Практикум по курсу грамматики английского языка для студентов 3-го курса, изучающих английский язык в качестве основной специальности

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Ex. 7. Point out the Objective-with the-infinitive or the Subjective Infinitive Constructions.

1. Never once had she been seen to cry. 2. It was the first time he had ever seen her weep. 3. He didn’t mean this to be a long meeting. 4. There was a rumour that at last they were likely to be married. 5. Without remonstrance she suffered me to have my own way. 6. Irving proved to be a long, sallow-faced butler chap, solemn as an undertaker. 7. Mr. Worthing is sure to be back soon. 8. I came to get someone to tell me the truth. 9. I’ll have Bertha bring you breakfast. 10. Unfortunately, at this moment he chances to catch sight of Judith’s face. 11. I have never known Hector behave like this. 12. His “office” turned out to be in one of the back streets close by Olympia. 13. Conrad pulled out a chair and made her sit down. 14. He looked at his watch, rang the bell, and ordered the vehicle to be brought round immediately. 15. Paul felt his heart lift as at a great victory. 16. People took an oath, a pledge, when they were married, and that was supposed to hold them together. 17. You make me think of spring flowers. 18. At thirteen he began to read books that were said to be evil. 19. She watched him go up the street and enter a door. 20. He appeared to be an ideal home man. 21. Young men of this class never do anything for themselves that they can get other people to do for them. 22. He said he wouldn’t suffer a word to be uttered to him in his uncle’s disparagement. 23. She doesn’t seem to want to do anything I suggest. 24. Cecily and Gwendelon are perfectly certain to be extremely great friends. 25. He heard the town clock strike twelve. 26. Nearly a year ago, I chanced to tell him our legend of the nun. 27. Harriet, pale and trembling…suffered her to go on uninterrupted. 28. “You will not allow this base newspaper slander to shorten your stay here, Mr. Winkle ?” said Mrs. Pott, smiling through the traces of her tears. 29. He turned out to have no feeling whatsoever for his nephew. 30. I don’t like him to be so long alone. 31. From the extreme freshness and purity of her complexion I estimated her age to be sixteen, or less perhaps. 32. This appeared to amuse the policeman. 33. I can’t bear any one to be very near me but you. 34. At any moment he was expecting Erik to pull a gun and rob him. 35. He decided to write her and ask for an explanation, as well as have her meet him. 36. You can easily get in through a window if the door happens to be locked. 37. You are sure to be there to-morrow night, aren’t you, Professor Engelfield. 38. He was said to be one of the most promising of nuclear physicists. 39. Why can’t he get a valet to stay with him longer than a few months? 40. The peasants did not seem to see her.

Ex. 8. Translate into English using the Objective-with the-infinitive Construction.

1. Сен сонша кенет кетіп қоясын деп мен күтпедім. 2. Мен балаларға жаман қарағанды ұнатпаймын. 3. Ол оның сөзі адал болмағанын сезді. 4. Мен оларды әрдайым менің достарым деп есептедім. 5. Кеше жиналыста мен сіздің атыңыз бір неше рет айтылғанын естідім. 6. Мен ол ағылшынша сөйлегенін ешқашан естіген жоқпын. 7. Мен ол ережені түсінбегенін көрдім, және оны тағы бір рет түсіндірдім. 8. Ол дәрігерге баруына бәрін істеңіз (to get). 9. Жамбыр олардың үйге қайтуын мәжбүрледі. 10. Мен ол пальтесын шешуге және бір шынаяқ шай ішуге мәжбүрледім. 11. Ол хаттаманы жедел жіберсін деп бұйырды. 12. Мұғалім студенттер мәтіннен сөздерді жазып алуды айтты.

Ex. 9. Translate into English using the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

1. Мен оны Мәскеуде кенет кездестірдім. 2. Бұл кітәпті міндетті түрде оқыңыз; ол сізге күмәнсіз ұнайды. 3. Оның мақаласы күмәнсіз басылады. 4. Әншіні әнді қайталауға мәжбүрледі. 5. Шу жақындана берген сияқты болды. 6. Ол жақсы спортшы болып шықты. 7. Экспедиция тағайындалған жерге жетті деп хабарлайды. 8. Мен оның телефон номерін кездейсоқ білемін. 9. Вальтер Скотт тарихи романның тудырушысы деп саналады. 10. Римдіктер Британ аралдарда жақсы жолдар және көп бекіністер салғандары белгілі.

Ex. 10. Translate into English using the Objective-with the-infinitive or the Subjective Infinitive Constructions.

1. Біздің қалада ол ең жақсы дәрігіер деп аталды. 2. Оны парақты аударып, әрі қарай оқығаның көрді. 3. Ол Анна серуеннен келгенін күтті. 4. Ол жолдаманы дереу жіберсін деп бұйырды. 5. Жолаушылардың көбісі туристтер болып шықты. 6. Сіз мен бұл қалада тұра беруімді қалайсыз ба? 7. Болат тағы бір сұрақ қойғысы келгендей болды, бірақ шешімін өзгерткен шығар. 8. Есік ашылып, біреу кіргені естілді. 9. Олар маған көмек үшін алғыс айтуы мүмкін. 10. Біз мектептің жаныңда сағат 6 кездесеміз деп ұйғарылды. 11. Мен декан жиналыста сіздің атыңызды бір неше рет атағанын естідім. 12. Сіз бұл қала туралы көп білетін сияқты көрінесіз. 13. Пеготти миссис Копперфильд бақытсыз болғанын көрді, бірақ оған көмектесу үшін еш нәрсе істей алған жоқ. 14. Бұл ғимарат XVIII ғасырда салынған деп айтады. 15. Мистер Мердсон Давид үйде тұрғанын қаламады және миссис Коперфильд оны мектепке берсін деп бәрін істеді (to get).

Functions of the For-to-Infinitive


For me to ask would be a treason

Егер мен сұрасам ол сатқындық болар еді.


That was for him to find out.

Бұны айқындау ол тиісті да.

complex object

He waited for her to speak.

Ол оның сөйлегенін күтті.


The best thing for you to do to go to bed.

Сізге ең жақсы істейтін нәрсе – ол барып жату.


modifier of


too, enough

He spoke loud enough for you to hear.

Сіз оны есту үшін ол жеткілікті түрде қатты сөйледі.


He stepped aside for me to pass.

Мен өтіп кету үшін ол жанымнан әрі адым басты.

Ex. 11. State the function of the for-to-Infinitive Construction. Translate into Kazakh.

1. There was no home for him to go to. 2. He waited for me to sit down. 3. It seemed almost a shame for anyone to be as pretty as she was tonight. 4. And it is not for you to make terms. It is for you to accept them. 5. There’s nothing for us to do but amuse ourselves. 6. But the pain in James’ head asserted itself too cruelly for him to think of anything else for the moment. 7. He cordially extended one forefinger for Erik to shake. 8. Some trouble with the authorities had made it necessary for him to be much abroad. 9. There were plenty of papers for him to read, but he left them alone. 10. Since you are so anxious for me to distinguish myself I have concluded to do so. 11. It is impossible for me to write about that time in detail- I can’t bear to. 12. He opened the door of his room for her to go out. 13. Buttonwood Street, where he spend the first ten years of his life was a lovely place for a boy to live. 14. She longed for night to come to bring sleep to her. 15. It was really warm for May, and still light enough for him to see his cows in the meadow beyond the river. 16. The idea is for us to give a special concert at the Festival Hall. 17. My house is always ready for anyone to come into. 18. My dear, this isn’t the time for us to quarrel. 19. Erik saw that she was impatient for him to be gone. 20. He waited for Bert to say something.

Ex. 12. Translate into English using the for-to-infinitive Construction. State the function.

1. Бірінші істейтін жұмысымыз – ол билет сатып алу. 2. Мен сұраққа жауап бере алатыным үшін ол өте кенет болды. 3. Сіз ұсыныстарды талдау үшін мен олардың астын сыздым. 4. Ол қағазбен қалам әкелуге сұрады. 5. Сіз сөздіксіз оқи алатындай бұл мәтін жеткілікті түрде оңай. 6. Мен сіз университетке түссеңіз деп қаладым. 7. Оған Мәскеуге барудан басқа еш нәрсе қалған жоқ. 8. Бұны істеуге ол тиісті да. 9. Ол қазір Ленинградтан кетсе, ақылсыз болар еді. 10. Сіз істей алатын ең жақсысы ол демалыс үйге бару.

Tests for self-control (The Infinitive)
1. Insert the appropriate form of the verbal

This man seemed … rich once.

a) to be

b) to have been

c) being

d) be

e) have been
2. Insert the appropriate verbal:

They happen … each other for seven years already.

a) to know

b) to have known

c) to have been known

d) to be knowing

e) knowing
3. Use the correct form of the Infinitive:

The boys seem (to watch) something funny. They are laughing.

  1. to watch

  2. to have watching

  3. watch

  4. watching

  5. to be watching

4. Use the correct form of the Infinitive:

She is always heard (to sing) while she is working.

  1. sing

  2. to sing

  3. to be sung

  4. have sung

  5. been sung

5. Use the correct form of the Infinitive:

Why not … to her yourself?

  1. to talk

  2. to have talked

  3. talk

  4. to be talked

  5. talked

6. Insert the appropriate verbal:

He was made … his work independently.

a) to do

b) do

c) to have been done

d) to be doing

e) doing
7. Insert the appropriate form of the verbal:

I felt my blood … .

a) freeze

b) to freeze

c) to have frozen

d) having frozen

e) froze
8. State the function of the Infinitive:

He came next morning just when she was beginning to think of getting up.

  1. subject

  2. a part of the compound verbal predicate

  3. object

  4. complex object

  5. adverbial modifier of result

9. State the function of the Infinitive:

Mrs. Wilson raised her eyebrow in disdain to reject the compliment.

  1. adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

  2. adverbial modifier of result

  3. adverbial modifier of purpose

  4. predicative

  5. adverbial modifier of condition

10. State the function of the Infinitive:

To lie is not my custom.

  1. subject

  2. a part of the compound verbal predicate

  3. object

  4. complex object

  5. adverbial modifier of result

11. State the function of the Infinitive:

Never once had she been seen to cry.

  1. subject

  2. complex subject

  3. object

  4. complex object

e) predicative
12. State the function of the Infinitive:

So you’ve got nothing to reproach yourself with.

a) subject

b) attribute

c) adverbial modifier of purpose

d) a part of compound verbal predicate

e) object
13. State the function of the Infinitive:

I promise you there is nobody to fear.

a) subject

b) attribute

c) adverbial modifier of purpose

d) a part of compound verbal predicate

e) object
14. State the function of the Infinitive:

I wanted to be alone.

  1. subject

  2. a part of the compound verbal predicate

  3. object

  4. complex object

e) adverbial modifier of result
15 State the function of the Infinitive:

I don’ think I look strong enough to drag the baby up the mountain.

  1. a part of compound verbal predicate

  2. adverbial modifier of result

  3. adverbial modifier of purpose

  4. adverbial modifier of cause

  5. adverbial modifier of condition

16. State the function of the Infinitive:

I am going to leave London.

a) subject

b) attribute

c) adverbial modifier of purpose

d) a part of compound verbal predicate

e) object

17. State the function of the Infinitive:

He ran his hand through his hair as though to tidy it.

  1. adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

  2. adverbial modifier of result

  3. adverbial modifier of purpose

  4. adverbial modifier of condition

  5. adverbial modifier of comparison

18. State the type of the construction:

I have never heard him speak so much.

  1. the Subjective Infinitive Construction

  2. the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

  3. for-to-Infinitive Construction

  4. the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

  5. the Gerundial Construction

19. State the type of the construction:

He was never heard to complain of difficulties.

a) the Subjective Infinitive Construction

b) the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

c) for-to-Infinitive Construction

d) the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

e) the Gerundial Construction

20. Name the construction:

This appeared to amuse the policeman.

a) the Subjective Infinitive Construction

b) the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

c) for-to-Infinitive Construction

d) the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

e) the Gerundial Construction
21. State the type of the construction:

You are sure to be there tomorrow night, aren’t you?

a) the Subjective Infinitive Construction

b) the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

c) for-to-Infinitive Construction

d) the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

e) the Gerundial Construction
22. State the type of the construction:

I don’t want him to come to us again.

the Subjective Infinitive Construction

the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

for-to-Infinitive Construction

the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

the Gerundial Construction
23. State the type of the construction:

We cannot wait for the weather to change.

a) the Subjective Infinitive Construction

b) the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

c) for-to-Infinitive Construction

d) the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

e) the Gerundial Construction
24. Use the for-to-Construction instead of the subordinate clause:

He held the door open so that she might come in.

a) He holds the door open for her to come in

b) He opened the door for her

c) He held the door open for her to come in

d) He was holding the door and she came in

e) He held the door for she could come in.
25. State the function of the Infinitive:

He stepped aside for me to pass.

  1. adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances

  2. adverbial modifier of result

  3. adverbial modifier of purpose

  4. adverbial modifier of condition

  5. adverbial modifier of comparis

Каталог: Книги
Книги -> 3. ҚАбдолов әдебиет теория – сының негіздері жоғары оқу орындарына арналған оқУ ҚҰралы мазмұНЫ
Книги -> “Қош,махаббат” Алматы 1988 жыл Ақынның жыр жинақтары
Книги -> Қазақcтан Республикасы білім және ғылым министрлігі
Книги -> Көкшетау 2011 Құрастырғандар
Книги -> АҚША, несие, банктер
Книги -> А. А. Букаева 5В090200 Туризм мамандығына арналаған КӘсіби қазақ тілі
Книги -> М а 3 м ұ н ы қазақ тілі леқсикологиясына кіріспе қазақ лексикологиясының мақсаты мен зерттеу объекгісі лексика
Книги -> Қ а з а қ тіліні ң грамматикас ы 1 т о м Алматы, 1967
Книги -> Сүлейменова Зәуре Екпінқызы Қошанова Мараш Төлегенқызы

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