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Speaking as a type of speech activity

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Work 5

1.2. Speaking as a type of speech activity
A person expresses his thoughts, feelings, emotions through gestures, facial expressions or the process of speaking. Since the last century, many scholars have asked themselves this question: how does a speaker’s thought turn into a sounding word. And of course, special attention has recently been paid to the product of speaking, namely the text.

Speaking, being a type of speech activity, relies on language as a means of communication. Thus, people communicating with each other should speak in one language that is understandable to each other. Information is exchanged only when the parties know the language, signs, gestures of communication.

Speech activity consists of a subject, result, means and methods of implementation.

“The subject of speaking is thought, as a reflection in the human mind of relations and relationships of real-world phenomena ...” When organizing teaching in a foreign language, the teacher needs to know that thought as a subject of speaking is determined by characteristics. One of which is the establishment of a semantic connection.

The product of speaking, in turn, is a speech statement, a voice message. The result of speaking is the reciprocal action of the participant voice communication. So, for example, the result of the teacher speaking is that students listen or not listen to him. The result of the student's speaking can be a teacher's hearing, his positive or negative mark.

Speech, like speaking, is a verbal process of communication through language. Means of speaking (speech) are words with values assigned to them in society. At the same time, these words can be pronounced out loud, silently, written or replaced by special gestures.

Thus, speaking of learning to speak in a foreign language, we can conclude that this is a task with many unknowns, which at the same time has various difficulties, which in turn are based on the substantive content of the speech itself, as a type of speech activity.

Therefore, having analyzed speaking as one of the activities, it can be said that productive skills are the basis of speaking. Foreign language speaking is a complex integrated skill, which, according to many scientists, requires the use of video materials to improve.

In the modern world it is necessary to keep pace with the times. Therefore, a modern lesson should be progressive, interesting, informative and creative, and this requires a creative approach, the ability to use TCO and knowledge of innovative technologies.

 The interest and motivation for the language being studied depends on the technologies and methods used by the teacher in the classroom. In our opinion, highly effective creative implementers of various forms of development of education and training are the use of video in foreign language lessons. This way of organizing educational activities allows in an exciting creative form to productively solve all the tasks of the lesson to carry out educational, communicative, and cognitive activities.

For the teacher, the use of video materials opens up a limitless field of activity for organizing work on a wide variety of topics, at different levels of education, with children of different ages.

One of the main tasks of teaching English is the development of speaking skills, so the main goal in teaching English using video materials is to learn speaking and writing. Methodist demonstration of any video material is divided into stages. So, Yu.A. Komarova considers the functioning of video sequences in the educational process as the functioning of supports designed to facilitate the formation of specific skills. It defines their functions in accordance with the stages of work on them in the lesson:

Stage 1: video segment - content support (VF – 1 video fragment)

2nd stage: video fragment - semantic support (HF - 2)

3rd stage: video fragment - stimulus (HF - 3)

Taking into account the functions of video clips at each stage, Yu.A. Komarova highlights the ability to build a monological utterance as follows:

Stage 1: the ability to express one's thoughts in a monologue form based on HF - 1.

Stage 2: the ability to deploy a monologue-speech-strategy based on the HF-2.

Stage 2: the ability to speak in the form of a monologue based on the HF - 3.

At each stage, Yu.A. Komarova proposed a complex of sequentially complicating exercises that provide for a variable basis: on the sound track, on the video track, on the sound track and the video track at the same time. The following tasks were proposed for using the audio track only:

- listen, imagine what is happening on the screen;

- listen, tell me what you can tell about this character, how you imagine him, look, compare.

For the presentation of silent video the following tasks are possible:

- look and tell those who have not seen;

- look and sound;

- look and play the situation;

J. Vehage distinguishes several cycles of exercises related to the demonstration of a video with sound and without sound:

1st stage: preparatory. At this stage, exercises are performed on listening to the dialogues that will sound in the film (without a picture); compiled lists of questions on the content.

2nd stage: interactive exercises in a group before the film:

- Brainstorming;

- development of a complete script;

- Discussion of the name of the film.

3rd stage: watching a movie without sound:

- description of individual frames of the film (freeze frame);

- anticipation of the content of the next scene;

4th stage: watching a movie with sound:

- mark in the proposed list the words that students “see” and “hear”;

- compose questions for communication, discussion on the content of the film;

- to recreate the text and content of the video in group work;

5th stage: exercise after watching the video:

- to distribute the exercises in a logical sequence of events in the film;

- answer verbally or in writing to questions;

- to work on the text with the missing words;

- create your own video;

 Based on the traditional division of the process of working with a video into stages and from the proposed by Yu.A. Komarova and J. Vehage, in our opinion, can be divided into four main stages:

1. Preparatory or pre-demonstration stage (pre-viewing);

2. The perception of the film or a demonstration stage (while viewing);

3. Monitoring the understanding of the main content or the post-demonstration stage ((post) after-viewing);

4. Development of language skills and oral speech skills or a creative stage;

At each stage there are a number of tasks, the fulfillment of which determines the effectiveness of the entire audiovisual process:

I. Pre-Demonstration Phase

Goals of the stage:

1) to motivate students, set them up for the assignment by making active participants in the learning process;

2). to remove the possible difficulties of perception of the text and prepare for the successful execution of the task.

At this stage, there is the removal of language difficulties and difficulties in understanding the content of the video. It is possible to introduce proper names, which may cause difficulties when watching a video, explanation of events or conditions in which the action takes place.

The teacher can briefly convey the main plot of the video clip, focusing on questions that are not We will be uncovering at the post-observation stage.

You can complete a series of lessons on a topic or issue by watching videos. Students receive an assignment to study a specific material in advance, which logically prepares them for watching a video. Preliminary reading of texts and discussion of problems on the same subject (in native and in foreign languages) also help to increase motivation in the course of viewing the view, provided that the video opens new perspectives on the vision of this topic, contains an element of novelty and unpredictability.

Demonstration stage

The purpose of the stage: To ensure the further development of students' linguistic, speech or sociocultural competencies, taking into account their real possibilities of foreign language communication.

The demonstration of the film should be accompanied by an active learning activity of the audience-trainees.

At this stage, tasks are used aimed at finding, isolating, fixing, transforming a certain language material: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. In this case, it is not so much the formulation of the task, as the content of the exercise provides for one or another degree of effectiveness and justification of the task. Trainees can also make notes to the text of the film, which will be needed when performing tasks at the post-demonstration stage.

Post stage

The purpose of the stage: to use the original video as a basis and support for the development of productive skills in speaking or writing.

At this stage, the effectiveness of using the guidelines proposed at the pre-demonstration stage of film perception and the language and speech means used in the film is checked.

Compliance with the sequence of presentation of the video and the correct wording of the assignment contribute to the effectiveness of the use of video in the process of teaching English.

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