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Speakers. Speakers are used to play sound. They may be built into the system unit or connected with cables. Speakers allow you to listen to music and hear sound effects from your computer (Figure 13).

Figure 13 - Computer speakers

Modem. To connect your computer to the Internet, you need a modem. A modem is a device that sends and receives computer information over a telephone line or high-speed cable. Modems are sometimes built into the system unit, but higher-speed modems are usually separate components (Figure 14).

Figure 14 - Cable modem

Tasks. Students have to work in pair share. Before to continue the lecture, work with a partner and discuss the pictures below (Figure 15).

Figure 15 – Developing technologies

Home task

After this lesson, you should be able to write essay (about 250 words):

  • Computer nowadays.

Lecture 4 Operating system
Operating System (or shortly OS) primarily provides services for running applications on a computer system.

The primary need for the OS arises from the fact that user needs to be provided with services and OS ought to facilitate the provisioning of these services. The central part of a computer system is a processing engine called CPU. A system should make it possible for a user’s application to use the processing unit. A user application would need to store information. The OS makes memory available to an application when required (Figure 16). Similarly, user applications need use of input facility to communicate with the application. This is often in the form of a key board, or a mouse or even a joy stick (if the application is a game for instance).

Figure 16 – Parts of computer

The output usually provided by a video monitor or a printer as some times the user may wish to generate an output in the form of a printed document. Output may be available in some other forms. For example it may be a video or an audio file.

Let us consider few applications.

  • Document Design.

  • Accounting.

  • E-mail.

  • Image processing Operating Systems/Introduction to Operating System Lecture Notes.

  • Games.

We notice that each of the above application requires resources for

    • Processing information.

    • Storage of Information.

    • Mechanism to inputting information.

    • Provision for outputting information.

    • These service facilities are provided by an operating system regardless of the nature of application.

The OS offers generic services to support all the above operations. These operations in turn facilitate the applications mentioned earlier. To that extent an OS operation is application neutral and service specific.

From the user point of view the primary consideration is always the convenience. It should be easy to use an application. In launching an application, it helps to have an icon which gives a clue which application it is. We have seen some helpful clues for launching a browser, e-mail or even a document preparation application. In other words, the human computer interface which helps to identify an application and its launch is very useful (Figure 17).

Figure 17 – Working scheme

This hides a lot of details of the more elementary instructions that help in selecting the application. Similarly, if we examine the programs that help us in using input devices like a key board – all the complex details of character reading program are hidden from the user. The same is true when we write a program. For instance, when we use a programming language like C, a printf command helps to generate the desired form of output. The following figure essentially depicts the basic schema of the use of OS from a user stand point. However, when it comes to the view point of a system, the OS needs to ensure that all the system users and applications get to use the facilities that they need. Operating Systems/Introduction to Operating System Lecture Notes PCP Bhatt/IISc, Bangalore M1/V1/June 04/3.

Also, OS needs to ensure that system resources are utilized efficiently. For instance, there may be many service requests on a Web server. Each user request need to be serviced. Similarly, there may be many programs residing in the main memory. The system need to determine which programs are active and which need to await some form of input or output. Those that need to wait can be suspended temporarily from engaging the processor. This strategy alone enhances the processor throughput. In other words, it is important for an operating system to have a control policy and algorithm to allocate the system resources.

It would be worthwhile to trace some developments that have happened in the last four to five decades. In the 1960s, the common form of computing facility was a mainframe computer system. The mainframe computer system would be normally housed in a computer center with a controlled environment which was usually an air conditioned area with a clean room like facility. The users used to bring in a deck of punched cards which encoded the list of program instructions.

The mode of operation was as follows:

- User would prepare a program as a deck of punched cards.

- The header cards in the deck were the “job control” cards which would indicate which compiler was to be used (like Fortran / Cobol compilers).

- The deck of cards would be handed in to an operator who would collect such jobs from various users.

- The operators would invariably group the submitted jobs as Fortran jobs, Cobol jobs etc. In addition, these were classified as “long jobs” that required considerable processing time or short jobs which required a short and limited computational time.

Each set of jobs was considered as a batch and the processing would be done for a batch.

Like for instance there may be a batch of short Fortran jobs. The output for each job would be separated and turned over to users in a collection area. This scenario clearly shows that there was no interactivity. Users had no direct control. Also, at any one time only one program would engage the processor. This meant that if there was any input or output in between processing then the processor would wait idling till such time that the I/O is completed. This meant that processor would idling most of the time as processor speeds were orders of magnitude higher than the input or output or even memory units.

Clearly, this led to poor utilization of the processor. The systems that utilized the CPU and memory better and with multiple users connected to the systems evolved over a period of time as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18 - Chart

At this time we would like to invoke Von - Neumann principle of stored program operation. For a program to be executed it ought to be stored in the memory. In the scheme of things discussed in the previous paragraph, we notice that at any time only one program was kept in the memory and executed. In the decade of 70s this basic mode of operation was altered and system designers contemplated having more than one program resident in the memory. This clearly meant that when one program is awaiting Operating Systems/Introduction to Operating System Lecture Notes completion of an input or output, another program could, in fact, engage the CPU.

Каталог: sites -> default -> files -> publications
publications -> М. П. Ешимов ф.ғ. к., доцент, Р. С. Нұртілеуова аға оқытушы
publications -> Жаппарқұлова Анар Абусайылқызы ОҚмпи қазақ және әлем әдебиеті кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, ф.ғ. к. Шымкент қаласы. Майлықожа ақынның шығармашылық ықпалы
publications -> Білімнің биік ордасы. Высокий центр знании.)
publications -> Қазақ халқының шешендік өнері Абилбакиева Ғ. Т
publications -> 1903 жылы Санкт-Петербургте «Россия. Біздің Отанымыздың толық географиялық сипаттамасы» деп аталатын көп томдықтың XVІІ томы қазақ халқының тарихына арналып, «Киргизский край» (Қазақ өлкесі) деген атаумен шықты
publications -> Олжастанудың деректі көздері
publications -> Өмірде өнегелі із қалдырған, халықаралық қатынастар факультетінің тұңғыш деканы Гүлжауһар Шағатайқызы Жамбатырова
publications -> С. торайғыров мұрасының ТӘуелсіздік тұсында зерттелуі
publications -> Жамбыл жабаевтың арнау өЛЕҢдері сағынған Назерке Берікқызы
publications -> Ш.Құдайбердіұлы және М.Әуезов шығармашылығындағы тұтастық Нұрланова Әсем Нұрланқызы

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