Нариманова А, Сарсенбаева Т. Ғылыми жетекші

The meaning of the concept of "four"

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Татьянаб Ару — диплом
диплом 20, диплом 20, диплом 20, Абай өлеңі, азия, Ақыл ой жан қуаты, Тест cұрақтары ББ IT қолдану Студентке, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, Резюме
The meaning of the concept of "four". Although the Kazakh people do not belong to the group of sacred numbers, there are many phrases that come with the names of four numbers, which have their own peculiarities and belong to the group of mysterious numbers that have a special use. The first factor influencing the use of the four-digit nouns is ancient mythology. He equates the whole world with a giant baiterek and divides it into four parts. It is perceived as an image of statistical integrity. As the most stable structure that attracts everything that needs stability, it covers all corners of the world, even the walls of the house. The names of the four numbers, which are dominated by this property of stability, are more often encountered in the basic, main sense than in the numerical concept in the regular expression. For example: төрт түлік, төрт тарап, төрт құбыла, төрт жолдың торабы, төрт құлақ, екі көзі төрт болды, төрт көзі түгел, төрт тағандау, төртпақ, өтірік пен шынның арасы төрт-ақ елі, төрт қанат үй, төрт бұрыш, түн ұйқысын төрт бөлді т.б. The constructive role in these examples is played by the fact that the names of the four numbers have the first meaning.
We would say that this is still a long way off. Because the tree of life has branches, each branch has four sides. The four sides of a branch are the four corners of the circle or the four corners of the world and the four primary colors. Thus, first of all, there was the notion of four qiblas, then four, then four colors, then four elements. In the phrases four qiblas, four corners of the world, four corners of the circle, four sides, four wings, the four numbers indicate stability, while the four colors, four foods, four angels, four turmans, and four guest phrases give the basic concept of four divisions of night sleep. The node of the four lines, the two sources of which are four, is spent in variable terms.
The symbolic meaning of the number four. The number four is directly related to the four corners of the world - south, north, east and west. Tört bulun in ancient Uyghur monuments // four corners is an ancient tradition used in the sense of "the whole world, the world". The four corners of the world in the Kazakh language "the whole world, from the depths", the Turkish dunjanyn tört buzagyndan // from the four corners of the world "from the whole world, from all sides", the four worlds in the Kabardino-Balkarian language "the whole world", the Qibla in the Uzbek language The phrase "to the side" and others are preserved in modern Turkic-speaking peoples.
The number four is used in the mythological sense in the sense of stability, integrity. For example: all four qiblas, all four eyes, four winged houses, four seasons, four members, four seasons, four members of the Quran, four feathers, etc.
In Yusuf Balasagun's "Blessed Shaft" tört tjyum "four births", tört es "four saints", ie the four saints of God, are directly related to the names of the first four governors of the Muslim state - Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and Ali. The phrase "four books from heaven" in the Kazakh language is directly related to the religious concept - the book of Moses - the Torah, the book of David - the Psalms, the book of Jesus - the Bible, the book of Muhammad (peace be upon him) - the Koran.
Regarding the number four, F.R. Akhmetzhanova and K.S. Dusupbayeva say: "Four angels" are mythological and religious concepts, supernatural mythical helpers who convey the command of God. There are four great angels close to God: Gabriel - a messenger with God, a trustworthy messenger; Michael - controls the forces of nature (rain, wind, agriculture, etc.); Israfil - raises the wind on the Day of Judgment, watches the rebirth of people; Azareel - takes the souls of the dead [25].
Scientists Zh. Baizakov and S. Konakbayev explain the sacred properties of the number four, that the basis of the world consists of four elements - fire, water, earth and wind, the four concepts are connected with it (Baizakov, Konakbayev, 1979: 25).The word "four" together with the word "eyes" creates metaphorical phrases: in the Kazakh language, two-eyed, four-eyed, "expectation, fuss, restlessness, fear", all four eyes, "family is safe, all", four divisions of sleep at night, restlessness, anxiety », The child of four lions« the whole country, the people », the four legs are balanced (zhorga) 1. "a well-crawling horse"; 2. "The poet who sings", "limped on all fours", "suffered a lot", you have a cake! (curse) "sly, evil", four feet "two legs, two arms rested", four pillars moved "forced to move, weakened"; in Turkish dört göze beklemek "impatient, impatient-wise waiting" (literally the word "four-eyed"); in the Bashkir language, waiting with four eyes means "looking forward" (literally, "waiting with four eyes"); turti kuzi bilan kutdi in Uzbek ~ ikki kuzi turt boldi "to wait for" (literally "to wait with four eyes" ~ "two eyes were four"), turt ishkali but "to need something", turt ogiz "little, little" ( literally the word "four mouths"); In the Uyghur language, two eyes will be four, "waiting impatiently", four eyes will be sitting ("gathering together"), four ways will be hanging in the sky, "death, going to the world" and so on.
For the Turkic peoples, especially for the Kazakh people, the four foods were the main source of livelihood and livelihood. The motives of the four food animals are camels, horses, cows and sheep. It is believed that there are four guardians, namely: the camel's head is Oysyl Kara, the horse's head is Kambar Ata, the cow's head is Zengi Baba, and the sheep's head is Shopan (Shekshek) Ata. The phrase "the animal became rich, became rich" is directly related to this notion.
There are many idioms in Turkic languages ​​with four words. The main meaning of idioms is "completeness, stability, strength, uniformity". For example, in the Uyghur language, the four ayiks stand upright, "raising and humanizing", the four limbs are "healthy, safe", the four houses are "shelter", in the Turkish dört ajak ustune düsmek "luck, the way" to be "(literally you" fall to the end "), dört basi mamur" very good in all respects, the four corners are equal "(literally" four heads are very lucky "), dört japrakly gul olmak" to prosper, to rejoice "(literally remain a four-leafed flower ”) and so on. In the Sakha (Yakut) language, the number "four" is directly related to the world and hell. The word is associated not only with hell, evil, and the world, but also with night and winter [26].
There are four winged houses in the Kazakh language, four Kipchak hills, four sides, etc. The concepts in the phrases can give information about the secrets and mysteries of the number "four".

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