Педагогикалық іс-тәжірибе бағдарламасын орындау мерзімдері

Lesson: The passive: present perfect, present continuous

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Lesson: The passive: present perfect, present continuous.

School: №1 named after Shakarim

Date: 27.02.19

Teacher name: A. Asylbekova

Grade: 8 «V»

Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

  1. Learn the present perfect and present continuous passive.

  2. Talk about holiday destinations.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: Complete the sentences.

Most learners will be able to: Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

Some learners will be able to: Write the sentences using the present perfect passive and present continuous passive.

Assessment criteria

How can complete the sentences.

How can use the times: present perfect, present continuous in the passive.

Language objective

Has been booked, the coast.

Additional materials


Previous learning

The passive: present simple, past simple and will.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



  1. Teacher greets students. Students respond for the greeting. Take their places. Ask “Who’s on duty?; Who’s absent?”. Checking hometask. Ex4, 5. P.75.

  2. W-up: T: In the last lesson you’ve learned Pr. S, Past Simple, Fut. Simple. In the passive voice. So, today we are goung to learn Pr. Perfect & Pr. Continuous in the passive.


Present Perfect

Active voice

Passive voice



I’ve sent the emails.(Я отправил элю письма.)

The emails have been sent.(Эл. Письма отправлены.)

They’ve built a house.(Они построили дом.)

A house has been built.(Дом уже построен.)

They’ve repaired the car.(Они отремонтировали машину.)

The car has been repaired.(Машина отремонтирована.)

Present Continuous



I’m closing the door now.(Я закрываю дверь сейчас.)

The is being closed.(Дверь сейчас закрывается.)

He’s repairing the watches now.(Он ремонтирует часы сейчас.)

The watches are being repaired.(Часы сейчас ремонтируются.)

Doing exercises for practice.

Ex2. Work in pairs. Change active voice to passive. Tell students to consult with each other. Answers: 2)a lot of new hotels have been built along the coast; 3)the last seat on the plane has just been booked; 4)has the s.p. been cleaned yet?; 5)that activity holiday has been recommended by a lot of people; 6)tourism hasn’t been encouraged in this part of the country.

Ex4. Complete the sentences. Answers: 2)are being advised; 3)are being cut down; 4)’s being cleaned; 5)’s being made; 6)’s being shown.


H/t: Ex2, 3. p.58 (w.b.)

Іс-тәжірибеден өтуші: Асылбекова Ақбота Даниярқызы

Пән мұғалімі: Бейсенова Сымбат Жайляуханқызы

Пән: Шет тілі (екінші): қытай тілі

Курс: 4

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