анализ политики

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анализ политики
турецкий язык, презентация, реферат, Египет мәдениеті, 5лекция слайд, 5лекция слайд, fizika-formuly-ege, Жоспар3, Жоспар3, Жоспар3, 158, Химический состав биогумуса, Химический состав биогумуса, ABDRAKHIMOVA A.O. Tezis 02 ,04,2018
The Importance of Policy Analysis
Appropriate policy analysis is essential. If you have the opportunity to receive many benefits, they are listed below:

• Assisting in the adoption of a more effective policy through the identification and systematic comparison of potential decisions in the context of clearly defined goals (criteria). The criteria should take into account the specific circumstances of the country. Unfortunately, the use of criteria and decisions that take into account local specifics is often absent in the process of providing policy recommendations. Often, decisions are based on model decisions borrowed from the experience of other countries or donor recommendations. This can lead to unreasonable or unacceptable decisions being made, or even new problems.

• Identification of solutions with the lowest costs. Incorrect definition of a problem and its solution without conducting a detailed analysis can lead to inefficient spending of funds, while the original problem will remain unresolved.

• Protecting the public interest and preventing undue interference from private interests. A thorough analysis of the problem and proposed solutions and determination of solutions based on clearly formulated criteria will minimize the corruption impact and help protect public interests. When decisions are made without careful study and in the absence of reliable data, it is easier to make those that favor private interests.

In the absence of a policy analysis, which is based on a proper and systematic analysis using reliable data, the quality of government decisions suffers, and with it the budget and the legitimacy of the state.

It is not surprising that governments of countries with high human development indicators pay special attention to pragmatic policy analysis in decision-making. In such countries, as a rule, policy decisions come from a thorough analysis by neutral and qualified professionals. In addition, more and more states are introducing requirements to consult with key stakeholders before making a decision. Conversely, in countries that rank low in development rankings, decisions are often based on personal, private, ideological and political considerations, rather than on a pragmatic approach focused on the public interest.

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