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marketing glossary

Affiliate marketing – Considered a widespread method of website promotion, affiliate marketing rewards an affiliate for every visitor, subscriber and/or customer provided through its efforts. It is a modern variation of the practice of paying finder’s-fees to individuals who introduce new clients to a business.
Affinity marketing – Affinity marketing targets promotional efforts toward one group or category of clients based upon established buying patterns. The marketing offer is communicated via e-mail promotions, online, or offline advertising.
Angle – The viewpoint from which a story is told. Publicists, reporters, and journalists all use a specific angle, or approach, to communicate their story to a targeted audience. Typically, it is not possible to write about subjects in their entirety. The “angle” narrows the focus of the story to communicate a clear, yet limited, perspective of an issue, event, etc.
Billboard – (1) An outdoor sign or poster, which is typically displayed on the sides of buildings or alongside highways; (2) An introductory list of program/sponsor highlights that appears at the beginning or end of a television show or magazine.
Blog – Short for weblog, a blog is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles and commentaries by a specific author. Companies large and small use blogs to stay in touch with a much larger audience.
Boilerplate – Often found in press releases, a boilerplate is standard verbiage that gives a brief history of the organization(s) and is located at the bottom of all company-issued releases. The term comes from the early 1900s, when steel was issued in steam boilers – the boilerplate text is “strong as steel”.
Brand identity – The outward expression of the brand, which is the symbolic embodiment of all information connected with a product or service, including its name and visual appearance. The brand’s identity is its fundamental means of consumer recognition and differentiates the brand from competitors.
Broadcast media – Communication outlets that utilize air space, namely television and radio. Advertising in broadcast media often targets a specific demographic group, is designed to create buzz, and can also be used as a strategic branding tool.
Broadsheet – Standard size newspaper (i.e. New York Times) which is characterized by long vertical pages (Typical size: 16 x 24 inches). Another popular newspaper format is the tabloid.
Buzzword – Considered hip and trendy, a buzzword is a word or phrase that takes on added significance through repetition or special usage. Although buzzwords are widely used, they rarely have definitive meanings.
Byline – The name, and often the position, of the writer of the article. Bylines are traditionally placed between the headline and the text of the article, or at the bottom of the page to leave more room for graphical elements around the headline.

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