Нариманова А, Сарсенбаева Т. Ғылыми жетекші

Cognitive linguistics. The study of the symbolism of numbers

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Татьянаб Ару — диплом
диплом 20, диплом 20, диплом 20, Абай өлеңі, азия, Ақыл ой жан қуаты, Тест cұрақтары ББ IT қолдану Студентке, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, Резюме
1.2 Cognitive linguistics. The study of the symbolism of numbers
and their sources

The true symbol of the ethnic identity of each nation is the language. Today there is a need for theoretical and cognitive study of language. In this context, the integrity of language and human consciousness is considered, and the fruit of human consciousness is the basis for a comprehensive description of linguistic knowledge, a complex associative-verbal structure, a disseminating system of the combination of spirit and thought.

Numbers are very important in human life. Numbers play a big role in people's daily lives, in their environment, and can even affect their mood and emotions. That is why experts in various fields of science try to study numbers. However, the study of each aspect of colors does not fully take into account the deep historical and cultural experience of mankind in the naming of objects and phenomena in the environment.
The image of the world of numbers also requires a comprehensive study. Phrases, idioms, and proverbs are also used. They can provide socio-historical, emotional and mental information from the past life of each nation [10].
Currently, a new direction in linguistics is developing. Until recently, the priority of research was the structural direction. In the research conducted in this direction, language units were considered as structural units, elements of the abstract language system, and the interrelationships between them were analyzed. The norms of use of these units in the system, the types of deviations from it were also considered. Now, in general, all branches of science in the humanities have made the study of any social phenomenon or its object in relation to the human factor a priority.
If in previous studies language units were considered as components of an abstract system, they are isolated from all external factors, in subsequent studies, on the contrary, all external factors that create and operate those units are taken into account and analyzed as an integral factor.
In this regard, linguistics is integrating with other social sciences. As a result of this process, new branches of science have emerged in modern linguistics. These include the fields of linguistics, such as psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics, linguocultural studies, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics.
In terms of "action of the people's spirit", language is considered in comparative anthropology as a tool for national regulation of the world. This is because each language has "individual images that reflect the characteristics of the people" [5, 85].
The theory of "linguistic image of the universe" is the basis of linguistic research and makes a significant contribution to the development of language. In the concept of any ethnic group, the world is multifaceted and diverse. It is the language that defines it. Thus, the image of the world in language is the basis of human perception of the world. According to B. Wharf and E. Sepir, each nation recognizes and understands this universe in its own way. In this way, through language, we can restore and imagine the "image of the universe" of our ancient ancestors.
The image of the universe in language is, firstly, characterized by a person's view of the world, and secondly, the model of the world in each individual language is followed by the image of the national world in society. This contributes to the special nature of the individual language. Because each language has its own conceptualization methods. That is, each individual language recognizes the universe in its own way, the image of the universe is depicted on the basis of each conceptual language.
And the main concept in cognitive linguistics is the concept of concept. In the semantic direction the concept corresponds to the word, in the logical direction it corresponds to the concept. The simple image of the world (naive picture of the world) is defined in the cognitive model. It, in turn, is connected with the collective consciousness, vision, collective philosophy.
The only way to consider the cultural and psychological differences between each ethnic group is to study the basic concepts. Numbers also have a huge impact on the concepts of meaningful concepts that reflect the cultural constant, the mentality. Nowadays, due to the expansion of intercultural relations, cognitive and linguocultural analysis of words and phrases that reveal the concept of numbers in European languages ​​with different languages, religions and cultures, the national and cultural features of the names "numbers" in this language, as well as The definition of the model created in the minds of representatives is relevant.
N.N. Ryabtseva, a Russian scholar working in the field of cognitive linguistics, notes that there is no commonly accepted definition in Western and Russian linguistics that can be considered cognitive. However, most of the research, which is considered cognitive, is not cognitive, and in the context of semantic research, which does not set a goal on a cognitive basis, this interest is fulfilled (YA Apresyan, ND Arutyunova, AG Shmelev, GV Bulygina, V. Levontina). writes [10,62].
The same research can be attributed to the long-term research of N. Ualiuly in Kazakh linguistics. Most of them are guided by the methods and principles of cognitive linguistics and achieve cognitive goals.
It is true that a complex language system is based on some psychological mechanism. Psychology in linguistics for general linguists of the XIX century AA Potebnya, G. Steinthal, W. Wundt and others. associated with classics such as PB Parshin "Principles of cognitive research are combined with the traditional orientation of psycholinguistics.
Given that the field of cognitive linguistics intersects with disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, logic, culturology, neurophysiology, anthropology, it is known that any search in the field of linguistics, which arose in connection with these disciplines, can be a source for cognitive linguistics.
It should be noted that the share of ethnolinguistic research is particularly significant. For example, A. Kaidar, M. Kopylenko, E. Zhanpeisov, N. Ualievich, Zh. Mankeeva, G. Smagulova and others in Kazakh linguistics. The research of scientists is valuable not only for ethnolinguistics, but also for cognitive research.
Theoretical bases of the concept problem in the works of DS Likhachev, ND Arutyunova, ES Kubryakova, AN Morokovsky, VV Kolesov, VA Maslova, AY Gurevich, A. Vezhbitskaya considered from all angles. N.D. Arutyunova says about the concepts: "Each of these words has its own laws, commonality, its own lexicon, phraseology, rhetoric and templates, its own area of ​​reference, and, therefore, describes and analyzes the" language "of each cult. »[18].
Creates a culture of words, "used in a sense that is understandable to each member of the language" [18,117], ie it is part of the active vocabulary of any language. Their task is to establish some concepts in the language, concepts that exist in that society, and on this basis to cover the spiritual consciousness, understanding. Each of them reflects the culture and mentality of the nation [18,55]. The "culture" of words is based on words that describe customs, individual qualities (life, behavior, poverty, heroism, etc.) and even on specific actions (singing, power struggles, etc.).
In particular, key concepts (key words) are a part (element) of national knowledge, culture, as well as the key to understanding it. By analyzing the basic concept, we know the state of development of national knowledge, culture, its current state. In this regard, VA Maslova says that cultural information is transmitted through the nominative units of language in four ways - "cultural semantics", "cultural background", "cultural concepts", "cultural connotations".
In this sense, cultural concepts include "national cultural categories" [19]. For example, for Kazakhs, well-being (are your twelve limbs healthy?), Skill (five instruments), needlessness (all four prisons), etc. The concepts belong to the national cultural categories of the cultural concept. The basic concepts of complex names, which contain numerical names, are recognized as categories of these cultural concepts and reflect the cultural and spiritual nature of the ethnos on the basis of the basic or key concept.
Thus, recognizing the concept of "concept as a linguistic image of the world with the accumulated cultural notions of man and the names" [20], we decided to consider the concepts of complex names created by numerical concepts as a cognitive unit that reflects the reality of the world in our worldview.

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