Тема: Adjustment of the lathe-turret lathe. І ознаколение с новой лексикой

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Adjustment of the lathe-turret lathe.
ГЭК Айдос, Ussenuly D. Lecture 15 Answers, Реферат, Реферат

Тема: Adjustment of the lathe-turret lathe.
І Ознаколение с новой лексикой:


the gear box-коробка скоростей;

gearbox-коробка подач;

installation of pump -установка насосная;

clamp mechanism and feed material- механизм зажима и подачи материала;

a die device- устройство резьбонарезное;

a focusing transverse to limitations in gate turret- упор поперечный для ограничения по- ворота револьверной головки;

protective screen- защитный экран;

electric power Cabinet-электросиловой шкаф;

revolving stand -суппорт револьверный;

Koman – thepparat- коман- доаппарат;

center reel stops-центральный барабан упоров;

apron revolving caliper- фартук револьверного суппорта;

a coolant reservoir-бачок для охлаждающей жидкости;

a device kopirovalnoy longitudinal-устройство копировальноеупор продольный.

ІІ Прочитать текст:

Preparation of the rotary lathe for work consists in: installing a device for fixing the workpiece, auxiliary and cutting tools; setting up stops for feeding rods and limiting the stroke of calipers; installing controls (handles, Cams, plugs, switches, etc.) to obtain the required spindle speed and the specified feeds of the cutting tool; processing two or three test parts and checking the validity of these test parts; in verifying and adjusting the position of tools and stops on the machine according to the results of the test.

Before installing the cartridge, it is necessary to wipe the threads, the outer surfaces of the spindle and the inner parts of the cartridge that will be connected with a cleaning material slightly soaked in kerosene. Lightly lubricate them with liquid grease and install the Chuck on the machine spindle, then the clamping and feeding collet corresponding to the diameter of the bar.

The next element of adjustment is to set the position of the tool (Fig. 21. 8).

On the machine for bar work, the end of the casing on the spindle (for counting linear dimensions) and the spindle axis (for counting diametral dimensions) are taken as the main reference bases.

As intermediate reference bases for the tool holders of the turret head, the axis of the hole for the shank of the holder and the support end of the turret head are taken.

In order for the forming cutting edges of the tools to occupy the positions specified in the drawing of the part at the end of the working stroke, the tools must have the calculated adjustment dimensions.

The adjustment dimensions or coordinates of the position of the vertices of the cutting edges of the tools are set from the intermediate bases.

The position of the turret at the end of the working stroke is determined by the position of the corresponding adjustable stop on the stop drum.
ІІІ Ответить на вопросы:

1. What is the preparation of a turret lathe of the machine to work?

2. What should be done before installing the cartridge?

3. What is the next adjustment element for installing the cartridge?

4. What determines the position of the turret at the end of the working stroke?

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