Нариманова А, Сарсенбаева Т. Ғылыми жетекші

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Татьянаб Ару — диплом
диплом 20, диплом 20, диплом 20, Абай өлеңі, азия, Ақыл ой жан қуаты, Тест cұрақтары ББ IT қолдану Студентке, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, кіріспе практика, Резюме
Research methods
- cognitive-generalizing (study and analysis of theoretical and practical works in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages);
Practical basis it was conducted during the course of educational and pedagogical practice in "Secondary General Education Schools №19" , at English lessons in the 5-8th grades.
The scope and structure of the project work consists of cover, title page, assignment for diploma work, calendar plan, annotation, content, introduction, main part, analysis and conclusions, bibliography

1.1. About the study of numerical names

Where there is a collective of owners of some common language, there is a number. Because numbers arise from determining the size and volume of objects and phenomena in the environment relative to each other, and have become one of the means of human cognition of the world. Now numbers are embedded in the content of any science and serve that science. At the same time, it can be seen that no matter what language, the nation has the property of numbers. The tradition of sanctifying the name of a number, considering it sacred, is a very ancient phenomenon in many peoples. For example, in the Japanese, This is called the "doctrine of numbers". According to this doctrine, the name of one number corresponds to nine planets.

Depending on this planet, each number has its own specificity. One number is The Sun, two are the moon, three are Jupiter, four are Saturn, Five are Mercury, six are Venus, seven are Uranus, eight are Mars, and nine are Neptune. In mythology dating back to the Sumerians, numbers began to form as common odd numbers, magic numbers, magical numbers. On the basis of these data, the psycholinguistic and logical aspects of numbers were taken into account, and Kazakh linguistics began to consider Kazakh antiquities from the point of view of the cognitive function of the language, the continuity of language and myth. On the basis of this, for example, it was known to predict the fate of a person through numbers.
The teachings of Pythagoras, the famous mathematician philosopher of ancient Greece (560-500 BC), the power of numbers, the world as a system of numbers, objects and man, the spiritual world as a number, and art itself as a harmony of numerical Relations [1]. Looking at the close relationship between mathematical laws and philosophical principles, he concluded that "a number is the basis of the whole world" and assigned different properties to each number. So they said: one - mind, two – opinion, three – courage, four – justice, five – marriage, six – maturity, seven - health, eight - death, nine – stability, ten - the basis of the system of the world, thirteen – trouble, thirty – six-the whole world, six hundred and sixty-six-Beast, etc.
In the Kazakh oral literature, there is also a translation and assignment of properties to each number. One – bileu, two – egeu, three – frostbite, four – bed, five - cradle, six – asyk, seven – nave, eight – serke, nine – torka, ten - Oymak, eleven-black mystery and several other options. It is known that they are not mentioned for free. It is known that there is a great secret behind these bodies, which are now hidden for us. The research carried out in the cognitive direction will undoubtedly contribute to the discovery of such a mysterious world.
"Numbers do not rule the world, but teach you how to rule," as The Thinker and poet Goethe said, it was felt from the very beginning that there was a great mystery around numbers.
Over the past quarter of a century, a lot of works on the numeral names of the Turkic peoples have been written and protected. Academician V. A. Gordlevsky has a special work" fifty numeral names in the Turkic language", which is based on the study of the opinions of such scientists as V. V. Radlov, N. Ya.Marr, V. V. Barthold, who studied the numeral names of Turkic peoples before him. There is also a lot of information about numbers in the works of G. N. Potatnin about folklore in general, about the works of Turkic-Mongolian, Slavic, Scandinavian, and European peoples. The scientist, based on the works before him, says that the numbers 3,7,9 are sacred, sacred, and are more common in folklore. G. N. Potanin warns that it is wrong to look for the cause of this phenomenon in the glorification of the seven planets in the sky. This opinion can be seen in the works of other prominent scientists[2, 170-174];[3, 115-116]; [4, 223-225]; [5, 158-163].In these works, we consider the expressed concepts of General numbers, their connection with the public consciousness of a person.
In the category of comradeship, G. Vereshchagin defined numerals denoting "the total number of persons in the partnership, or part of the participants. They always imply persons and end in na we (1 person), nads (2 persons) and naz (3 persons) plural". It is indicated that "comradely numerals also take the forms of quantitative-comradely" (odyugez 'one (from the partnership)’, kykez ‘two (from the partnership)’, quinez ‘three (from the partnership)’ etc.).
Thus, after analyzing the information, we can it should be noted that previous researchers only called the group of "friendly" numerals in a different way – collective. And the second group of numerals considered by G. Vereshchagin is quantitative numerals with an excretory-indicative suffix.
In the Kazakh language, there is a tendency to study numbers from different angles. For example, there is a tendency to distinguish sacred numbers from numbers, as well as consider the meaning and history of thoughts concentrated around numbers, the function of numbers in folklore or literature in general, artistic features, ethnolinguistic character of numbers, and linguistic and cultural significance. The beginning of such research can be called the work of I. Kenesbayev [2].
The scientist, revealing the semantic function of numbers, which are associated with a number of phraseological units, concludes that they are sacred numbers that are associated with religious beliefs in ancient times. In the following years, linguistic studies of numbers were also carried out for various purposes: bazen L., Tenishev E. R., Chernyshev V. I., Umarov E. A., Uanki M., etc.
A large conference "language problems related to numbers" was held in Russia dedicated to the problem of numerals. This conference showed that scientists understood that numbers should be studied not only in grammatical terms, but also in other respects, in particular in relation to worldview. In the articles published on the basis of the conference, the conclusion is often expressed: "problems related to quantity require research work that is difficult to solve, relevant, and requires constant search in the future, which is passed down from generation to generation." Earlier in Russia, a "group of numbers" of scientists studying numbers in a linguistic context was created. The members of this group are: a specialist in Slavic-Albanian languages N. S. Derzhavin, a Slavist M. P. Dolobko, a Ural-altaist N. N. Poppe (finologist, Mongol), a turkologist A. N. Samoilovich, an Indo-European scientist L. P. Yakubinsky, P. I. Vorobyov, V. P. Tomashevsky, Ya,Marr.
In general, numerals in Turkic languages have been considered since the XVII century: V. V. Barthold. The system of accounting of Orkhonian Capitals in the modern dialect. Among the works written in the XIX century, we should also mention the works of G. I. Ramsted. Ramsted's conclusion that the numbers are related to the finger, especially the connection of the etymology of the name five with the wrist, was highly appreciated by scientists at that time and conducted research in this direction.
In Kazakh linguistics, I.Kenesbaev, A.Khasenov, A.Kaidar, N.Ualiuly, T.Zhanuzakov, E.Koyshybayev, N.Oralbayeva, T.Sairambayev, Zh.Baizakov, A.Mashanov, А. Elesheva, K.Ghabitkhanuly, G.Shaharman, K.Tazhiev, K.Dusipbaeva were considered in different aspects in their works: "If we take cult terms and words of morality from modern, especially ancient human speech, it is easiest to understand, what an exceptional role is played in this respect by numerals in sweeping away the facets of so-called tribal and national and social facets cultivated by class-cultural humanity as chaff" [3].
Speaking about the search for a new direction in the study of numbers, it should be noted that they are carried out in the aspect of linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, cognitive linguistics. In one of these studies, the following conclusions were drawn::
- the symbolic meaning of the names of the numbers one, two, three, four, seven dates back to the ancient mythology of the global model;
- the symbolic property of the names seven, nine, forty was formed with the birth of the art of magic;
- numbers were originally used in a special way, and later semantically developed as magic numbers, sacred numbers, regular numbers;
– the complex and complex content of ethno-cultural and spiritual old stories, formed in the system of digital symbols, connected with philosophical, logical, psychological, etc.bases, expressed by numbers-the basis of language consciousness;
- the origin of the ancient Kazakh numerals formed in the numeral system is due to the special properties and mysterious concepts associated with the initial numbers in accordance with National Knowledge;
- the numbers one, two, three, four, nine, twelve, forty in the Kazakh language are based on the universal system of human worldview [2,176].

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