t give me any definite answer.

A) if he will come

B) will he come

C) if he was coming

D) would he come

E) will he coming

$$$ 11C

Transform into reported speech:

Jimmy said, “my brother is learning to drive”

A) Jimmy said that his brother is learning to drive

B) Jimmy said my brother learning to drive

C) Jimmy said that his brother was learning to drive

D) Jimmy said that his brother has learning to drive

E) Jimmy said that his brother has been learning to drive

$$$ 12D

Transform into reported speech:

Nick said, sometimes “I go home by tram”.

A) Nick said that sometimes he goes home by tram

B) Nick said that sometimes he had gone home by tram

C) Nick said that sometimes he go home by tram

D) Nick said that sometimes he went home by tram

E) Nick said that sometimes he has gone home by tram
$$$ 13B

Transform into reported speech:

The teacher told John, “You didn’t write exercise two”

A) The teacher told that he didn’t written exercise two.

B) The teacher told that he hadn’t written exercise two.

C) The teacher told that he hasn’t written exercise two.

D) The teacher told that he had written exercise two.

E) The teacher told that he has written exercise two.

$$$ 14A

Transform into reported speech:

Frank said, “Ron fell down, but he didn’t hurt himself”

A) Frank said that Ron had fallen down, but he hadn’t hurt himself.

B) Frank said that Ron has fallen down, but he hasn’t hurt himself.

C) Frank said that Ron had fall down, but he hadn’t hurt himself.

D) Frank says that Ron had fallen down, but he hadn’t hurt himself.

E) Frank said that Ron had fallen down, but he didn’t hurt himself

$$$ 15E

Transform into reported speech:

Bob said, “ My uncle has just arrived from Paris”

A) Bob said that his uncle has just arrived from Paris.

B) Bob said that his uncle just arrived from Paris.

C) Bob said that her uncle had just arrived from Paris.

D) Bob said that his uncle had just arriving from Paris.

E) Bob said that his uncle had just arrived from Paris.

$$$ 16A

Transform into reported speech:

The mother said to the lazy son, “Wake up”

A) The mother told the lazy son to wake up.

B) The mother told the lazy son to woke up.

C) The mother said the lazy son to wake up.

D) The mother told the lazy son –“ wake up!”

E) The mother tells the lazy son to wake up.

$$$ 17B

Transform into reported speech:

Father said to me, “Remember to post these letters”.

A) Father said me to post those letters.

В) Father reminded me to post those letters.

C) Father reminded me to posting those letters.

D) Father reminded me to post these letters.

E) Father reminds me to post these letters.

$$$ 18D

Transform into reported speech:

I said to Nick, Shut the door please.”

A) I asked Nick please shut the door.

В) I ordered Nick to shut the door.

C) I ask Nick to shut the door.

D) I asked Nick to shut the door.

E) I asks Nick to shut the door.

$$$ 19A

Transform into reported speech:

Mother said to the children, “Don’t ever enter this room.”

A) Mother warned the children not to enter the room.

B) Mother warns the children not to enter the room.

C) Mother warned the children not to have entered the room.

D) Mother warned the children not entering the room.

E) Mother warned the children to enter the room not.

$$$ 20B

Transform into reported speech:

My bank manager asked me “Are you taking much money with you to France?”

A) My bank manager wanted to know if I have taking much money with me to France.

B) My bank manager wanted to know if I was taking much money with me to France.

C) My bank manager wanted to know if I have taken much money with me to France.

D) My bank manager wanted to know if I have been taking much money with me to France.

E) My bank manager wanted to know if I took much money with me to France.

$$$ 21B

Transform into reported speech:

She said, “please , help me”

A) She asked me to help him.

B) She asked me to help her.

C) She said me to help her.

D) She asked me help her.

E) She asked me to helping her

$$$ 22A

Transform into reported speech:

Ann’s mother asked her, “Are you tired?”

A) Ann’s mother asked her if she was tired.

B) Ann’s mother asked her if she was tiring.

C) Ann’s mother asked her-are you tired?

D) Ann’s mother asks her if she was tired.

E) Ann’s mother asked her if she has tired.

$$$ 23A

Transform into reported speech:

He asked his friend, “Do you like the wine?”

A) He asked his friend if he liked the wine.

B) He asked his friend do you like the wine?

C) He asks his friend if he likes the wine.

D) He asked his friend if he had liked the wine.

E) He asked his friends if he likes the wine.

$$$ 24B

Transform into reported speech:

I asked Frank, “Did you buy a new car?”

A) I ask Frank if he has bought a new car

B) I asked Frank if he had bought a new car

C) I asked Frank had you bought a new car?

D) I asked Frank, did you buy the new car?”

E) I asked Frank did you bought a new car

$$$ 25A

Transform into reported speech:

Ann’s father asked her, “Have you finished the work?”

A) Ann’s father asked her whether she had finished the work

B) Ann’s father asked her whether she has finished the work

C) Ann’s father asked her have you finished the work?

D) Ann’s father asked her did she had finish the work?

E) Ann’s father asks her whether she finished the work

$$$ 26A

Transform into reported speech:

I asked my sister, “Will you go to Italy in summer?”

A) I asked my sister whether she would go Italy in summer.

B) I asking my sister whether she would go Italy in summer.

C) I asked my sister whether she would to go Italy in summer.

D) I ask my sister whether she would go Italy in summer.

E) I asked my sister whether she will go Italy in summer.

$$$ 27B

Transform into reported speech:

Peter asked, “Who has taken my book?”

A) Peter asked who has taken his book.

B) Peter asked who had taken his book.

C) Peter asked who has taken my book?

D) Peter asks who had taken my book.

E) Peter asked who had taken his a book.

$$$ 28D

Transform into reported speech:

I asked the gardener, “What are you planting here this year?”

A) I asked the gardener what are you planting here this year.

B) I asked the gardener what was he planting there that year?

C) I asked the gardener what he planted there that year.

D) I asked the gardener what he was planting there that year.

E) I ask the gardener what he will plant there that year.

$$$ 29A

Transform into reported speech:

Nina’s sister asked her, “Who did you meet at the theatre?”

A) Nina’s sister asked her who had she met at the theatre.

B) Nina’s sister asked her who has she met at the theatre.

C) Nina’s sister asks her who did she meet at the theatre.

D) Nina’s sister asked her who is she met at the theatre by.

E) Nina’s sister asked her who will she meet at the theatre.

$$$ 30C

Transform into reported speech:

I asked my mother, “What did the teacher say?”

A) I asked my mother what did the teacher say?

B) I ask my mother what the teacher says?

C) I asked the teacher what the teacher has said.

D) I asked the teacher what the teacher have said.

E) I asked the teacher what the teacher will say.

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