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Koyanbekova Sara Barykyzy
Bases expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language
The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences on a speciality 10.02.02 - the Kazakh language
At each literary language is own development, an original nature and it is known, that it is a nature it is shown in stylistic system, in functional spheres and points. Public social function of modern Kazakh language developed, carried out requirements of the various relation, in the beginning it was connected to qualitative features his stylish, language units.

In modern time one of priority a direction of the state language politics is development of social application of the Kazakh language and to make reliable his constitutional status. It together with function of language as «means of dialogue» as means culture conducts as a result of the realized action of language collective the collected data in public sphere demands to consider close communication with stylistic system of language with reserves of education about the world, character inherent in the nation, a spiritual world, psychology, to knowledge of the world, because spirit of people becomes object through language structures, through their stylistic value.

Urgency of research. It is known, that in a nature mankind language executes the important role. The person to means of language not only takes and gives the information, also it always by means of language expresses the opinion, feeling, the subjective relation to an environment. Thus, language becomes the main means expression of feeling and internal reflection of the person. If in psychology were known more than 500 kinds of feeling, are characteristic to the person, their contents and display are different in language system. Because, to the main duties of language service to the person, and the person is the difficult phenomenon. Anthropocentric directions in development of a modern science considers the person not only as the intellectual person, but also considers it with emotional the mental side. Since a sound from smallest unit of language up to the text, all language units serve for expression of any internal emotion and mood of the person. Language as well as a historical category in the development forms different language mechanisms by means of which it is possible to remove emotions in outside. However the original language opportunity, potential open in the speech actions, therefore special researches speech opportunities of expressive stylistic action of modern Kazakh language is the most actual.

To expressive to action of language, at expression of emotion of the person scientists have long since paid attention. Since have appeared V.Gumboldtas research, K.Foslera which were founders of development of stylistics as a science, in this direction many works considered communication between a nature of language of that epoch from it expressive activity were written, in today's time were advanced and became problems special consideration in sphere expressive stylistics. Transformation into an actual problem expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language which became a basis dissertational research influences formation new humanitarian paradigms in development of social study. Scientific-theoretical researches and analyses in this direction psyho-linguistics, ethno-linguistics, cognitive linguistics, ethno-psychology, culture of conducts linguistics. Prospect researches expressive stylistics from the point of view of the scientific-theoretical concept, product, functional stylistics, stylistic resources, ortology, culture of words etc. problems influences on profound researches of separate style of a category in language, language art.

Object of research. System expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language.

Subject of research work. Expressive stylistic means of the Kazakh language and their activity, features, the national cultural sides expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language.

The purpose and problems of research work. To determine scientific-theoretical bases of expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language and to investigate expressive stylistic system of language. At achievement of the purpose the following problems were revealed:

  • To reveal logic - philosophical bases of expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language;

  • To determine expressive psychological and linguistic general problems and distinctions;

  • To consider of expressive stylistic research of the Kazakh language and property of formation;

  • To determine the contents and concept expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language, to reveal their place in general to stylistic system and to systematize;

  • By means of concrete language data to analyze expressive stylistic activity and properties in sound and lexical system of the Kazakh language.

  • To characterize to means of analysis syntactic features to grammatical system ekcnpecchbhoro stylistic potential of the Kazakh language;

  • To analyze and systematize kinds of tracks and the figures, forming by means of system of various stylistic methods expressive;

- By means of definition of binary units and communications expressive
stylistics and functional stylistics of the Kazakh language to show a parity of language
of oral and written speech;

- To study national character and the national parties knowledge expressive in

the Kazakh language, by means of definition of his progressive samples in the Kazakh
language, to show his effect on a standard of speech expressive stylistics.

At realization of the purpose and a problem research method of research such as, language given and relative scientific conclusions synchronous - relative, describing analysis, generalization, the description, grouping, systematization, comparison, modeling and others were used.

Scientific novelty of research. In dissertational work formation and development expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language are determined and proved on the basis of the scientific-theoretical concept as sphere lingua-stylistics. Expressive stylistic system of the Kazakh language for the first time was in a complex investigated and on the basis of a science the following problems were solved:

- On a scientific-theoretical basis for the first time were in a complex

investigated a nature expressive stylistic system of the Kazakh language, logic -
philosophies, psyho-linguistics, lingua-stylistics were based;

- The contents and concept expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language are

determined, systematized;

- Тhe functional-semantical serving and exceptions, structures of expressive stylistics in paradigms of language unity was characterized;

- The place expressive stylistics in general to linguistic system and

communication with them is determined;

  • The analyze, the cultural-national parties expressive stylistic system of the Kazakh language are systematized;

  • Expressive stylistic system of the Kazakh language analyze on the language data of modern Kazakh language.

Theoretical and practical value of research. In research work learning ways of stylistic opportunities of the Kazakh literary language and potential reserves were investigated on the part of stylistics. Features, as "language" and "speak" systems expressive stylistics, has brought in the contribution to the certain degree to a position of stylistics of the Kazakh language. Results of research can be used in higher educational institutions of preparing experts of the Kazakh language in subjects «Stylistics of the Kazakh language», «standard of speech», «Stylistics art literatures», «Normative Kazakh language» and in other subjects training the theory of language, in special courses, in seminar the Kazakh language; can add the contents of stylistics of the Kazakh language from the scientific-theoretical side. It is possible to use in a spelling of manuals on stylistics of the Kazakh language, with the program development and expansion «Use of a state language» in the future scientific researches also agrees.

The results of the research:

  • Research expressive stylistic system of the Kazakh language is formed by the analysis to definition of language mechanisms which are generated by centuries, their use in speech, in a context. Here in research of expressive stylistics is accepted to a management dyhtomya language and speak;

  • At definition of feature expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language and in research in this direction is accepted to a management synonymy, lingua-stylistic, trans-position, expressive, connotative concept;

  • To lexical system of structure of expressive stylistics of the Kazakh language to enter semantics and function of words and a word collocation, their aesthetic feature and character in a context, them synonym, antonymy, a homonymy, paronymy and tracks;

  • To sound system of the Kazakh language significant expressive stylistic a role intonation, a rhythm, sound plays recurrence;

  • Parts of speech participate in grammatic system of the Kazakh language at expression of sense, affixes and grammatic categories;

Degree of introduction. It agrees with materials of work of research were published the monography and 53 scientific articles. 25 reports of them are made at the international and republican conferences.

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