Нариманова А, Сарсенбаева Т. Ғылыми жетекші

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Татьянаб Ару — диплом
диплом 20, диплом 20, диплом 20, Абай өлеңі, азия, Ақыл ой жан қуаты, Тест cұрақтары ББ IT қолдану Студентке, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, Резюме
Дін де осышын ойласаң, тағат та осы,
Екі дүние бұл тасдиқ – хақтың досы.
Осыларды бұзатын және үш іс бар:
Пайда, мақтан, әуесқой – онаншошы (Абай).
Or Two-faced (face) - a treacherous person who speaks one kind in front of a person, another kind on the outside [2,185].For example:
Есеңгіреп жүрмесең,
Елді неге даттайсың,
Екі жүзді болмасаң,
Байды неге мақтайсың?! (Жамбыл);
It is also about a liar who speaks negatively, who does not keep his word, who speaks in the opposite way: a two-word person is a "liar, an unscrupulous person." For example: it is better to die in one word than in two words (B. Momyshuly);
There were two ends (spoken) “two-sided; lies, glass is unknown, dubious ”and so on.
The meaning of the two words is associated with such unpleasant connotations as unstable, treacherous, treacherous:
Ғылымды іздеп,
Дүниені көздеп,
Екі жаққа үңілме.
Құлағын салмас,
Тіліңді алмас,
Көп наданнан түңілдім.
Екі кеме кұйрығын,
Ұста жетсін бұйрығың (Абай). Or, going into the water holding the sterns of two ships, were disappointed, and so on.
In addition, both words come in pairs with somatic concepts. For example: ear - a cleft protruded from the ground, two ears protruded, two clefts in both ears; legs - put both feet in one boot; shoulder - breathing from both shoulders, as if two people were riding on both shoulders, ate both shoulders; eye - one of two eyes, two eye measures, two eyes in front, two eyes were dark, two eyes were four, two eyes were out of measure, hand - two hands could not fit in front, two hands were on the edge, both hands were vomited, both hands were hidden in the nose , put both hands on the ceiling ....
Phrases with two components in phraseological units are also used in the sense of the last word, short word, concise action. For example:сөзіекі болмасын, сөзін екі еткізбеді, екі ауыз сөз, хан екі айтпайды, ханның жарлығы екі болмайды, қолынан екі келсе, бірін қылсын, қолынан бір келсе, екі қылсын және т.б.
A. Khassenov, a specialist in the theory of the Kazakh language: Of course, the idea that this is due to the development of general numerical concepts, born of human needs, does not contradict, but complements and confirms it. Secondly, the past history of a certain concept or phenomenon can be discovered and recognized by studying its modern forms by comparing it with the present, ”he said. 17,39].
The meaning of the concept of "three". Phraseologisms with three number names also belong to the old tradition. Three broths are not added in the sense that "no heads come together"; In the sense of "not thinking about anything", we say that the three sleepers did not understand. There is a saying that a man's turn is up to three. In fairy tales: It is known that such phrases as "Someone had three children" or "Khan asked three times" are often found.
Traditions such as "taking life" and "giving life" existed in many countries. This custom was also in Kazakh. In the past, when he had to "give his life", he went to the grave of a deceased man, turned around three times and swore, "If I lie, let this man's ghost strike." In this case, the perpetrator was not the accused, but a close relative of three parents. The words of a relative of three grandparents were exposed, and only if the wrongdoing was obvious and unreliable, the other relative of the accused (but not for three grandparents) would die.
The number three means "kinship", "kinship" and "kinship" in the ancient Turkic languages.
K.K. Yudakhin from the Kyrgyz children's asyk game said that the three words have more meaning than the "numerical" meaning of the end, the end of something. If we take into account the possibility of a triple number system in the Turkic people from the research of I. Kenesbayev [6, 10], it is possible that the number three is the end. Later, with the development of the human brain, the five-digit number system became threefold.
The secret numbers, beginning with the Sumerians, were first used in connection with the measurement of time: seven (seven-day week), twelve (twelve months depending on the year), three (triad Anu, Enlil and Ea or Sin, Shanash, Ishtar). The trinity has a special use, not on the basis of a triad, but a vertical model of the scientist, let's start with the mythical three worlds: Blue (sky), Earth, Underground.
Although the three words are not pronounced in the Kazakh language in the same sacred way as the words "seven" and "forty" in other languages, they provoked a number of phraseologies. There are game names, rituals, customs, seasons, moon names, place-names associated with the names of the three numbers.
According to the mythological notions of the ancient Turkic peoples, in ancient times the world of people consisted of three layers: sky, earth and underground. These are connected by a central axis. Through this axis, the gods descended to the earth, and the dead descended to the underworld.
The vertical part of the mythological model of nature is called "Tree of the World" by the peoples of the world, and the ancient Kazakhs called it "Baiterek" ("Life is a baiterek"), "Tor". There is a legend that the tree of life grows in Baiterek and the heart of the earth in Koktobe.
In Mongolian mythology, "Baiterek" grows at the top of the world mountain. In Khakassia it is a seven-branched birch tree growing at the top of the mountain, in Khakassia it is a seven-branched birch tree growing at the top of the mountain, in Nangai it is a seven-branched birch tree growing at the top of the mountain, and in Nanai there are three identical Baiterek. One is in the sky, the other is on the ground, and the third is underground. The Yakuts believe that there is a paradise in the shadow of the baiterek, where the first man was born. In the ancient Turks, the fate of each person is written on the leaves of the tree of life, and if a person dies, the leaf falls to the ground. Although the world tree is called by different names in different nations, the basic concept is the same.
"Tree of Peace" - ethnolinguistic researcher of the basis of myths V.N. According to Toporov, "this is a tool for creating space." The world tree consists of three vertical parts: lower (root), middle (height, trunk) and upper (branches). On the basis of the structure of the world tree in human cognition appeared three elements: past, present, future, ancestor-present and his descendants; three parts of the body; head, body, legs. This is how the three are seen in every aspect of life. In this regard, nature is divided vertically into three worlds - the world of the gods, the world of the Middle - the world of mankind, the world of the lower - the world of ghosts. The Qur'an also says that God gave the first - the underground, the second - the earth, and the third - the sky.
In the selected works of Sh. Valikhanov: “People live in the sky, the belt is tied to the throat, we stand in the middle of the world, the belt is tied around the waist, and those who live underground tie the belt to the legs [5, 181]. This means that the system of dividing the world into three is unique to the Kazakhs.
According to modern shamans, “A person's soul, spirit, mind, thoughts, and consciousness are transmitted from above. The human body is transferred from the middle layer to the O world. According to the proverb in our language, "It is the turn of men to three", the trinity of customs, rituals, cures, general customs and members of the structure of nomadic states is formed on the basis of the above concept.
The Chinese people also divided the world into three vertical heavens, the earth, and the underworld, each of which had its own god. There are different views on the three spheres. Three gods are worshiped on New Year's Eve: Buddha, heaven, and earth. In this regard, three animals were sacrificed: chicken, duck, pig. He prayed to the three gods at the birth of the new moon and at the full moon.
The numbers three and seven are also used in Ossetian folklore. For example, "For the first three nights after I die, don't leave me unguarded, three birds are coming, three shepherds are sitting by the fire." This shows that the doctrine of myth intersects and borders with the sciences of philosophy, psychology, theology, linguistics.
The symbolic value of the number three. From ancient times the people have been observing various phenomena, paying special attention to some of their features. He analyzed their common qualities, consciously kept them in his own language (three people, three days, three greetings, three soups, etc.)
In the language of ancient Turkic runic monuments there are three ancient ethnic and geographical names. For example:üс birkun (үч бірку) – жер атауы, üс oyuz (үч оғыз)оғыз тайпа бірлігі, üс garlug (үч қарлуқ) – қарлұқ тайпа бірлігі. Commenting on the meaning of the sacred number three, ER Tenishev says: "In the Buddhist tradition, the number" three "was used to denote the time:üс ödki «относящийся к трем временам – прошедшему, настоящему ибудущему»... Большинство буддийских обозначений древнихуйгуров представляет собой толковательный перевод санскритских терминов, показывающий путь приспособления чужой религи к тюркской среде»[24]. Analyzing the semantic manifestations of the number three in ancient Uyghur monuments, the scientist proves that the Karakhanid Uyghurs had an astronomical tradition of estimating the "three stars" for four seasons, quoting from the epic "Kutadgu Bilik" by J. Balasagun: «Сен білгейсің, үш жұлдыз -көктемгі, үш жұлдыз жазғы! Сен білгейсің, үш жұлдыз –күзгі, үш жұлдыз – қысқы! Олардың үшеуі – оттан, үшеуі –судан, үшеуі – ауадан. Оның үшеуі – топырақтан,жер болды тіршілік ортасы (Ж.Баласағүн).
I. Kenesbayev noted that the number three is also related to the old tradition, and in Kazakh fairy tales the phrases "someone had three children or the khan asked three times" are often used: in many countries there are traditions such as "take life", "give life". ... In the old days, when you had to "give your life", the deceased went to the grave of a man, turned around three times and cursed, "If I lie, let this man's ghost strike." In this case, the perpetrator is not the accused, but must be a close relative of three parents. The words of a person who has reached three grandparents were exposed, and only if the wrongdoing was obvious and unreliable, the other relative of the accused (but not for three grandparents) would die.
According to the traditions of the Kazakh people, every citizen has three people: his family, his aunt and brother-in-law. They are compassionate, supportive and protective. People's assessment of three people:

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