С. А. Оданова, Қ. Е. Молдабаева

The academic writing’s research level and topical issues

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Ш.Айтматов-және-қазіргі-түркі-әлемі, Қазақ әдебиетін оқыту әдістемесі СӨЖ, Blank Company Profile Business Presentation in Red Maroon White Geometric Style, Қазақ тілін оқыту әдістемесінің тарихы» пәнін оқытудың мақсаты м-emirsaba.org (2), Әкімбек Лашын ҚМЖ, Диссертация Сайбекова НУ, Айдар Назерке ғылыми мақала, СӨЖ- Әкімбек Лашын 313, Есімдіктердің қалыптасу,даму жолдары. Есімдіктің зерттелуі-emirsaba.org (1), Есімдіктердің қалыптасу,даму жолдары. Есімдіктің зерттелуі-emirsaba.org
The academic writing’s research level and topical issues
of creating its electronic content
As academic writing is a new and developing theme in the field of scientific sphere of Kazakhstan, 
while some scientists of the country have studied the theoretical and practical bases of academic writ-
ing, there are some issues that should be investigated, including the creation of electronic content using 
the Internet resources in the period of rapid development of information technology and the problems 
of teaching academic writing using electronic resources require a profound research. Before moving on 
to the research,we studied the works of scientists from near and far abroad and this article describes the 
level of study of academic writing abroad, in neighboring Russia, its formation as a separate subject, his-
tory and teaching methods. In this regard, in the article we conducted reviews of works of some Russian 
researchers such as of I.B. Korotkina, I.N. Минеева, I. Kvitsiniya, L.A. A Milovanova. In order to analyze 
the level of application of academic discourse abroad, the works of Merton R. K., Beavis C., Green B., 
Beavis C., Kress G. A., Snyder I. will be taken into consideration. In addition, in order to determine the 
history of the formation of the academic writing in Kazakhstan, its preconditions, R. Syzdykova, B. Ab-

Академиялық жазылымның зерттелу деңгейі және электронды контент жасаудың өзекті мәселелері
ylkasymov’s works are reviewed and we focus on the history of scientific style, which was founded in the 
second half of the XIX century, considering as the starting point of modern academic writing. At present
local scientists like E. Ospanov, B.B. Dinaeva, S.M. Sapina are studying the theoretical and practical as-
pects of this issue, they describe ways to compile an academic text in the Kazakh language and all their 
papers are profoundly discussed in the article. In conclusion the ways to introduce an academic writing 
into the scientific space of our country using electronic resources are described.
Key words:
academic writing, web resources, language templates, language constructors, electronic 
textbooks, information technology.
С.А.Оданова, К.Е. Молдабаева*
Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Казахстан, г. Алматы 
*e-mail: k.moldabaeva@aues.kz

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