Предмет: Английский язык Класс: 10 класс Раздел

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Organic food and non-organic food. Vertical farming.
ӨЗДІГІНЕН БІЛІМ ЖЕТІЛДІРУ, 1603881779 1, Новый документ, bzhb azastan-tarihy 11-kl

Автор: Жолдаспаева Гульзада Ахметжановна
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 10 класс
Раздел: Organic and non-organic worlds
Тема: Organic food and non-organic food. Vertical farming.
Learning objective(s)
that these lessons are
contributing to
-use feedback to set personal learning objectives - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in
unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited
range of unfamiliar topics and curricular topics - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics - explain and justify their own and others’ point
of view on a range of general and curricular topics - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate
to topic and genre, and which is spelt accurately
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to: 
-predict possible answers before reading
- read the text and fill in the gaps
- add new words to vocabularies
Lesson objectives
Most learners will be able to:
-read and fill in the gaps
-Work in groups
Lesson objectives
Some learners will be able to:
 make up questions about the article
Language objective
To contribute to the development of writing and reading skills
Value links
Respect, Cooperation, Digital Learning/21st Century Skills
Cross curricular links
Biology, Chemistry
ICT skills
Smart board for presenting a PPT and video 
Previous learning
Organic and non-organic food
Kazakh culture
Organic food in Kazakhstan
Pastoral care
To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work
Ход урока
Этапы урока
Запланированная деятельность на уроке
(2 min (W))
Lesson Objectives
 practice skills in identifying the author’s view and purpose and expressing your
point of view;  discuss and present the advantages and disadvantages of vertical
farming and organic and non-organic food.
 Students will compare organic and bon-organic farming
 Students will define benefits of organic farming
 predict possible answers before listening
 add new words to vocabularies
 listen and fill in the gaps
 make cluster and cinquain
Slide 1-2
(3 min)
Students share the ideas they associate with the saying ‘You are what you eat!’.
Students are informed on the topic of the lesson.
Slide 3

Этапы урока
Запланированная деятельность на уроке
(5 min (I) 7 min(I))
Project «Organic and Non-Organic Worlds» Students are divided into 2 groups by
the cards with words organic/non-organic and get acquainted with assessment
criteria: Your groups name Criterion 1 Sayings Criterion 2 True /false Criterion 3
Cluster Criterion 4 Cinquain Total points 1 1 2 2 3 3 Students watch the video
connected with the topic.
 1) Inside the former tag arena is about 450 kinds of leafy greens.
 2) The root misting system allows using 95 % less water.
 3) Instead of the sun there are rows of specialized LED lighting.
 4) Vertical farming could not feed overpopulated cities.
 5) They also would cut greenhouse emissions by eliminating the need to
transport food over short distances.
 1-false
 2-true
 3-true
 4-false
 5-false
Slide 9-11 This Farm of the Future Uses No Soil and 95% Less
(7 min (P))
Pre-Reading Tell students that they are going to read an article about vertical
farming. Get them discuss these questions:
• What do you think a vertical farm is?
• How does it work?
Choose and fill in the gaps the sentences A-H
1) C 2) F 3) H 4) E 5)G 6)A 7) B
After-Reading Students make cluster in groups.
**Note: Now you can check the answers written on the PPP. Slide 13
Group work:
(7min (Gr))
Sayings about food:
 Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
 Let food be our medicine and medicine be our food.
 Main idea 1: Use your windows to grow fruit and vegetables like tomatoes,
peppers and strawberries.
 Main idea 2: Convent the roof of your block of flats into a garden or the idea of
vertical farming
Image not found or type unknown
(3 min (Gr))
Students write cinquain: Virtual Farming.
Image not found or type unknown
(4 min (I))
Students at the end of the lesson write about organic and non-organic food,
vertical farming any interesting information they could have learnt during the
last two lessons. Students take sheets of papers and give feedback.
Students’ Feedback Slide 15

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