Берілген етістіктермен сұраулы (?), болымды (+), болымсыз сөйлем құрастырыңыз

өлшемі22,51 Kb.
Present Continuous

Present Continuous
1)help 2)show tricks 3)run in the park
4)write letter 5)sit at home 6)pay for coke 7)meet friends
8)learn new language
1) Берілген етістіктермен сұраулы (?), болымды (+),
болымсыз (-)сөйлем құрастырыңыз.
Sample/ Үлгі: play football
Are you playing football? Is he playing football?
Yes, I am playing football Yes, he is playing football
No, I am not playing football No, he isn’t playing football
2) Translate the sentences/ Сөйлемдерді аударыңыз:
1. Оған неге көмектесіп жатсың?
Себебі мен ештеңе жасап жатқан жоқпын
2. Ол қалай трюк көрсетіп жатыр?
Ол бір аяғында секіріп жатыр
3. Ол не істеп жатыр?
Ол паркте жүгіріп жүр
4. Олар не істеп жатыр?
Олар қыздарына хат жазып жатыр
5. Болат қайда?
Ол үйінде отыр
6. Ақшаңды не үшін алып жатсың?
Мен колаға төлеп жатырмын
7. Не істеп жатсың?
Мен жаңа тіл үйреніп жатырмын

Keys/ Жауаптары: I , you, we, they, boys (орындары ауысса
ештеңе етпейді) және he, she, it, Bolat (орындары ауысса ештеңе
1.Are you helping? Is he helping?
Yes, I am helping Yes, he is helping
No, I am not helping No, he isn’t helping
2. Are they showing trick? Is she showing tricks?
Yes, they are showing tricks Yes, she is showing tricks
No, they aren’t showing tricks No, she isn’t showing tricks
3. Are boys running in the park? Is Bolat running in the park?
Yes, boys are running in the park Yes, Bolat is running in the park
No, boys aren’t running in the park No, Bolat isn’t running in the park
4. Am I writing letter? Is he writing letter?
Yes, you are writing letter Yes, he is writing letter
No, I am not writing letter No, he isn’t writing letter
5. Are you sitting at home? Is Bolat sitting at home?
Yes, I am sitting at home Yes, Bolat is sitting at home
No, I am not sitting at home No, Bolat isn’t sitting at home
6. Are you paying for coke? Is she paying for coke
Yes, I am paying for coke Yes, she is paying for coke
No, I am not paying for coke No, she isn’t paying for coke
7. Are they meeting with friends? Is she meeting with friends?
Yes, they are meeting with friends Yes, she is meeting with friends
No, they aren’t meeting with friends No, she isn’t meeting with friends
8. Are you learning new language? Is he learning new language?
Yes, I am learning new language Yes, he is learning new language
No, I am not learning new language No, she isn’t learning new language

2) Translate the sentences

1. Why are you helping him?
Because I am not doing anything (anything ештеңе)
2. How is he showing tricks?
He is jumping on one leg
3. What is he doing?
He is running in the park.
4. What are they doing?
They are writing to their girlfriends
5. Where is Bolat?
He is sitting at home.
6. Why are you taking money?
I am paying for coke
7. What are you doing?
I am learning new language.

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