Психолингвистикалық аспект 10. 02. 02

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of the dissertation for the nomination of a scientific degree of a bachelor of Philological Sciences on a speciality 10.02.02 – the Kazakh language
Baymurynov Janbolat Maksatovich
The economy phenomena in syntactic structure of the Kazakh language (psycholinguistic aspect)
The dissertation is devoted to the research of the phenomenon of economy in syntactic structure of the Kazakh language. The given problem is considered in a complex in the psycholinguistic aspect for the first time.

The object of research. Simple and incomplete compound sentences, the sentences with homogeneous parts, sentences with pronouns, sentences in which there are numerals, names in the form of plural number, sentences with explicit-implicit components, splitted sentences, compound structures with subjunctive mood.

The purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the given work is disclosure of psycholinguistic values of the sentences subject to economy taking into account their structure. Following problems also follow from here:

to define the ways of achievement of the given purpose, analyzing opinions and conclusions of the works devoted to the phenomenon of economy in syntax;

to define features of the sentence structure, subject to economy;

to specify pre-pronunciational process of creating the sentence;

to define stages of appearance and creation of structural syntagmas in constructions, referred to the phenomena of economy and concerning the stages of language information;

to reveal the psycholinguistic reasons of incomplete sentences’ creation;

to reveal formation and perception of syntactical constructions in producing the speech through psychological prism;

to define the link of appearance of splitted sentences with contextual-psychological situations in texts.

The actuality of the research. Nowadays syntax of modern Kazakh language is developing as multi-aspectual branch. The phenomenon of economy is not studied adequately, psycholinguistic aspect of economy phenomenon has not been taken into consideration though the problem was touched upon. Clearly, that such kind of works were not able to answer the requirements of new, human-centered directions.

From this point of view it is necessary to notice, that the economy phenomenon in syntactic structure is not limited only to omission of the main and secondary members of sentences. Proceeding from it it is necessary to note the necessity of special study of such phenomena as economy in syntax, its influence on forms and functions of members of sentences, stages of structural sintagma appearance and formation, passage of linguistic information, in this case the role of of context and and situation in “economy”, i.e. situative meanings of “economical” structures, speech role of paralinguistic ways serves for the realization of above-mentioned phenomena.

In the given work the questions of speech syntax are analyzed in psychological and linguistic aspects, and as a result the essence and the content of economy ohenomenon are revealed. Also from a psycholinguistic position the special attention is given to their reasons and ways of appearance, actualization and deactualization, to the features of reflexion and transfer, and perception. All of them has created a fertile field for disclosure the actuality of the given dissertational work. The necessity of the psycholinguistic approach to the economy phenomenon is especially mentioned. Such an approach to the decision of the problem of the economy phenomenon can promote in defining new methods of the research of the given phenomenon.

The research methods. For economy research in syntactic structure it is necessary to consider its direct connection with human speech and occurrence in the structure. In this connection we used joint methods of studying as language and speech. Psycholinguistic directions and principles of structural-semantic linguistics became a methodological basis for this purpose.

In the research methods of psychological, contextual- situational analysis, method of restoration and, on the contrary, distributive analysis of syntactical structure, of comparison, of transformation are used.

Scientific novelty of research. In the work the economy phenomena in syntactic structure of the Kazakh language are presented for the first time. Also:

direct dependence of processes of construction and perception of incomplete sentences on psychics of the person in the way of context and situation is defined;

influence of economy in operative speech on a sentence structure is defined;

numerals, some Pronouns (personal, index with the meaning of plurality, general), endings of plurality, implicatures (implications), proverbs and sayings, sentences in the form of presupposition are referred except prossesses of homogeneity and usage of conjuctions;

influence of ellipsis not only for the predicate omission in the sentence, but also the main clause omission in a compound sentence is defined;

it is proved, that psychological necessity which serves as a basis for splitting of syntactic structures, has connection with the extralinguistic factors, here an essential role plays also paralinguistic methods, and the background knowledge does not prevent the cardinal change of intention;

such terms as «sillepsis», «the splitted sentence», «eating words», "default" are presented to a scientific lexis of the Kazakh linguistics.

The conclusions which are given for the defence:

– Incomplete sentences by the stylistic nature and the content are standardized. Such incompleteness appears in the process of deactualization according to a context and a situation. The determinant of deactualization is the psychics of the person. Also incomplete sentences correspond to norm of speech;

– during the communicative act the use of complete sentences can lead to the fact that the information can be vague, difficult for the perception and as a result it leads to brach of the system of the text;

devices of syntactic “displacement’ are met not only in the sentences with homogenious parts, but also in compound sentences. Here the role of the conjuctions and intonation is especially significant;

words in plural forms, numerals, pronouns from the position of economy are clearly represented in syntactic categories;

presupposition serves as a device of syntactic “displacement”;

implicit sentences which serve as devices of syntactic “displacement”, are met in the usage of interrogative pronouns with interrogative particles;

– the splitted sentences are special phenomena in linguistic economy, they are able to realize communicative purpose under the influence of extralinguistic factors. The intention of addressee and paralinguistic devises are taken part as auxiliary means;

structural displacements are always mentally reconstructed and replace complete constructions during perception.

The theoretical importance of research. Paralinguistic devices and presupposition play an important role in the Kazakh language in the process of economy. Here the role of context and situation in syntax is defined. In the analysis of a sentence someone can take into account the psycholinguistic methods The results of research allow to consider the opinion as not well-grounded that the sentence cannot be ready product before perception. These data can join some grammatical material to the psycholinguistic research.

The practical importance of research. The results of the given research can be used on the lessons of develoing speech in schools, on lectures at higher educational institutions. They can serve as auxiliary materials in compiling such subjects as "Psycholinguistics", «Social linguistics», «Bases of language dialogue», «Cognitive linguistics», «Pragmalinquistic», "Ethnolinguistics", "Stylistics" at the lectures devoted to problems of anthropocentrism, special courses. The practical importance of research consists that its results can facilitate much more work on creation of sensible, thematic, associative dictionaries of the Kazakh language.

Application degree. Results of research are approved on materials of 7 scientific-practical conferences of various degrees, in scientific and scientific-methodical editions.

Dissertation structure. The work consists of the introduction, three chapters and the conclusion. The list of used scientific, additional and fiction literature is given in the end.

The actuality of of the theme, scientific novelty, definite aims and objectives, the conclusions for the defence, methods, theoretical and practical importances of the work are presented.

In chapter 1 «The phenomenon of economy and its reflexion in syntax» psycholinguistic signs of structural incomplete sentences in the Kazakh language, production phases of speech, perception of a word are investigated.

In the second chapter «The problem of displacement in syntax» questions of displacemen, intonation, conjunctions, names with plural endings, pronouns, presuppositions, numerals, adjectives, subjunctive mood in compound sentences from the part of addressee are studied.

In the third chapter «Information sphere of the splitted sentences» the role of swallowing words, default, nonverbal means communication are investigated.

In the conclusion results and research conclusions are formulated.

Басуға 29.04.2009 жылы қол қойылды

Шартты баспа табағы 1.8

Пішімі 60x84 1/16

Riso басылымы.

Таралымы 100 дана.

Тапсырыс №210
«KAGAN» баспасы

100026, Қарағанды қаласы,

Язев көшесі, 11

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