Секциясы: Тіл білімі Ғылыми жетекшісі: Дәулет Г. М

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Ергешбаева муслима, 6 сынып

Тақырыбы: Main differences and similarities of Kazakh and British lullabies
Бағыты: Қазақстанның тарихи ескерткіштері және болашақ дамуы бар саяхат маршруттары
Секциясы: Тіл білімі
Ғылыми жетекшісі: Дәулет Г.М.
Ғылыми кеңесшісі:


Introduction 6
Introduction 6
Chapter I. Every country has its customs 8
Chapter I. Every country has its customs 8
1.1. The role of traditions and customs in people’s life 8
1.1. The role of traditions and customs in people’s life 8
1.2. Kazakh’s attitude to their traditions and customs 9
1.2. Kazakh’s attitude to their traditions and customs 9
1.3. Attitude of British people to their traditions and customs 10
1.3. Attitude of British people to their traditions and customs 10
Chapter II. Similarities and peculiarities of main Kazakh and British traditions and customs 12
Chapter II. Similarities and peculiarities of main Kazakh and British traditions and customs 12
2.1. Kazakh traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child 12
2.1. Kazakh traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child 12
2.2 British traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child 13
2.2 British traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child 13
2.3 Similar traditions of Kazakh and British people 14
2.3 Similar traditions of Kazakh and British people 14
3 Main differences and similarities of Kazakh and British lullabies 17
3 Main differences and similarities of Kazakh and British lullabies 17
3.1 Lullaby song as a genre of folk art. 17
3.1 Lullaby song as a genre of folk art. 17
3.2 From the history of the appearance of lullabies 17
3.2 From the history of the appearance of lullabies 17
3.3 Characters as a reflection of national cultures of peoples 18
3.3 Characters as a reflection of national cultures of peoples 18
Conclusion 21
Conclusion 21
List of references 22
List of references 22

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