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Бухина пособие автоматизация и управление (1) (1)

b) Participle II Passive
The received messages; the transmitted news; the used device; the invented machine; the improved design; the controlled variable; the transmitted binary signal; the desired value
The polymer found during the experiment…; signals transmitted over very long cables…; the design discussed yesterday…; the model developed the speed; techniques based on…; the effect caused by
When transported gasses are compressed…; when discussed the design was…; if heated to 100 °C water…; though discovered the mistake had no…

  1. Perfect Participle Active and Passive

Having created the theory of…; having made improvements in the device; having transmitted the message they were…; having summed up the information the computer…; having achieved the success
Having been used for a long time the device…; having been repaired the machine operated …; having been tested the motor…

  1. Translate into English paying attention to the forms of Participle:

a) Силы, действующие на тело…; компьютеры, выполняющие миллионы операций в секунду…; методы, улучшающие исследовательскую работу…; эксперимент, который проводится в …; рабочие, устанавливающие новое оборудование…; инженеры, использующие новые достижения…; поверхность, отражающая свет…; увеличивающееся напряжение; метод, который применяется в настоящее время…
Работая над проблемой…/при работе над проблемой…; сравнивая системы…/при сравнении систем…; производя новые конструкции; применяя новые методы; увеличивая скорость; устанавливая новое оборудование /когда они устанавливали новое оборудование…; проводя эксперимент /при проведении эксперимента…/когда они проводили эксперимент…
Так как этот вопрос рассматривается на…; хотя мотор был проверен…; когда новую модель завершат, она будет…; так как это устройство используется в этом эксперименте, оно будет…; проблемы, которые обсуждаются в настоящее время,…
b) Усовершенствованные механизмы…; полученные результаты…; переданные (передаваемые) сигналы…; хорошо оснащенная лаборатория…
Результаты, полученные в этом эксперименте…; проблема, решенная успешно…; метод, разработанный этим ученым…; лаборатория, оборудованная новейшей аппаратурой…; материалы, рекомендованные для…
Если воду нагреть до…; как упомянуто выше…; как видно из статьи…; хотя машину и починили…; если мотор не проверен
c) Получив новую информацию…/после того, как они получили новую информацию…; решив важную проблему…/после того, как он решил важную проблему…; сравнив силы, инженер определит…/когда/после того, как инженер сравнит силы, он определит…
После того, как двигатель отремонтировали, он…; после того, как необходимая информация была получена

  1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of Participles:

  1. 1. While flowing along a conductor the current heats it. 2. Being widely used in industry electrical motors are also used in our everyday life. 3. Cybernetics has developed a concern with a wide range of processes involving people as active organizers, as sharing communicators. 4. The powerful ventilators are being turned on, the air is being purified. 5. The installation being used is very efficient.

6. The best results were achieved with electro-ionizing laser devices operating on carbon dioxide. 7. Following instructions computing equipment will perform different calculations. 8. These devices working by electronic impulses perform at fantastic speed and with great precision. 9. Electronic systems are spreading widely all over the world.

  1. 1. Each new generation of computers opens up new possibilities for basic and applied research. 2. The experiment carried out resulted in the improvement of all parts of the system. 3. It required some more experiments to prove the precision of the results obtained. 4. The change in scale was measured by a number of transistors on a chip. 5. Though first developed for military purposes radar can be used in modern cars. 6. The transducer attached to each wheel changes the tire pressure accordingly. 7. It is well-known that technological progress is impossible without electronics, computers, robots, and new materials. 8. Electricity has provided mankind with the most efficient source of energy. 9. When required the data will be applied in the practical work.

  2. 1. Having designed a car radar the engineers started complex tests. 2. Having been tested the computer system was installed at a plant. 3. Having been tested under unfavorable conditions the machine was successfully put into operation. 4. Having done a given number of operations the machine stopped automatically. 5. Having been heated the substance changed its properties. 6. Having obtained the necessary data he stopped his work. 6. Having lost some of its electrons the atom becomes positively charged.

  1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction:

1) The conductor having the form of a coil, the inductance increased. 2) The rocket houses automatic and radio-controlled instruments, these instruments receiving any order the Earth may send. 3) Reduced weight and size are particularly important, miniaturization becoming the necessity in order to reach the high speed. 4) A simple component having failed, the whole system was repaired. 5) The true size of the Earth and the true distance to the moon having been calculated, Newton solved the problem of universal gravitation. He discovered the laws of motion, these laws having become the basis of practical mechanics. 6) The reflected signal having been received, the distance to the object was counted. 7) The temperature being increased, the resistivity of the semiconductor decreases.

  1. Form one sentence of each pair using the Absolute Participle Construction:

1) Man-made satellites move round the Earth. They will help to solve many problems connected with space travel.
2) Radio is the fastest way to detect an artificial satellite. It is largely used for that purpose.
3) Those new devices have already been tested. They received recognition.
4) The energy sources of the world decrease. The scientists must look for new sources of energy.
5) There are many different sources of energy. Coal is the most important of them.
6) Great progress has been achieved in rocket technique. It was possible to construct a rocket overcoming the Earth’s gravitation.

  1. Translate into English:

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