Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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Рахимжанова 0кл
Рахимжанова 0кл, ктп 1 класс



Scheduled activity




Warm up:

of the lesson

Ask the learners to clap their hands to the beat as they

chant “The Hello Song”.

5 minutes

Introduce the topic and the objectives of the lesson.

To develop correct pronunciation, we recommend

You can use the

playing tongue-twisters for the sounds [g], [t], [ɔi], [ǝ:],

following resources for





Greedy Grandpa grabbed Grandma’s greasy grubs.




Noisy boys enjoy toys, but noisy boys enjoying noisy


toys are annoying.




Curt’s shirt is shorter than Shirley’s skirt.


When the wizard winked and waved his wand, the wars

of the world went away.


Stick strictly six stick stumps.

Main part of

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

the lesson

Play the audio and pay the learners’ attention to the

new words they hear. Pause at each picture and mime

the action. Then play the audio again and make the

learners repeat them.

Track 14.

Foxy, stand up. Wolfy, take your bag, please.

Sit down, boys and girls. Open your book, please.

15 minutes

Digger, close your book, please.

Goodbye, boys and girls.

For better memorizing of the new words, make the

male learners do the actions as you say them.

As a variation give different instructions for boys and

girls, e.g.: Boys, stand up. Girls, stand up too. Boys

take your books. Girls, sit down, etc.

Exercise 2. Listen and point.

Ask the learners to listen and point to the corresponding


Track 15.

1. Stand up.

10 minutes

2. Sit down.

3. Open your book.

4. Take your pen.

5. Close your book.

Exercise 3. Listen and sing.

Encourage the children to sing the song and to mime

while singing.


Track 16.

Take your book.

Open your book.

Close your book.

Stand up and sit down.

Stand up, stand up and turn around.

Stand up, stand up and turn around.

Activity book

Exercise 1. Listen to your teacher and put the right

sticker in the box.

Explain the task to the children. Say the classroom

instructions clearly. Go around the group and check

whether the children did the task correctly.



Sit down.


Take your bag.


Open your book.


Close your book.


Stand up.

Exercise 2. Listen to your teacher and number the

pictures in the order you hear them.

Tell the children to take pencils or pens and write down

the right number opposite the given pictures.



Take your pen.


Take your bag.


Take your book.


Take your pencil.

End of the

End of the lesson:


At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize

their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via

5 minutes

supportive questions: e.g.:

What the new words did we learn today?

Which word/words do we say when we see each other?

What do we say when we finish our lessons?

Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus,

you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will

give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and

name the pictures.

Sing the song of the lesson one more time.

Keep encouraging the young learners for any success

during the class/ whole course to make them feel more

comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the


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