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Practice. Task -1. To work with worksheets and complete

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Task -1. To work with worksheets and complete

Ex. 1. Do worksheet


Descriptor: to complete the sentences correctly

Task-2. Exercise 1. Do test

1. Who’s that boy?
A) Is Bill.
B) It’s Tom.
C) It’s a boy.
D) Peter’s that.

2. Where’s the book?
A) There’s it.
B) He’s under the chair.
C) It’s here.
D) There’s on a chair.

3. Are you happy?
A) Yes, I’m.
B) No, I aren’t.
C) Yes, I am.
D) No, I not.

4. What’s his name?
A) It’s name Jack.
B) It’s Jack.
C) It’s Jack’s name.
D) It’s a Jack.

5. Do you dance or draw?
A) I’m dance but I’m not draw.
B) I dance but I don’t draw.
C) I’m dancing but I not drawing.
D) I dance but I’m not drawing.

6. Is that a book?
A) Yes, there is.
B) Yes, it is.
C) Yes, that’s.
D) Yes, is a book.

7. Is that horse big?
A) No, that’s a little.
B) No, that’s little horse.
C) No, it’s little horse.
D) No, it isn’t.

8. What’s her brother doing?
A) Playing football.
B) Is playing football.
C) He playing football.
D) She’s playing football.

9. How many chairs are there in the room?
A) Are four.
B) Are five chairs there.
C) There’s one.
D) There’s a chair.

10. Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
A) Is that table big brown?
B) Is that big brown table?
C) Is that big table brown?
D) Is brown that big table?

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C

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